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Our Promise to You: Organic and

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We handcraft skin care—using organic and wildcrafted ingredients—that promises

beautiful, glowing skin.

We do this using our 3-step,

Energized Botanical Infusion Process.

We carefully curate organic and We infuse hand-selected herbs into We then add high-performance seed oils,
antioxidant-rich botanicals, and synergistic plant
wildcrafted ingredients—from herbs organic aloe vera and skin-nutritive stem cells that deliver skin-supporting nutrients
to high-vibration plant extracts— oils at low heat (never over 95°). and luxurious aromatherapy.
that meet the highest standards of These botanical infusions are left to Finally, we house all of our products in Miron
violet glass, which energizes the organic
quality and effectiveness for your steep for up to 30 days and molecules of the product by filtering in a small
skin and body. We forge energized by crystals before serving percentage of light while protecting it from the
relationships with farmers and as a potent base for all our formulas. harmful rays of the light spectrum. These are
then packaged with intention using sustainable
tirelessly audit our sources to materials that are recyclable or made up of post-
maintain our standards of purity and consumer waste, and produced at a wind-
sustainability. powered facility.



Our Promise to You: Organic

and Wildcrafted

With every purchase we make, we are given a choice. Not only about what we
want to put on or in our body, but who and what we want to support.

“Organic” is not just some fancy buzz word that will be out of style in a decade. It’s
here to stay because, we feel, it’s how things should be—organic and just as pure
as nature intended.

We use organically grown ingredients in all our products, from farmers that use
little to no pesticides and natural fertilizers to produce them. Growing organics and
using them for our skin care is one of the most proactive ways for us to coexist
with the environment, create a thriving ecosystem for all creatures, and make your
skin look beautiful—all at the same time.

There are times when we don’t use certified organic ingredients, but in these
cases, this is either because we have found a source that is grown organically but
uncertified, or the ingredient has been wildcrafted.

A selection of the herbs used in our line are handpicked in the mountains where
they grow wild — this is the definition of wildcrafted.  When we use wildcrafted
herbs, we know that no commercial farming methods have been used, and that the
plants are hearty, vibrant and full of skin-nourishing nutrients.

Wildcrafted herbs cannot be labelled organic, but they are in essence the most
organically grown ingredients we use.  Additionally, if we use water in our
products, we use natural spring water directly from the source, which also cannot
be labelled organic.

We also gladly use ingredients that are grown organically, but not labelled
“organic,” because these are grown by people who care. Large, commercial farms
with organic certification can often time use amounts of chemicals and pesticides
throughout the growing process while maintaining their label. We don’t care about
the label; we just want good ingredients!
In fact, we really don’t see much value in the organic certification process at all,
which is why you won’t see a certified organic label on any of our products.  Here
are a few reasons why:

1. It’s tricky for products that contain wildcrafted ingredients to be labelled

organic because the standards don’t accommodate real herbs from
nature. We agree—it’s silly, but true.
2. If we were to make sure all ingredients in our products were certified
organic, the quality of our products would be compromised.  Generally,
a non-certified ingredient that is grown by a conscious farmer who uses
organic practices will be of higher quality than a certified ingredient
from a large-scale organic grower.
3. We don’t want to pay money to a certifying board that allows other
companies to market lesser products under the guise of “organic.” Just
because it’s organic doesn’t mean it works, is healthy, or will make your
skin glow like it never has before.

Essentially, we as purveyors of the highest quality skin care products on the

market, don’t feel we need to let loose guidelines determine what is good enough
for our line. We want the best, so we go out and find it.
Finally, we choose every ingredient specifically and consciously, taking into
account aspects beyond just organics. We look at sustainability, labor conditions,
and geographic location of the ingredients we source.
We tend to think we have the best of all worlds: the best ingredients, the best
products and the best results, all of which comes from our ability to tap into the
wisdom of nature while also looking at a larger picture of re-establishing our
responsibility to our earth.



Our Promise to Our Promise Our Promise

You: Cruelty to You: Real, to You:
Free Pure, and Commitment
Unadulterated to Truth in

Treating every being on this

planet with compassion is Our skin is our barrier
something that we strongly between us and the The dirty little secret in
believe in. outside world. It is the the skin care industry is
Our lives are all joined largest organ of our that many companies
together, and living in bodies and being that it’s are not required to fully
harmony with every porous, it absorbs disclose all of the
creature is essential to whatever is put on it. ingredients they put into
living in balance. With that It doesn’t have to be their products. The
being said, we do not scary though as long as proof? You don’t have to
believe that any products you are putting clean, go much further than the
including skin care pure products on your FDA website. According
and cosmetics should be skin. to the FDA, “It is the
tested on animals. Our We agree that if you can’t manufacturer's and/or
cruelty free skin care is eat it, perhaps you distributor's
pure, straight from nature, shouldn’t be putting it on responsibility to ensure
and does not require your skin. We don’t use that products are
animals to be involved in any alcohols or labelled properly.”
the testing process. It's chemicals, harsh So, what this means is
safe enough for your skin preservatives or any that the skin care
throughout every step in synthetic fragrances. Our industry is currently not
our formulation process skin deserves pure required to fully disclose
from raw material, to ingredients from clean all of the ingredients in
infusion, to bottling, and and pristine sources. their products. This
finally when you open them is 100% not okay with
up to enjoy. us.

Aisyah Botanical Organics is This is a great product. I It’s all natural and earth
such an amazing skin definitely see an overall friendly. After using this
care brand. I am passionate improvement in my skin. range I feel fresh and my skin
about healthy living and glows with health. My
want the products I put on friends have all commented
my skin to be from the on my skin of late, which
best natural ingredients. makes me feel good.

Rokiah, 52
Sha, 42 years Tarni, 30 years

I have always suffered from I am 60 years old and people This wonderful product is the
dry skin, thanks to Aisyah have been complimenting proverbial breath of fresh
Botanical Organic Skin Care me lately saying that I look doesn't depend on
Product, I now feel hydrated. younger. abrasive or invasive
techniques to get results, the
products are naturally
fragrant and they work.

Win, 35 years Ros, 60 years Jennie, 27 years

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