Nri Application Form

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BANK OF INDIA For Bank we only Reletionship Beyond Banking. eencr cone BRANCH Customer ID Account No, ‘Account Type Account Opening Form NRE/ NRO / FCNR/ RFC Deposits Accounts ‘The Manage, Date: Bank of india Branch We request you to open an account with you for which Ine fund the account as under : Title of Alc. MrJMrs/Ms. 1 Debit my J our Account No, with Bank of Indi Branch, 1D Maturity Proceeds of my/our Account No. with Bank of india, Branch, 1G Enclosed Cheque / Draft / Traveller's Cheque No. Currency. Amount ccrawn on (Bank name) 1D Remittance irom romitting Bark, Bank address, and remittance reference no. in currency, ‘and amount, 1D Cash Deposit : Amount Currency, FIRST NANE fees Ens 4st_ APPLICANT ‘2nd _ APPLICANT. 3rd APPLICANT sas Pato mnseuc saul (ODminryyy) Suge as 1st__APPLICANT OOOO 0000) 2nd_APPLICANT OOOO 0000) ‘Srd_ APPLICANT. OOO Oooo} Please attach Foim 60 in case of non-availabilty of PAN / GIR NO. INCASE OF AMINOR Mine's dats of Bh (ddim), {submit copy of bth certfcate)Ataine Mejorty On, Name of parent / natural guardian. Address ofthe guardian, Relationship with minor [ —] Father Mather By Court Order (yes please attach a copy) Others (Please specily) 1st APPLICANT 2nd APPLICANT 3rd APPLICANT (OLPY3U, 00008-2007 dst APPLICANT 2nd APPLICANT 3rd APPLICANT = -eanay Tay Mobile Eom PROOF OF ADDRESS SUBMITT! juals) : Please Tick 0 Photocopy of passport with valid visa or work permit 01 PAN Card or Form 60/61 in lieu of PAN Card fanincinajmnaee demoed ncaa ST EIESEE ROE OREO ao Giana took O Current © Recurring Deposit OO Fixed Deposit O Others 1 Monthly income / Quarterly Income MANDATE FOR ACCOUNT OPERATION-ACCOUNT TO BE OPERATED BY & BALANCE PAYABLE TO: OMe 1 Eihor of Survivor 1 Former or Survivor TD Anyone or any one of Survivors: 1 Jonty to allor univer 1 Otners Bisa In case of nsuficent balance in my Savings / Current Account No., please clear my ch withdrawal by tzansfarting funds to my Savings / Currant account by breaking units of myfour fixed deposit. Greece ns O YES ONO Applicable in case of SBICD Account only Gene ea een oeacsken ‘On maturity 1 We authorize the Bank to automaticaly renew the deposit with accruad interest for the same period on the maturity date at the prevaling rate ofnierest unless otherwise informed by melus. 1D Wie authorize the Bank to automatically renew the Recuring depositwth accrued interest forthe same peri in 0.8.0. on the ‘maturity dato atthe provailing rato o intorest unless otherwise informed by rralus. 1] issue DD/Pay Orcer C1Ranaw Princinal ony for the same period atthe prevailing rate of interest and credit interest to my aecount No. For Interest payment 1 Credit to Account No. 1D Issue DDPay Order By cash STATEMENT FREQUENCY ‘Current Accourt 1D Monthly ‘HWeokiy DDallyt “charges Applicable * Pieese complete the nomination form attached herewith (i Das enum eke soaas Nam: Account No. | Custemer ID. confirm that Iam an account holder with Bonk of india for Bat Tronthe | years, | cortty fiat have known Mire IMiss, since last ‘months / years and confirm his/ her/ thei entity, occupation and address slate (open the account ‘Signature of introducer Photo Photo Photo Signature in the presence of Bank Official (Applicants should also sign across photographs) Signature of Applicant 1 Signature of Applicant 2 Signature of Applicant 3 For Bank use Cus ID No. FOR BRANCH USE Letter of thanks sent to Account opened and verified by | Approved by introducer / customer on Name : Name: Introducer contacted on Signeture with code No. Signature with code No. Inthe ovent of doath of any of the joint depositors, prio: te maturty ofthe deposit, the Bank willatthe requestafthe surviving ‘cepositor orallthe surviving depesitore, be al liborty though not bound and atits absolute diserotion to addidelote snynamo ‘of fo repay the deposit before maturity, or lo gran! an advance againstthe secutty thereof, on such terms as the Bark moy Iniis absoute discretion decide and such repayment before maturity shall constituea valid discharge to the Bank, DECLARATION IN CASE OF A MINOR ACCOUNT Thereby doctare that the date of bith__/_/_of the minor wha is my. ‘and Lam his/her natural {guardian /lawiul guardian appointed by the court erder dated (espy srclosed). | shal represent the said ‘minor in all fulure transactons of any description in the above account unil the said minor attains majorly. | indemnify the Bankagains! the claim cf theabove minor forany withdrawal transactions made by me in his her account, Signature of Guardian PE en ee Ime confirm having read/ocen explained and understood the Rules pertaining to various Accounts/Services es alzo the Citzens' Charter and We do hereby agree to be bound by the terms and conditions, outlined in these rules which govern the aecount(s) which We amiare opening with Bank of India and amendments thereto made from time to time and those ‘lating to various sorvicos including but ratlimitad to ATM Card ! Credil Card / Debit Card / Tele-banking, MBB Banking, Interne! barking SMS/Mcbilo Banking, ele., |agree thal changes from time to time in the Bani’s rules rclaling 16 my/our diferent accounts and/er other sarvicos would bo ‘made avaliable 10 mofus on the Bank's website. And that | would be bound by such changes in terms and concitions pertaining othe difierent accountsiservices. We understand thatthe bank may alits absolute discretion discontinue any of the services completely or partially without any notice to molus, We agres that the bank may debit my accountfor service charges 2 applicable from time to time. \yWe wil take every care to keep the cheque book in mylour safe custody. /We will also keep watch on the day to day ‘transactions todetecteearly frauds, # any, committed by mylour agertiemployee. We confirm that the purpose and reason for opening of this account or establishing the relationship are: ‘The anticipated nature of the activity propesedis ‘The anticipated level turnover) of actvity that is boing undertaken is: ‘The expected origin of the funds to beused within he proposedrelalionship Anyother: nee ts Inapplicat We hereby declare that the information fuishedaboveis true and correct othe best of my knowledge DECLARATION We hereby cectare that | emiwe are non resideni(s) of Indian Origin, we understand thatthe accouni(s) are being opened on the basis ofthe statements dactaralions made by malus and lWWe also agree thet if any of the statements/cectaralions made hereinis found to benct correctin material paticulars, you are not ocund to pay any intereston the deposit made by molus, We agree that no claim willbe made by melus forary ntoresi on deposit’ for any period afta the datols of maturity of he doposils UWWe agreo to abide by tho provicions af the Foroign Currency (Non-Resident AccounlINon-Residont Extornal) AccounlNon- Resident (Ordinary) Account and Resident Foreign Currency account schemes. We hereby undertake to intimate you about my/our return to india for permanent residence immediately on arial. VWie futher uncerstand thet on my/our retumn to Inda myloutintimaling you the same, Mylour FCNR Depost willbe corwerted into Rupees and thereafter account wll be designated as resident account and if the deposits kept for further tern, interest willbe payable on the Rupee ceposit atthe raleoriginaly fixed. We agroo that tho premature withdrawal is permitted af my/our request, the payment of interest on the deposit may be allowed in aczordanco withthe provaiing stipulaions laid dow by Rosorve Bark of India, Bank of Incia inthis regard. Iie further understand that the interest payable oa renewals wil be atthe applicable ruing rates onthe date of maturity, and that the ‘deposit receipt wil be renewed on myfour presenting the matured receipt on the maturly date. You may at your option but at ‘my/our risk and resporsibilty in al respect, appoint an agent, who shall be my/our agent to collect end the transmission of any cheque, bis, hundies or olher instruments or share cefiieates or olner documenis or goods oF the instruments received in ‘exchange cr payments theract, and the advices and correspondence relating thereto, whether by posto otherwise and whether by land, sea or ait o by telegram or cables shall be entirely at myfour risk and rospensiblty and any loss, damage or delay howsoever ocesioned shall Be on my/our accountandbe wholly borne by me/us. We undertake that I/We shell not make available to any person resident in India foeign currency against reimoursement in ‘rupees or in any other manner in India. /We further underiake that in case of debts to the accounts for the purpose of investing in India anc credits representing sale proceeds of investments, /We shall ensure that such investments/disinvestments would be covered by either generalor special permission of Reserve Bank. ‘SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 1 ‘SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 2 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 3 < FORM NO, 60/61 (PLEASE SEE THIRD PROVISO TO Rule 1148) (Bectaration to be filed by a person NOT having either a PAN and who intends to make Cash Depositin respect of tansacton specified in clauses (@) to (n) of Rule 114 B) 4. Fullnameand Address of thedectarant : {to be supported by PassportiRation Card/Employee ID/Driving Licence etc. 2. Details of the Document produced in support of, addressin column4: 3. TransactionParticulars = Opening of. Alc 4, Amountoftransaction 5. AreyouAssessediotax?: — Yes/No* 6. IfYes, Details of Income Tex WardiCircle/Rang: Being Agrculturisuincome being not chargeable to IT. Tonner tsi hsl niga visi Declaration by a person having agri. income only | Verification : | do and no other income chargeable tolT hereby dectare that what is stalod above is true to the bost of my Unereby declare that my source of income is from | knowledgeandbelicf. Verified, today the, day of, 200, agriculture and | am not req otherincome (ifany) do pay IT on any Place: Signature of Agriculturist | Date Signature ofthe Declarant ania (Tia rt Sty—1) NOMINATION (Nomination Form DA-1) ‘de reel 3 waa 4 dear hers afar 1949 B aged aszy a Sr eet (amie) Pram 1985 FP 2a ik Nomination under See. 4570 of the Barking Regulation Ae, 1949 and rule 2(1) of the Banking Comparies (Nomination Rules, 1985 in raspoct of Bank Doposit. aye (mm he wen) By aries wee] FR Ne /seees BAY A GT Una A oe are, fieeT Ree AN at Tt A a wea av nr fran rer 21 We. (Name & Address) nominate the folowing person to whom inthe event of my/ourfminors death the amount ofthe deposi in the account, pertculars whereof are given below, may be retumed by Bank of India, Tae sme | Aaxte [after sta a oa] afta ars oie oer Natwe ef Deposis | OistrgustingNo_| Acdtona dot any Name & AdsressofNeminoe Feavak@ eR, WRN E] wy «| aR afte orev &, 4 RF feserayoyoes ran] Mie |romnao's cu Da oro ( Gama ae ii materia NO Ne GAS ste 3 tla Ss ey oat oer es STE alt 4) As the neminea isa minor on this date Wile appoint to receive the amount of the coportin to account on bohall of tho namineo Whe avant oT myouTninars death The My ef te romince WH / Place ReAre / Date: RRR / orIMaL / oust ais a Pa Signatures} thumb impression of Depositcr(s) ann /ani 7 BEER @ Signatsre ofwiness(es) @ ar af @ oaees 3 am a ear re a Oh aor oF TAgee, See A SRG OTT BoE are Par OAT TL \Wnere deposits made in the rame of a minor ihe nomination should be signed by @ person lamfully entiled fo act on behalf ofthe minor. oa ai scence wll B ah RB BE AI / strike cut fnominoeis nota minor. @ SBS fers /at a 2 ween ar TaN TET BART! / Thunb impressions) shall be attested by two witnasses p< waft wig’ / AcknowLeDGeMENT a yom Orin wareat/ at oT aT 9S saa Fries orl oo Set iat wt art @ foe ore fer | Received on. nomination form no. DA for making nomination from In respect of, Tone a Dap Rane othe Reaan ph ae fy ear For BANK OF INDIA ‘URI GMAT Yi. /Depost Account No. Pirie / Date unfiga seni /AUTHORISED SIGNATORY Specimen of Mandate Letter To, Date Bank of India Branch Dear Sirs, Re.: 1g Bank Account No.. in the name (5), of. (We have given my/our authority to Mr/Mrs./Miss. ei cage a yur Sg an Ace lo Wha is nts cee cir and to endorse cheques, drafts bill of exchange, hundies, dividend warrants andinterest coupons payable to me/us ‘and to accept bills of exchange or hundies drawn upon melus and lWwe heroby acknowledge and hold myself / ourselves liable thereon. In the same way asifsigned by myselt/ ourselves. You may treat this authorityis continuing thereon. In the same way asf signed by my self/ ourselves. Yours Faithfully Mr/Mirs./Miss. will sign as... WITNESS... (Signature and address) Additional Information CUSTOMER DETAILS REMARKS Customer Community Code Hinds / Maslim / Sikh / Christiana Customer Status, Tiiterate/ Blind ‘Customer Group Code Reliance Group, Tata Gloup eran Permanent State Code Employer Tel. No. / Fax No. (Credit Card Holder VIN Valid Values - ¥ or N TFY to above Expiry Date then ‘Card Number Caste ‘OBC, BC, FC, OC ete Mother Tongue Business Assets Value Property Assets Value Tnvestment Value Net Worth Deposits with other Banks (Value) Liabilities Value Total Fund Based Advances Amount “Total Non-Fund based Amount Doss the customer's relative have an account with Bank of India IfYto The name of Relative above Relationship then, Branch Code Type of Account / Number ‘NRI/PIO Nationality NRI/PIO Passport Number NRI/PIO Passport Issue Date Passport Details - Issuing Authority Passport Expiring Date Date when customer becomes NRI NRI/ PIO Coniact Relation Name Local Relation Address Local Relation City /PIN No. Local Relation State / Country ‘Local Relation Phone No. NRI/PIO Country Account Details Employee ID (PF number ir employee of the Bank) Sanction Level Code Such as Bm, Cm, AGM ete. ‘Sanction Reference Nuniber ‘Sanction Memo Ref. No. Lien expiry Date For any type of Lien Lien Reason -do- Lein Amount -do- Please tel! us about yourself to serve you better (Information to be given voluntarily) PERSONAL INFORMATION (To be "APPLICANT 4 ‘APPLICANT 2 APPLICANTS filed in by each APPLICANT) ‘STAFF Relatives in Bank of india YES RO ves NO YES NO DIRECTOR(S) RELATIVES IN YES NO YES NO Yes NO BANK OF INDIA EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS ‘Sulet fiom these Undergraduate | Graduate | Post Graduate | Doctorate [ Protessionat MARITAL STATUS MARRIED [SINGLE] MARRIED [SNGLE] WARRIED | SINGLE Depends Tispeuse Parone | EiSpouse LParenis | BSpouse TP arcris Bichidren(Numbering __) | EiChidren(Numbering__) | Cichusrenqvurivering__) TF SPOUSE EMPLOYED. YES [x07 YES [ono [Yes a) EMPLOYMENT DETAILS (OF OWN/SELA) Ocownstion Select om nese Saiariod [Se Empleyed Professional [Business _[Retred _[Sueent [otras TF Employed, Employed in 8 As Select rom ese Pa. Lie Co [C1Gon Secer [DO Walinatene!_ [Eines a [EIManageral | DExecutive EDrecior [Domes Protession Tibocix [ECA /ICWATAGS | Eivouralst [EIAchiest | DiSofwarelT | DEngineer Select rom nese Beawyer| BArmyiNavaaliForce| C}Consutta |EContactor Dotrers No, of oarsin soveebusiness Monthly oom ‘Other Income, Any, {including Spouse's income) Monthiy Household Income Select irom these 5000 | 15000-10000 | 7 10000-20000 __T 11 20000-30000 1 30000 & above Employers Name Employers Adare DETAILS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES VISITED DURING THE LAST THREE VEARS "ASSETS OWNED & APPROXIMATE VALUE. TypeotAsset | Approx. | TypectAsset | Approx | TypeorAssei | Aoprox value vale value RESIDENCE VEHICLES (CAR/IWO WHEELER/SOTH) ‘COMPUTER ‘CELLULAR PHONE: ‘COMMERCIAL PROPERTY LAND OTHERS. TOTAL DEALINGS WITH OTHER BANKS: BANK(S) NAME, BANK(S) RANE EANK(S) NAME ‘GARD (DEOTTIOREDT) HOUSING LOAN ‘VEHICLE LOAN EDUCATIONAL LOAN, PERSONAL LOAN ‘CONSUNER DURABLESIPC LOAN LOANAGAINST SHARES ‘OTHER LOANS (IF ANY) DEPOSITS (PL. MENTION TYPE] ‘SALARY ACCOUNT WITH (Bank) DEMar PAY INTERNET BANKING GMSIRTGS: OTHERS (PL SEG) BANK OF INDIA ADDITIONAL DEPOSIT FORM ‘The Bank that Cares. Plgase use this form for edeilional deposits to be opened in en existing ‘accourt tle (ve. youhaveopened an earier accourt held by A&B, you can Use fis rom toopen an acltional opostin the nameolA& 8.) NEW ACCOUNT DESIRED TO BE OPEN ‘SAVINGS | SAVINGSPLUS | SHORT WONTHLY INCOME | RECURRING ‘OVERDRAFT — | CERTIFICATE. DePosiT__| CERTIFICATE DEPOSITS OF DEPOSIT CURRENT | CURRENT PLUS | FIXED. DOUBLE BENEFIT | FLOATINGRATE | CASH CREDIT | OTHERS beposit | DEPOSITS DEP. ‘CustomerID I ‘AIC NUMBER ‘IstAPPLICANT 2nd APPLICANT 3rd APPLICANT Narno MANDATE FOR Dsingle GEither or Survivor | Ui Former or Survver |ACCOUNT lAry___or Survivor Jointly by all others OPERATIONS Same ae myfour existing Account with yoursolvos PAYMENT Cheque Drawn on’ “Amount TENURE RATE OF DETAILS Number (Bank & Branch) Rupeos {daysimonths! | INTEREST Transfer from Savings / years} Yop.a. Current Account No, Ceah Ra FORTERM DEPOSITS -Payment on mauuntyiinierest TiGredit woAccountNo, Payment (Statement required Monthiyiquarteny Diissue 0D / Pay Order Dey cash FOR TERM DEPOSITS Auto Renewal + (We weuldhnould net lice receive irtimation f impending duo date cf doposivs by posthand doivory. + Leuthorse the Bank to automaticaly renew the deposit with acerued intoreat fer ha same period on the maturily dato st the provaling ‘ate cf interest unless ctherwise informed by me. IGRenew Principal Interest. Renew Principal only __lsaue DDPay Order __C1Croditto Account No. The hve ead andundrstondtho Sark cantons andar on ia ans web Jacreemenr——!> | | escret and apt tote butndby te sl tre an condone ng se excg tng your ‘Sig fe ape athena tyr arcr or sonic charges seappkslerieto te RECURRING ACCOUNT |_| No. of instalments : MONTHS | Naturing on. NOMINATION qwomination Form 04-1) Nomination under Sec. 452A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and rule 2(4) of the Banking Companies (Nomination) Rules, 1985 in respect of bank deposit. {UWe norte the folowing persontowhom lathe even! ofmy /our minor daath the amount of deposttin the above account maybe etumed bythe Gankofincia. ‘Aaneminee is minor onthis date Ws appoint toraccivethe amount ef daposiin the ‘accounton behalfof he norrineein te event af my [our miner edeaih durhgine minorly of hanominee, Name & Address of Neminae Minories mie, Signature of Two Winwssor Date of Birth (trike out it |__{t"Thumbimprocsine obtsined) nominee is nota minor) Nominee's Relationship wih Depostor, ary ‘Age (years) SIGNATURE(S)— Place Dale: {4st APPLICANT 2nd APPLICANT 3rd APPLICANT. ‘ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOMINATION CUSTOMER ID Nomination received & rogistered of ‘ACCOUNT NUMBER Authorised Signatory

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