Topic 7 - Govenments

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1 ) aid: sự trợ giúp

2) compelling: thuyết phục

3) cost-effective ( adj ) : hiệu quả kinh tế, hiệu quả chi phí

4) deprived ( adi ) : thiếu thốn

5) digital technology ( np ) : công nghệ kĩ thuật số

6) financial assistance ( np ) : hỗ trợ tài chính

7) financial resources ( np ) : nguồn lực tài chính

8) governmental budget / allowance / spending ( np ) : ngân sách của chính phủ / trợ
cấp của chính phủ / chi tiêu của chính phủ

9) inadequate ( adj ) : không thoả đáng

10) money-wasting ( adj ) : lãng phí tiền bạc

11) precursor ( n ) : tiền thân

12) promote ( v ) : khuyến khích, thúc đẩy, ủng hộ

13) recompense ( n ) : phần thưởng, đền bù, đãi ngộ

14) stimulate ( v ) : kích thích

15) sustainable ( adj ) : bền vững

16) take a ( giant ) leap ( collocation ) : thực hiện bước nhảy vọt, tiến 1 bước dài

17) treasure ( v ) : quý trọng, coi trọng

18) willingly (adv): sẵn sàng, vui lòng

Task 1: Translate from Vietnamese to English

1. Trong bản dự thảo mới về ngân sách chính phủ, ngành công nghiệp du lịch đã nhận
được nhiều hỗ trợ tài chính hơn.

2. Với sự ra đời của Iphone, Apple đã tiến 1 bước dài để trở thành công ty dẫn đầu về
công nghệ điện thoại thông minh.

3. Với sự trợ giúp của công nghệ kĩ thuật số, các nghệ sĩ có nhiều cách hơn để tạo ra
tác phẩm nghệ thuật và tiếp cận công chúng.

4. Chiếc nhẫn này đã được truyền qua nhiều thế hệ trong gia đình tôi, bởi vậy tôi
luôn trân trọng nó.

5. Các bác sỹ và giáo viên tại Việt Nam thường được trả lương thấp, điều này là 1 sự
đãi ngộ không thoả đáng đối với những gì họ đóng góp cho xã hội.

Task 2: Write sentences from given cues

1. Long / public holiday / be / way / stimulate / economic growth.

2. It / not / be / cost-effective / buy / expensive / new / computer / when / all / you /

want / do / be / store / photos

3. Financial resources / be / money / available / business / spend

4. Biological research / often / be / precusor / medical breakthrough.

5. Deprived / life / be / double-edged sword / it / motivate / or / discourage /

people / try.
Some people think that governments should give financial to artists, musicians and
poets. Others think it is a waste of money.Discuss both views and give your opinion

Governmental finance as a form of support for artists has evolved into a major topic
of concern in modern society. While some believe there are real benefits to this
policy, I would contend that this is a waste of 1……………………………………………

There is a common belief that artists should be provided with financial support by
state. People may argue that some artists receive 2……………………………………………………
compared with what they contribute to society. For example, Nguyen Van Ty, the
composer of many nationally-famous songs in Vietnam, lived a 3……………………….. life
and died in poverty. Another significant reason for this belief is that once the
4………………………………………… on supporting artists is allowed, thousands of young
artists would be 5……………………….. to contribute more to the development of art. A
clear example of this is that the 2005 6…………………………………….. for young
photographers in Singapore acted as a 7…………………….. to an era in which
Singaporean photography 8……………………………………….. to become a leading industry
in the whole country's art sector .

However, I am convinced that this type of 9……………………………………….. is wasteful.

The primary reason is that in today's economy, artists can take care of themselves
financially without the help of the government. With the 10………….. of the Internet
and 11……………………………….., artists can now reach millions of people by publishing
their artwork online. With this larger target audience, artists may easily find buyers
for their paintings , songs or writing and therefore do not need
12…………………………………. Another significant reason why this is a waste of money is
that there are better ways for the government to spend their budget for
development of the arts. Investment in education in the arts, for example, not only
raises the public awareness of the arts, but also make people 13…………………….. them
more. The result of this practice is that the public would 14…………………….. pay more
for paintings, music or poetry, which is a more 15………………………….. way to
16……………………….. the arts. This makes providing artists with financial assistance a
less 17……………………………… and thus a 18………………………………. policy.

To conclude, although the idea of giving artists financial assistance is worthwhile in

the view of some people, I firmly believe that there are far more
19………………………….. reasons why this policy is a waste of money in today's society.
1. acquisition ( n ) : sự thu nhận được
2. advocate ( n ) : người ủng hộ, tán thành
3. aid ( n / ) : hỗ trợ, trợ giúp
4. build-operate-transfer model = bot model (n) : mô hình xây dựng – vận hành –
chuyển giao. Chính phủ kêu gọi các công ty tư nhân bỏ vốn xây dựng (build) thông
qua đấu thầu, sau đó khai thác vận hành 1 thời gian (operate) và sau cùng là chuyển
giao (transfer) lại cho nhà nước.
5. call for ( ph v ) : kêu gọi
6. core ( n ) : cốt lõi, trung tâm
7. counterpart ( n ) : tổ chức tương ứng
8. crucial ( ad ) : quan trọng, cốt yếu
9. deploy ( v ) : triển khai
10. enormous ( adj ) : khổng lồ, to lớn
11. forego ( v ) : từ bỏ
12. fund ( n / ) : vốn, tài trợ
13 . geneticist ( n ) : nhà di truyền học
14 . grant ( v ) : ban tặng, trao thưởng, cấp cho,
15 . in exchange for ( collocation ) : để đổi lấy
16. infrastructure ( n ) : cơ sở hạ tầng
17. innovation ( n ) : sáng kiến, đổi mới
18 . mass-production ( n ) : sản xuất hàng loạt
19 , necessitate ( v ) : cần phải có
20 . pivotal ( adj ) : then chốt, chủ chốt
21 . quota ( n ) : chỉ tiêu, hạn ngạch
22 . sacrifice ( v ) : hi sinh
23 . solely ( adv ) : duy nhất
24 . substantial ( adi ) : đáng kể
25 . sustainable ( adj ) : bền vững
26 . thrive ( v ) : khởi sắc, phát triển
Task 1: Write sentences from given cues

1. company / resonsider / way / in which / it / deploy / its staff

2. sick dog / begin / thrive / when / he / placed / loving family.

3. president / met / cândian / counterpart / talk / trade treaty.

4. reduction / government spending / necessiate / further / cut / public / service

5. since / I / diet / I / decide / forego / friend / dessert offer.

Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English

1. Dịch vụ khách hàng đóng vai trò then chốt đối với 1 doanh nghiệp thành công.

2. Tình trạng ngày càng cũ kĩ của đường phố, đường hầm và cầu đều cần sự sửa chữa
cấp thiết.

3. Chính quyền thời hậu chiến mang nhiệm vụ to lớn là tái thiết đất nước.

4. Phần lớn các câu lạc bộ và các hoạt động đều được tổ chức ở trung tâm thành phố
để mọi người có thể tiếp cận dễ dàng.

5. Những người làm việc ở tổ chức Chữ thập đỏ thường trợ giúp hồi sức cho những
nạn nhân của thiên tai bằng cách cung cấp sự chăm sóc y tế cho những ai bị thương
Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international
organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is needed. Discuss
these views and give your own opinions.

The support of the international community is of paramount importance to the

development of less-developed parts of the world. Some people believe that
1…………………….support is indispensable. However, I contend that international funds
are not necessary for development while technical assistance is arguably a more
effective way of helping developing countries.

2………………………… of 3……………………….developing countries financial help may argue

that this form of support is essential for the construction of 4………………………… a task
that often requires a 5…………………………. amount of investment. From my
perspective, this argument is flawed. Developing countries, as a norm, have to
many of their national interests to be eligible for international funding. A clear
illustration of this is that the Vietnamese government had to remove a 7…………………..
on Japanese cars 8……………………………….. the Japanese government's approval of
funding for two major agricultural projects in the Red River. As there are many other
methods of 9…………………………… investment that do not often require countries to
10…………………….. their interests , such as using the
11……………………………………………….. of project financing, I argue that international
financial support is unnecessary.

I am firmly convinced that non-financial assistance from the international community

has a 12……………………... role to play in the developing world. This is because
13 ………………………development 14………………………the building of a strong workforce
and the 15………………………… of technology, neither of which can be provided
16……………………. by financial help. In reality, many forms of technical assistance have
been offered to developing countries, including knowledge sharing and the transfer
of technological 17……………………………. There are many success stories of less-
developed nations receiving this type of support, as can be seen in the classic case of
basmati rice production in Indonesia. In the late 1990s, a group of Indian plant
and agricultural specialists was 19 ……………………………. in Indonesia to share their
expertise with and to transfer the 20…………………………………… technology of this
variety of rice to their Indonesian 21…………………………….. The 22………………………….
and long-lasting success of the basmati rice industry in Indonesia in the following two
decades has proven that international technical support is essential for lower-income
countries to develop sustainably.

From the arguments outlined above , one may conclude it is practical assistance , not
financial support , that is 23…………………….for developing nations to
in the long term. I predict that practical 25…………… and advice will be at the
26……………… of international support in the future.


1. average (adj): trung bình

2. average-income working people : người đi làm có thú nhập trung bình

3. burden (n): gánh nặng

4. counterproductive (adj): phản tác dụng

5. decisive (adj) : mang yếu tố quyết định

6. expenditure (n): chi phí, tiêu dùng

7. for the sake of : vì lợi ích gì đó

8. hazards (n): mỗi nguy hiểm

9. on a regular basis = regularly : thường xuyên

10. opt for : lựa chọn

11. prevalent (adj) : phổ biến

12. sacrifice (v): hi sinh

13. scheme (n) : khung, kế hoạch

14. senseless (adj): vô nghĩa

15. switch (v): chuyển sang

16. the ease of : sự dễ dàng, đơn giản, thoải mái

Task 1: Write sentences from given cues

1. government / annual / expenditure / arms / reduce.

2. it / clear / that / consumer / opt for / low price / good.

3. many / woman / sacrifice / their / own / ambitions / put / their family / first.

4. Sweden / know as / nation / ridden / suicide and alcoholism / but / those problems / no /
more prevalent / here / than / most / European country.

5. buy / house / often / place / large financial burden / young couples.

6. economy / regard / as / decisive factor / which / will / determine / outcome / general


7. his / controllable / anger / very / counterproductive / his attempt / save / his marriage.

8. average / woman / live / long / than / man.

9. the sake / those / who / already / read / the chapter / I / not / go / it / too much detail.

10. after / bank / rob / gang / switch / cars.

In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a
result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a
higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent, do you agree or disagree with this

Recently, the increasing presence of fast food has caused many policy makers to consider
specific taxation 1…………………………… that may fundamentally reduce the consumption of
food. However, I contend taxation may not be an effective solution for the following

Despite the increased prices because of tax, consumers may still 2………………………. fast food
for 3………………………………………… it brings. In a world with a busy lifestyle, there could be
extremely few customers willing to wait for fifteen minutes in their lunch time to be served
with a healthy meal. In other words, food quality can sometimes be sacrificed
4………………………………………… saving time. Convenience, on the other hand, is perhaps the
most significant 5…………………………… factor when the majority of the population choose
what to eat 6………………………………………. This is an absolute advantage of fast food , due to its
7…………………………… value of being fast, making it the 8…………………………… choice regardless
of the health 9…………………………… it brings.

From the financial perspective, increased tax on fast food could even be a
10…………………………………………….. solution to the problem. This is primarily because fast food
is an economical choice for a large number of 11
……………………………………………………………………….. If such a tax policy is introduced , those who
are on a limited food budget will be the ones who will suffer. It will not, therefore, mean
12……………… to healthier food, which still remain relatively more expensive. As a result , a
tax alone may only place a financial 13…………………….. on the average tax-payers.

To conclude , it seems 14………………………… to convey the idea that a higher tax on harmful
precooked food is an appropriate measure, as it may lead to heavier routine
1. a barrage of : 1 tràng, 1 loạt

2. abdominal (adj) : ở phần bụng, thuộc phần bụng

3. acute (adj) : đau đớn

4. be fraud with = be full of : đầy rẫy những điều gì

5. be out of all proportion to: quá mạnh 1 cách không cần thiết để xử lý 1 việc gì

6. ethical (adj) : có đạo đức, mang tính đạo đức

7. ever-present (adj) : luôn hiện diện

8. fatal (adj) : gây chết người

9. legislation (n) : lập pháp, pháp chế

10. make for: tạo thành

11. malfunction (n) : găjp trục trặc khi hoạt động, lỗi khi hoạt động

12. mental scars : ảnh hưởng lâu dài về tâm lý

13. rigour (n): tính nghiêm khắc, tính khắc nghiệt

14. spectacular (adi) : ngoạn mục, ấn tượng

15. strenuous (adj) : tốn rất nhiều công sức và sự cố gắng

16. to be a springboard for st: tạo điều kiện cho cái gì đó diễn ra

17. tragic outcome : hậu quả tồi tệ

Task 1: Write sentences from given cues

1. student / not / apply / oneself / will not / able / handle / rigour / medical school

2. since / 2001 / American / always / feel / ever-present / danger / terrorist / attack.

3. lawyer / politician / often / insult / their / apparent / lack / ethical / value.

4. everyone / agree / film / inside / chocolate factory / make for / good television.

5. shortly / before / crash / pilot / report / malfunction / aircraft / navigation system.

Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English

1. Màn trình diễn ngoạn mục đã thu hút những tràng pháo tay như sấm từ khán giả.

2. Tinh thần chăm chỉ và đoàn kết của người Nhật tạo điều kiện cho sự hồi sinh kì
diệu sau những thiệt hại mà cơn sóng thần gây ra

3. Cảnh sát đang điều tra một vụ tái nạn xe hơi gây chết người xảy ra đêm qua.

4. Cuộc sống của một điệp viên đầy rẫy những khó khăn và nguy hiểm mà người bình
thường không thể hiểu được.

5. Anh ấy lười đến mức hiếm khi làm việc gì tốn nhiều công sức hơn việc chuyển
kênh TV
Some people think that goverments should ban dangerous sports, while others think
people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.

The media commonly provide 1……………………………………… news about dangerous sports ,

because the deaths and 2……………………………… associated with them often
3……………………………… spectacular headlines. As a result, some people have claimed that all
extreme sports should be banned, although I would argue that such a policy would
4……………………………………………………………… to the real risks involved.

Those in favour of prohibiting people from taking part in dangerous sports tend to focus on
the risk element. Even when individuals may be physically and mentally prepared to
participate in extreme sports activities, and even when they have all the right equipment,
the dangers are 5…………………………… For example, few sports are as challenging and
6……………………………………………… as BASE jumping. Participants hurl themselves off cliffs or
tall buildings, and few escape without suffering severe bruising or 7………………………………
pains which normally last for several days. In addition, although sports equipment rarely
8…………………………………., this may still happen, and the consequences may be
9………………………… - such as a BASE jumpers parachute failing to deploy. The supporters of
10……………………… to ban dangerous sports argue that such 11…………………………………………
not only affect the individual victims, but also leave 12 ………………………………………… which
their families then have to live with for the rest of their lives.

However, I support the view of those who contend that participation in extreme sports must
be a matter of personal choice. Firstly, overcoming physical challenges may
13………………………………………… for positive personal transformation. It may make a person
stronger and more determined, and the experience may be a life-changing one. Secondly,
the 14……………………… of preparation in order to take part in mountain-climbing, white-
water rafting or other such extremely 15…………………………… activities demonstrate that an
individual is in peak health and physical condition. Finally, there an 16……………………. aspect
which dictates that a person should have the freedom to pursue the challenges which they
set themselves, even though this may involve a level of risk that others might find

In conclusion, while acknowledging the real risks, I would defend the right of any individual
to take part in the extreme sport of their choice.

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