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Learning Competency
For circular orbits, relate Kepler's third law of planetary motion to Newton's law of gravitation and centripetal
acceleration (STEM_GP12G-IIc-22)

Activity 2: Proving Kepler’s Constant

Kepler’s third law relates the radius of an orbit to its period of orbit. The square of the period of orbit,
divided by the cube of the radius of the orbit, is equal to a constant (Kepler’s Constant) for that one object
being orbited. The equation for this is 𝑲 = 𝑻 𝟑 ; where T is the period of the planet and r is its radius.

Directions: Using this equation, compute for Kepler’s constant from the information of the planets given on the
table below.
Planet Period, T (days) Radius, r (m) Kepler’s constant
Mercury 88 2.44 x 105 5.33 x 10-13
225 6.05 x 10 2.28 x 10-13
365 6.38 x 10 5.13 x 10-13
684 3.40 x 10 1.66 x 10-11
Jupiter 4331 7.14 x 10 5.15 x 10-14

1. What do you notice on the period of the planets if it is farther away from the sun?
2. What happens to the radius of the orbit of the planets if it is farther away from the sun?
3. What is the meaning of the Kepler’s constant in terms of planet’s revolution around the sun?

Activity 3: Let’s Solve

Directions: Solve the following problems
1. Compute for the value of the acceleration due to gravity g of an object at an altitude equal to twice the
radius of the Earth? (radius of Earth = 6.4 x 106 m)
2. Scientists once hypothesized the existence of a planet called Vulcan to explain Mercury’s precession.
Vulcan is supposed to be between Mercury and the Sun with a solar distance equal to 2/3 of that of Mercury.
What would be its supposed period?
3. What is the period T of a planet which radius is as twice as of Earth when it completes one revolution
in 875 days? ( Earth radius = 6.38 x 105)

Activity 4: Think critically

Directions: Read the statement and write your analysis
1. Planet A is lighter than planet B and they orbit the same star. How do you compare the gravitational
force exerted by the star on the two planets?
2. Suppose two planets of the same mass orbit the same star but the distance of Planet A from the star
is thrice that of Planet B, which gravitational force is greater? Explain.

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