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Kynna Claire J.


One of the pressing issue today in the Philippines during Duterte’s

presidency is the consideration of death penalty to prisoners with grave offenses,
which I greatly disapprove. The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is
sacred, made in the image and likeness of God. I believe in the sanctity of
human life and the inherent dignity of the human person is the foundation for all
the principles of our social teaching. I believe that every person is precious, from
the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. People are more
important than the measure of every institution or policy. The death penalty
threatens innocent life.

Death penalty disproportionately affects people living in poverty. Almost all

of the death row inmate’s attorney often lack experience, are overworked and
underpaid. This often results in poorly handled cases. Besides, it doesn’t really
guarantee that crimes would go down once it will be implemented again. It
doesn’t make society safer. I think death penalty is something we, as community
members, must not allow.

Catholic social teaching call us all to take active and responsible

participation in the way our communities function. The laws, systems and
processes of government should reflect our call to live justly and uphold the
dignity of all people. It is our responsibility to speak out for the inherent value of
all life to our elected officials and demand to end the death penalty. Death
penalty also doesn’t really bring closure to the victim’s families. As a Catholic, we
should care for the victim’s family and to allow them to heal from the harm they

Death penalty negates the very foundation of Catholic Social Teaching,

that is to care and help other people. I think we should give people a chance to
change and to find God within them. Removing it from them, who are we to have
such right? We are all just human beings and we all deserve a chance to change.
Kynna Claire J. Paclibar

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