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Name : Devi Herlianti Yusman

Nim : 21913071
Class : PBI C/3
Intermediate Listening

The weekend – exercises

1. Preparation : Picture Matching

canyoning dirtboarding zip-wiring

white water rafting snowboarding

2. Multiple Selection
1) dirtboarding
2) canyoning
3) go up the Eiffel Tower
4) visit the old parts of the city
5) go round the Louvre
6) go to the Musée D’Orsay

3. Multiple Choice
1) A dirtboard is a board with wheels that you stand on.
2) To go canyoning you need ropes and special equipment .
3) Zip-wiring is easy and exciting.
4) Paris looks so beautiful in the photos .
5) The impressionist paintings are in the Louvre.
6) The famous Rodin statue is called The Thinker .
7) The girl is going to Paris for four days.
8) She’s going with her friend.
Whose weekend would you prefer? The boy’s or the girl’s? Why?
I'd prefer the girl's weekend because. I love walking and shopping, just like that woman did
during her vacation, shopping, walking, and seeing the whole city of paris. I think it's a very fun

What do you like doing at the weekend?

I really like the beach in the afternoon, there we can relax and enjoy the sunset accompanied by
favorite foods. I usually go out with friends if I have time, but sometimes I go alone because the
beach is quite close to my house.

What are your plans for next weekend?

I like to go for a walk with my peers, like going to the beach or just walking in the town square
at night.

Vocabulary Box Write any new words you have learnt in this lesson.
Zip –wiring
white water rafting
Bungee jumping
Notre Dame cathedral
Musée D’Orsay

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