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Standard Kandungan
1.2 Makmal sains anda Tarikh:

1.2 AKTIVITI Radas makmal dan bahan-bahan berbahaya PBD

PERBINCANGAN Laboratory apparatus and hazardous substances Kontekstual

Buku teks m/s 9 – 12

A. Namakan radas makmal berdasarkan rajah dan kegunaan yang diberikan.  TP1

Name the laboratory apparatus based on the diagrams and uses given.

Bikar/Beaker Tabung didih/Boiling tube Kelalang kon/Conical flask

Buret/Burette Kaki retort/Retort stand Mangkuk pijar/Crucible
Pipet/Pipette Corong turas/Filter funnel Penunu Bunsen/Bunsen burner
Balang gas/Gas jar Serkup kaca/Bell jar Piring penyejat/Evaporating dish
Tabung uji/Test tube Kasa dawai/Wire gauze Silinder penyukat/Measuring cylinder
Tungku kaki tiga/Tripod stand Kelalang dasar leper/Flat-bottomed flask
Rod kaca dan tiub kaca/Glass rod and glass tube

1 (a) (b) 2 (a) (b) (c)

• Mengisi atau memanaskan • Mengisi cecair atau bahan kimia dalam kuantiti yang besar
bahan kimia dalam kuantiti To contain large quantities of liquids or chemicals
yang kecil/To contain or heat
up small amounts of chemicals
3 5
4 (a)


• Menyukat isi padu cecair dengan

• Menuras campuran pepejal dan
tepat. Pipet menyukat isi padu
• Menyukat isi padu cecair
tetap cecair/To measure the volume
cecair To filter a mixture of a solid
of a liquid accurately. The pipette
To measure the and a liquid
measures a fixed volume of liquids
volume of a liquid
6 7 8
Gelang Cerobong
Barrel Penutup
Collar Lid

Lubang udara
Air hole Tapak

• Untuk pemanasan bahan kimia

• Menyejatkan cecair • Membekalkan nyalaan pepejal
To evaporate a liquid To supply a flame
For heating solid chemicals

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9 10 11

• Mengacau larutan dan • Mengumpulkan gas
• Memegang radas
memindahkan larutan To collect gas
To hold the apparatus
To stir liquids and transfer

12 13 14

• Membolehkan penyebaran • Menyokong radas • Mengasingkan bahan daripada

haba secara sekata semasa pemanasan sekeliling
To allow even heat distribution To support the apparatus To isolate substances from the
during heating surroundings

B. Simbol amaran melabelkan bahan-bahan berbahaya menurut Peraturan tentang Bahan Berbahaya.
Kenal pasti simbol amaran di bawah.  TP1
The hazardous symbols label the hazardous materials according to the Regulations of Dangerous
Substances. Identify the hazardous symbols below.

Mengakis/Corrosive Merengsa/Irritant Mudah meletup/Explosive

Beracun/Poisonous Radioaktif/Radioactive Mudah terbakar/Flammable

1 2 3

• Kloroform/Chloroform •  Merkuri/Mercury •  Plutonium/Plutonium

•  Ammonia/Ammonia •  Bromin/Bromine •  Uranium/Uranium

4 5 6

• Asid dan alkali pekat •  Etanol/Ethanol •  Natrium/Sodium

Concentrated acids and •  Petrol/Petrol •  Kalium/Potassium

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