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DrtBalu's Otolaryngology Online


Myringitis Granulosa
De nition:

Granular myringitis (Myringitis granulosa) is a speci c form of otitis externa. It is characterized by the presence of granulation tissue on
the lateral aspect of the ear drum sometimes with involvement of external auditory canal.
1. Granular myringitis
2. Granulating myringitis
3. Granulomatous otitis externa
4. Chronic myringitis
5. Acute granulomatous myringitis

Histopathology: Specimen for HPE is easy to obtain.

1. Oedematous granulation tissue with capillaries and diffuse in ltration of chronic in ammatory cells.
2. There is no lining epithelium over these granulation tissue
1. High ambient temperature
2. Swimming
3. Lack of personal hygiene
4. Exposure to local irritants
5. Foreign bodies
6. Bacterial and fungal infections
7. Occasionally may complicate grafted ear drum


1. Foul smelling discharge from the involved ear

2. There is very little or negligible pain
3. There may be fullness / irritation in the affected ear
4. Hearing is nearly normal
5. Some patients may be totally asymptomatic

The ear drum is covered with purulent secretions, which on removal reveals the underlying granulation tissue. Granulations may be
localized or diffuse. The localized form of granulations are the most common, here small areas of the drum are affected, with formation
of one or more polyps. These granulations are common over the postero superior margin of the ear drum. These granulations may also
affect the adjacent wall.
Despite all these signs the ear drum is intact.

All these patients must under go pure tone audiometric evaluation to rule out middle ear pathology.

Localized form:Meticulous microscopic debridement will help.
Topical administration of steroid / antibiotic ear drops will help
These patients should be treated over a prolonged period to time.
Application of caustic agents like formalin / trichloroacetic acid can be tried.
In refractory cases surgical removal of granulations can be attempted.

Image showing myringitis granulosa

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