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J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 74 ( 20 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9

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Subtle proteome differences identified between post-dormant

vegetative and floral peach buds

Constantinos Prassinos a , Stamatis Rigas a , Dimosthenis Kizis a ,

Antonia Vlahou b , Polydefkis Hatzopoulos a,⁎
Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, Athens 118 55, Greece
Center of Basic Research II-Biotechnology, Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens, Soranou Efessiou 4, Athens 115 27, Greece


Article history: Proper development of deciduous tree species, including peach, is accomplished through an
Received 30 November 2010 annual growth cycle. Freezing avoidance during winter is necessary for tree survival and is
Accepted 28 January 2011 achieved by the enclosure of meristems in floral and vegetative buds. To elucidate the role of
Available online 23 February 2011 developmentally regulated protein networks in bud break, proteins of the two bud-types were
extracted and analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Of the 1107 protein spots
Keywords: that were picked, 475 were identified and annotated assembling the peach bud proteome
Bud-break reference map. The majority of these proteins are involved in stress-response, detoxification,
Hydrogen peroxide defense, carbohydrate metabolism and energy production. The protein profiles of both bud-types
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase bear high similarity, whereas only 11 proteins were differentially expressed. These proteins were
Redox signaling mainly involved in carbon–nitrogen homeostasis/metabolism and certain developmental
Rosaceae processes to sustain rapid growth of the newly emerging organs. Among these are enzymes
that differentially regulate the levels of H2O2 between floral and vegetative buds, potentially
promoting sequential bud-break. Distinct Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase (NDPK) variants in
floral and vegetative buds were detected suggesting the potential role of NDPKs in H2O2-mediated
signaling for post-dormant bud break. This study provides data towards a better understanding of
dormancy release and bud break.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (buds, seeds, bulbs, cambia, etc.) and is categorized into three
states [1–3]. Paradormancy occurs by inhibition of growth due to
Trees of the temperate region follow an annual growth cycle morphogenic factors synthesized in distal organs other than the
through which they have to survive and flourish the next affected structure. Endodormancy is the result of physiological
growing season. This phenomenon recruits complex mecha- changes internal to the bud preventing the growth during
nisms that allow trees to sense the seasons, protect their vital seasonal transitions to unfavorable for growth environmental
structures and predict the optimal period for growth. In many conditions. Ecodormancy is imposed by temporary adverse
perennial species of the temperate climates, including peach, external environmental factors including abiotic stress condi-
environmental cues such as reduced photoperiod and low tions like temperature extremes, nutrient deficiency or water
temperature trigger growth cessation and lead to the entrance shortage. To strictly set dormancy as a state within meristems
of a state of dormancy [1,2]. rather than the seed-coat-imposed restriction to germination,
Dormancy has been described as the temporary suspension dormancy was further defined as the inability to resume growth
of visible growth of any plant structure containing a meristem from meristematic tissues under favorable conditions [4].

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +30 2105294321.

E-mail address: (P. Hatzopoulos).

1874-3919/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
608 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 4 (2 0 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9

Dormancy cycling coincides with seasonal succession despite expression, protein synthesis and activation causing changes
the effects that global warming may have on both cycles [5]. In in physiological state [1–5]. The molecular mechanisms that
the northern hemisphere, the shift from paradormancy to modulate floral and vegetative bud development upon post-
endodormancy in buds concurs with seasonal transition from dormant bud break have not as yet been elucidated. The aim of
summer to winter when fluctuations in environmental condi- this study is to identify the protein networks involved at this
tions become harsh for growth. The fully endodormant bud crucial developmental stage by constructing the peach bud
becomes ecodormant during the winter period, while in spring proteome map. The vegetative bud proteome was set as
the return of elevated temperatures permit the release of reference to perform comparative analysis with the proteome
dormancy. of the apparently advanced in development flower bud. Even
Endodormancy is in general appreciated as a state of reduced though the proteome profile comparison identified high
metabolic activity and tissue development because many degree of similarity, the relative abundance of eleven proteins
cellular processes are inactivated [1,4,6–8]. Nevertheless, genes was different between the two bud types. Among these are
responsive to dehydration resistance or cold hardiness are enzymes that regulate the levels of H2O2, potentially promot-
up-regulated during the period of dormancy to safeguard the ing sequential floral and vegetative bud-break. This study
buds from the harsh winter conditions [8]. Low temperature, cold reveals the peach post-dormant bud proteome networks and
spells and short days induce the expression of protective hence promotes our knowledge towards the elucidation of the
proteins such as dehydrins, peroxidases, late embryogenesis bud-break timing process, a challenging task that has long
abundant proteins and heat-shock proteins [9–11]. Protection is term implications for sustainable fruit production.
also achieved by the accumulation of soluble carbohydrates such
as raffinose, trehalose, sucrose, glucose and fructose [10,12].
Dormancy release is associated with the resumption of 2. Materials and methods
cell-to-cell communication regulated by plasmodesmata.
Meristematic cells get symplasmically isolated upon transi-
2.1. Plant material
tion to endodormancy [13,14]. The restoration of symplasmic
connections by the removal of callose from plasmodesmata
Trees of the commercial variety “Everts” grew in established
allows the resumption of cell-to-cell communication and
peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batch) orchards located in the area of
dormancy release via trafficking of small molecules or
Arnissa, Northern Greece (40o47′43.22″N, 21o50′11.51″E) at an
proteins to the meristematic cells that acquire growing
elevation of 597 m. Samples consisting of floral and vegetative
capacity. The application of dormancy-breaking agents such
buds at the early stage C of post-dormancy emergence [23], were
as hydrogen cyanamide (HC) induces dormancy release. HC
collected by hand in early March 2008. Buds were immediately
inhibits catalase expression or activity generating oxidative
frozen in dry ice and stored at −80 °C until further use.
stress by the elevation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) [15,16].
Previous observations indicated that H2O2 elevation under
treatments with chemical compounds (e.g., azide, cyanide, 2.2. RNA isolation and RT-PCR analysis
mineral oils, thidiazuron) [2,17] or by external stimuli [18]
promotes dormancy-release. Total RNA was isolated from the bud samples that used also
Bud break of many temperate fruit trees is dependent upon for protein extraction by applying the phenol-SDS method as
exposure to a particular duration of low temperatures. This previously described [24]. RNA concentrations were deter-
period is sensed by accumulating chilling hours, leading to mined spectrophotometrically and verified by ethidium
dormancy release, and differs between tree species [1,2]. bromide staining on agarose gels. DNA contaminations were
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis in poplar revealed 6 QTLs eliminated by treating total RNA with RQ1 RNase free DNase
responsible for bud-break, but also showed that timing of bud- (Promega, WI, USA). Reverse transcription (RT) was performed
break between genotypes is less plastic than timing of bud-set on 0.8 μg of total DNA-free RNA using the Superscript II
[19]. The period between dormancy entrance and release Reverse Transcriptase according to manufacturer's instruc-
furnishes a protective interval against premature bud break tions (Invitrogen, CA, USA). The gene-specific primers and
during mild spells in winter and early spring, leading to severe annealing conditions used for first-strand cDNA synthesis and
frost damage upon subsequent abrupt return to cold periods. RT-PCR amplification for each transcript were as follows:
Climate instability, projected by global climate models, is with LEAFY (61 °C, 617 bp): PpLFY-Forward: GACAACGACTTGGAC-
high certainty expected to increase the frequency of late-spring GACATG and PpLFY-Reverse: AGGGGCATGCACTTTGATCAG;
frosts [20]. Climate warming could increase the risk of frost AGAMOUS (57 °C, 681 bp): PpAG-Forward: GATCGAGAT-
damage to trees in the boreal and temperate zones, a paradoxical CAAGCGGATCG and PpAG-Reverse: GTCCAAGCACATTAAAC-
hypothesis initially presented by Cannell and Smith [21]. Peach TAATTG. The PCR amplification reactions were set up at 25 μL
buds that have acquired appropriate chilling, begin to break and and 29 thermal cycles were performed by the addition of 1 Unit
become prone to such adverse climatic phenomena, which DyNAzyme EXT DNA Polymerase (Finnzymes, Espoo, Finland).
severely compromise fruit production and vegetative growth. For comparative analysis and normalization ACTIN (58 °C,
In April 2007, one such extreme widespread frost occurred in 515 bp) was chosen as the endogenous control: PpACTIN-
south-eastern and central United States with devastating effects Forward: CGAGAAGATGACCCAAATAATG and PpACTIN-
for peach crop yield [22]. Reverse: CTACGTCGCACTTCATGATGG. The products were
Bud break is a phenomenon unambiguously specifying the analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis and viewed with
interplay of environmental favorable conditions with gene ethidium bromide staining.
J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 74 ( 20 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9 609

2.3. Protein sample preparation and 2-DE hydroxycinnamic acid matrix (Sigma Corporation). Peptide
analysis was performed on a Brucker Daltonics Ultraflex
Buds were ground to a fine powder in a mortar and pestle in III MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS spectrometer (Brucker Daltonics,
the presence of liquid nitrogen. For protein extraction, 250 mg Bremen, Germany). Mass spectra analysis was performed
of powdered tissue was used [25]. Briefly, proteins were through the FlexAnalysis 2.2 software (Brucker Daltonics,
precipitated in 2 mL of 10% w/v trichloroacetic acid/0.07% v/v Bremen, Germany).
β-mercaptoethanol/acetone w/v/v overnight at − 20 °C. After A database was designed for proteins of plant species
several washing steps, the pellet was vacuum dried and belonging to the Rosaceae family. EST and contig sequences
resuspended in 1 mL solubilization buffer (7 M urea, 2 M thiourea, were obtained from the Genome Database for Rosaceae (GDR,
50 mM Tris–HCl pH 6.8, 2% w/v 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethy- for the following genera:
lamonio]-1-propanesulfonate, 0.4% w/v DTE). Protein concentra- Prunus (peach, cherry, almond and apricot), Malus (apple), Fragaria
tion was determined by the Bradford assay (Protein Assay, BioRad, (strawberry), Pyrus (pear) [27]. Nucleotide sequences were trans-
CA, USA). Twenty micrograms of protein were resolved on a 10% lated in peptide sequences and annotated with common Perl
SDS-polyacrylamide gel to evaluate the quality and quantity of scripts. The Populus (
the samples. Samples were then stored at −20 °C until further use. home.html) and Arabidopsis thaliana (Swissprot) databases were
For 2-DE, 1 mg of protein was loaded on non-linear also individually downloaded and loaded on MASCOT (Matrix
immobilized pH gradient (IPG) strips (3–10), 17 cm long (3-10NL Science,, London, UK). The parameters
Ready strips, BioRad, CA, USA). The volume of each protein for MASCOT were: Database, Rosaceae or Populus or Arabidopsis;
sample was adjusted to 400 μL with solubilization buffer. Prior to mass tolerance, 35 ppm; MS/MS tolerance, 0.5 Da; missed clea-
loading 0.2% v/v Carrier ampholytes (Resolyte 3.5-10, BioRad, CA, vages per peptide, 0; partial oxidation at methionine residues;
USA) and Protease Inhibitors (Protease Inhibitor Complete, fixed modification of carbamidomethylation of cysteine residues;
Roche, Switzerland) were added to the sample. Proteins were no constraint on the protein mass and pI. MASCOT results based
loaded in a non-cup loading fashion and resolved on a Protean on the Rosaceae database were used for further identification of
IEF cell (BioRad, CA, USA). Rehydration was performed at 50 V the spots. Spots with MALDI score below 60 were also analyzed
for 16 h, followed by pre-run at 250 V for 30 min, step-run at with the Populus and Arabidopsis databases in MASCOT. If the spot
250–5000 V for 12 h and then a run at 5000 V for 14 h or was identified in either of the two databases it was incorporated
120,000 Vh. Strips were equilibrated in 10 mL equilibration buffer into the positively identified spots. Gene ontology search was
I (6 M urea, 50 mM Tris–HCl pH 8.8, 30% v/v Glycerol, 2% w/v SDS, performed using the Blast2GO tool [28]. Amino acid sequences of
0.03 M DTE) for 10 min, followed by a second 10 min equilibra- proteins returned by MASCOT analysis were piped into Blast2GO.
tion in 10 mL equilibration buffer II (6 M urea, 50 mM Tris-HCl pH The sequences were blasted against the NCBI “nr” protein
8.8, 30% v/v Glycerol, 2% w/v SDS, 0.136 M iodoacetamide, 100 μL database, mapped to obtain gene-ontology information and
bromophenol blue). After equilibration strips were placed on finally annotated. The default settings were applied to the Blast
18 × 18 cm 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gels and run at 40 mA/gel on search (Database: nr, No. of Blast Hits: 20, Blast Expect Value:
a Protean II xi cell (BioRad, CA, USA). Gels were fixed for 1 h in 1.0E−3, Blast program: blastx, Blast Mode: QBlast-NCBI, HSP length
50% v/v methanol, 5% v/v phosphoric acid with constant shaking cutoff: 33 Low complexity filter: on) and Annotation (E-value-hit-
and then stained in Colloidal blue stain (LC6025, Novex Corp, CA, filter: 1.0E−6, Annotation CutOff: 55, GO Weight: 5, Hsp-Hit
USA) overnight. Gels were then destained in ultra pure water, Coverage CutOff: 0).
scanned on a densitometer (GS-800 Calibrated Densitometer,
BioRad, CA, USA) and stored in plastic bags until spot picking. 2.5. nLC–ESI-MS/MS analysis
Spot densities were analyzed with the PDQuest 8.0.1 software
(BioRad, CA, USA). The experimental design consisted of four The nLC-ESI-MS/MS experiment for protein identification was
independent biological replicates for each bud type. performed on an Agilent Technologies 6330 Ion Trap mass
spectrometer coupled online with a nano-flow liquid chroma-
2.4. Protein MALDI-TOF MS identification and bioinformatics tography system-Agilent Technologies 1200 series (Agilent
analysis Technologies, CA, USA). The protein spots were cut out,
digested with trypsin, desalted with C18 Omix tips, lyophilized
Gels selected for spot picking were scanned on a PROTEINEER and reconstituted in 10 μL of 1% formic acid. A 3 μL of the
spII (Brucker-Daltonics, Bremen, Germany) robot and spots sample was injected on the nLC–ESI-MS/MS system which was
were selected for picking by the use of the Melanie software equipped with RP-C 18 material for both the trapping
(Brucker-Daltonics, Bremen, Germany). Picked spots were (0.30 × 5 mm, Zorbax C18, 300 Å pore, 5.0 μm particle, Agilent
placed in 96-well plates, destained in 50 mM ammonium Technologies, Karlsruhe, Germany) and the nano-scale ana-
bicarbonate, 30% v/v acetonitrile for 20 min and rinsed in lytical column (0.075 × 200 mm, Zorbax C18, 300 Å pore, 3.5 μm
water for 30 min with constant shaking. Protein spots were particle). The mobile phase used an initial isocratic condition
dried for 40 min in a vacuum centrifuge and digested with for 20 min with mobile phase A at a flow rate of 200 nL/min.
trypsin according to established procedures [26]. Ten micro- Peptides were eluted into the MS system with a binary
liters of extraction solution (50% v/v acetonitrile, 0.1% v/v gradient (200 nL/min) from 100% mobile phase A (0.1% formic
trifluoroacetic acid) were added to the digested spots and acid in H2O) to 70% mobile phase B (0.1% formic acid in
mixed by shaking for 15 min. Peptide mixtures were then acetonitrile) over 110 min, then 70−100% mobile phase B in
applied on MALDI ground steel target plates in a 50% v/v 20 min and held at mobile phase B for an additional 10 min.
acetonitrile, 0.1% v/v trifluoroacetic acid, 0.75% a-cyano-4- The MS was operated in an IDA mode. During the MS mode,
610 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 4 (2 0 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9

ions were screened from m/z 350–1500 for a 1.0 s acquisition semi-quantitative RT-PCR to monitor the expression of genes
cycle, and MS/MS data was acquired from m/z 80–1500 for the that determine floral identity. LEAFY controls floral meristem
three most abundant ions with charge states between 2 and 4 identity in Arabidopsis thaliana [32,33] and AGAMOUS encodes
with pulsing mode on for a 2.0 s acquisition cycle each. for a transcription factor that modulates carpel and stamen
The raw data from each LC–MS/MS analysis were exported to formation [34,35]. Both genes were exclusively expressed in
an MGF (MASCOT generic format) file using Data Analysis the samples corresponding to flower buds, confirming the
software and submitted to Mascot Server 2.1 (Matrix Science, avoidance of cross contamination and the autonomous imple-
London, UK), for an MS/MS ion search. The search for each sample mentation of different developmental programs between
was performed on a self-made protein database containing the the two bud-types (Fig. 1E). In addition, the results show that
protein sequences of 19 known NDPKs (Arabidopsis thaliana: floral identity genes have already been established prior to
AtNDPK1, NP_567346; AtNDPK2, NP_568970; AtNDPK3, bud break to provide the means for proper development and
NP_192839; AtNDK4, NP_567690; Brassica rapa: BrNDPK1, differentiation.
BAB86292; Drosophila melanogaster: DmAWD, NP_476761; Danio Proteins were extracted from floral and vegetative bud
rerio: DrNM23B, NP_571001; Homo sapiens: HsNM23A, NP_937818; samples and analyzed by 2-DE (Fig. 2). The current protocol for
HsNM23Ai, NP_000260; Mus musculus: MmNDPK1, NP_032730; peach protein extraction from buds produced multiple spots
Physcomitrella patens: PpatensNDPK1, XP_001773617; Prunus persica: and adequate 2-DE resolution, avoiding the high content of
PpNDPK1, GDR Prunus_v3_Contig6241; Pisum sativum: PsNDPK1, secondary metabolites that affect protein migration. Protein
CAA50511; PsNDPK3, AAF08537; Populus trichocarpa: PtNDPK1, profiles showed a high degree of similarity between the two
JGI-591761; PtNDPK2, JGI-773138; PtNDPK3, JGI-410110; PtNDPK4, bud types. Autumnal bud formation has been accomplished
JGI-640355; PtNDPK5, JGI-554495). upon transition to dormancy by the enclosure of densely
MASCOT was searched with a fragment ion mass tolerance packed young embryonic leaves or floral organs in vegetative
of 0.70 Da and a parent ion tolerance of 2.5 Da. Deamidation of or floral buds, respectively. Upon dormancy release, cell
asparagine or glutamine and oxidation of methionine were proliferation and metabolic reconfiguration mainly occur to
specified in MASCOT as variable modifications. Scaffold cause bud break. The similarity of the two proteomes at this
(version Scaffold_3_00_04, Proteome Software Inc., Portland, stage could reflect the organ-independent developmental
USA) was used to validate MS/MS based peptide and protein transition from dormancy to growth represented by highly
identifications. Peptide identifications were accepted if they abundant proteins depicted in both proteomes. Nevertheless,
could be established at greater than 50.0% probability as significant changes in protein spectrum have been reported
specified by the Peptide Prophet algorithm [29]. Protein during the advanced stages of leaf or flower organ develop-
identifications were accepted if they could be established at ment [36,37]. Totally, 1107 protein spots were detected on gels
greater than 90.0% probability and contained at least 2 of vegetative and floral bud samples and picked for MALDI-
identified peptides. Protein probabilities were assigned by TOF MS analysis. The floral sample gel was used as the
the Protein Prophet algorithm [30]. Proteins that contained primary source of spots returning 915 picked spots, while the
similar peptides and could not be differentiated based on vegetative sample gel was used as supplemental source
MS/MS analysis alone were grouped to satisfy the principles of especially for high spot-density areas returning 192 picked
parsimony. spots. These spots were matched between vegetative and
floral bud 2-DE gels. In addition, intense protein spots from
both gels were selected for cross-reference. Efficient spot
3. Results and discussion annotation was achieved using ESTs from the genome database
for Rosaceae [27] and MASCOT analysis employing stringent
3.1. Peach proteome analysis during bud-break identification criteria (see Materials and methods). The Populus
and Arabidopsis proteomes were used as supporting databases for
Peach trees develop distinct buds that differentiate into floral the spots with marginal or low identification score in the Rosaceae
and vegetative buds at the end of summer and beginning of database. The successfully identified spots from both bud types
fall during the previous growing season and hence they are assembled the peach bud-specific reference map which is
established before the onset of endodormancy [23,31]. The presented in Supplementary Table 1. Likewise the results
floral peach buds are the first to break, followed after two or obtained by MALDI-TOF MS analysis are shown in Supplementary
three days by the vegetative buds (Fig. 1A). At the peach- Table 2. Of the 915 spots picked from the floral gel, 394 were
growing areas located in Macedonia, Northern part of Greece, positively identified at a 43% rate. Likewise, 81 of the 192 spots
dormancy release and subsequent bud-break occurs early in from the vegetative gel were positively identified at a 42.2% rate.
March leading to full bloom (Fig. 1A). One crucial point in The similarity in protein spot identification efficiency between
regulating the genetic information flow for proper develop- the two gels indicates the consistency of the techniques applied
ment is at the protein level. To determine the proteomic for protein analysis.
profile of the two bud-types, floral and vegetative buds were Functional classification of the identified proteins revealed
collected from the peach variety ‘Everts’ just before bud-break that in peach post-dormant meristematic tissues the meta-
(Fig. 1B). At this point, the petals appear as a pink spot on the bolic pathways are reactivated to sustain bud-break and
tip, showing that flower buds have reached stage C of post- subsequent development of the emerging organs (Fig. 3A).
dormancy emergence [23]. In terms of size, flower buds are Thus, almost half of the identified proteins possess a catalytic
larger compared to vegetative buds (Fig. 1C and D). Prior to activity, whereas a significant percentage bears binding
protein analysis, RNA from the bud samples was analyzed by capacity (38.5%) (Fig. 3B). Despite the documented inability of
J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 74 ( 20 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9 611

Fig. 1 – The leaf and flower primordia in peach are enclosed in dormant vegetative and floral buds, respectively. (Α) Floral buds
break earlier than vegetative buds. Peach orchard in full bloom is vulnerable to freeze damage by late-spring frosts. (Β) Peach
tree branch with post-dormant ready to break buds. (C) Floral and (D) vegetative buds at phenological stage C. Scale bar = 1 cm.
(E) Expression analysis by RT-PCR of floral identity genes LEAFY and AGAMOUS between the two bud types. The housekeeping
gene ACTIN was used as internal control. Veg: vegetative buds; Flor: floral buds.

the 2-DE coupled to mass spectrometry (MS) technology to variety of abiotic stress conditions that have dehydration as a
analyze proteins of low abundance [38], our employed protocol common component [41].
led to the successful identification of few rare proteins such Superoxide dismutase (Spots 308/1046) and a pathogenesis-
as transcription (0.8%) or translation (1.7%) factors (Fig. 3B). related protein (Spot 352) were also highly accumulated in
Taken together, the data of protein identification with high peach buds (Fig. 2). Superoxide dismutase has a protective
confidence and functional classification suggest that the role by reducing the titer of oxygen free radical molecules in
constructed peach bud proteome may serve as a high-quality the cell, reactive species implicated in a number of damages,
reproducible reference map to study tissue-specific regulatory including freezing injury [42,43]. Likewise, antifreeze proper-
mechanisms and metabolic pathways that modulate the ties have been proposed for certain pathogenesis-related
growth of emerging organs. proteins showing significant increase in gene expression [8]
and protein abundance [37] during dormancy. Upon dormancy,
3.2. The highly abundant proteins are indicative of bud the bud undergoes the stress of dehydration while it is exposed
dormancy release or break to considerably low temperatures. Thus, the accumulation of
stress response, defense and detoxification-related proteins
The 2-DE data revealed at least 50 protein spots with a high contributing to the protection of the meristematic tissues
density profile. Dehydrin was among the most abundant proteins against freezing injury coincides with dormancy release
in the two bud-types. At least four abundant isoforms were [6,10,37,44].
detected (Fig. 2; Spots 572, 575/1035, 873, 875). Τhe dehydrin gene Carbohydrate and energy metabolism is generally consid-
expression level has been reported to be tightly synchronized ered to be repressed during the entire period of bud chilling
with the process of bud-break [11,39,40]. The role of dehydrin requirement, as several genes responsible for glycolysis are
in dormant plants still remains unclear; however it is anticipated down-regulated [6,7]. On the contrary, after dormancy release
to be a cryo-protectant with antifreeze activity in response to a and once the environmental conditions are favorable for bud
612 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 4 (2 0 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9

Fig. 2 – Peach bud-type specific protein maps. Equal amounts of proteins were extracted from post-dormant floral (A) and
vegetative (B) buds, and separated by 2-DE. Representative gels for each bud-type, stained with Colloidal blue, are presented.
Selected protein spots that are highly abundant in both bud-types are depicted in magnified sections. The numbers correspond
to proteins successfully identified by mass spectrometry (see Supplementary Table 1).

break, the mobilization of storage reserves is promoted. This the later stages of floral bud-break, which is more developmen-
transition between dormancy and growth induction coincides tally advanced than the break of vegetative buds.
with the accumulation of enolase in post-dormant peach buds The alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase (AlaAT, Spot 521)
(Fig. 2; Spots 86/1074), a key enzyme of plant glycolysis [45]. regulates the efficient use of nitrogen that is mainly depen-
In plants, glycolysis is the main biochemical pathway that dent upon the recycling and remobilization of nitrogen from
provides plant mitochondria with pyruvate, supporting plant senescing tissues to developing organs [47]. AlaAT is involved
respiration and biosynthesis of numerous essential metabolic in the synthesis or degradation of alanine by a reversible
compounds. Post-dormant buds are metabolically active with biochemical reaction. In doing so, it is involved in the production
considerable high energy requirements to sustain break and of either alanine or pyruvate, and may facilitate the mainte-
organ emergence. Recently, several proteomic results showed nance of the carbon–nitrogen homeostasis throughout plant
that energy metabolism is a prerequisite for leaf and flower organ growth [48]. Complementary to these metabolic path-
development [36,37]. ways, the level of coproporphyrinogen oxidase (LIN2, Spot
195), an enzyme of the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis pathway, is
3.3. Differential protein expression patterns between floral detected in floral buds. Tetrapyrrole compounds are critical for a
and vegetative buds variety of biological processes, including energy metabolism,
photoperception, signaling, and detoxification of oxidizing
Quantification of 2-DE protein spots revealed that 11 proteins agents [49]. Since floral buds are developmentally advanced,
were consistently differentially expressed between floral and these results indicate that the sequential steps for bud break
vegetative peach buds representing 2.5% of the identified require the accumulation of a number of enzymes involved in
proteins (Fig. 3C). Eight proteins accumulated higher in floral energy resources mobilization.
buds compared to three proteins that were higher in vegetative Furthermore, proteins with specialized role in plant mor-
buds (Table 1; Supplementary Table 3). The majority of the floral phological development were up-regulated in floral buds, such
bud up-regulated proteins are involved in the mobilization of as the cell division control protein 48 homolog E (CDC48E;
energy and nitrogen reserves to compensate the demands of Spot 594) and a Populus trichocarpa predicted protein (Spot 183).
cell proliferation in the developing flower (Fig. 4A; Table 1). More CDC48E is a highly abundant type II AAA+ protein (ATPase
precisely, xylose isomerase (Spot 38) and alpha-D-galactoside associated with different cellular activities) involved in cell cycle
galactohydrolase (Spot 191) are enzymes modulating carbon and proliferation [50,51]. In accordance, high expression of the
metabolic pathways. Alpha-galactosidases remobilize oligosac- AtCDC48A gene has been detected in the flowers of rapidly
charides during seed germination [46]. Therefore, it may be growing plants [51]. Analysis of the gymnosperm Pinus sylvestris
plausible to suggest that the expression of these proteins to apical bud proteome also revealed that CDC48 is highly
remobilize stored oligosaccharides could be a prerequisite for abundant upon the transition from dormancy to growth [37].
J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 74 ( 20 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9 613

Fig. 3 – Statistics on functional classification of the peach bud proteins. (A) Categorization of peach bud proteins in terms of their
biological role using Gene Ontology ( (B) Classification of peach bud proteins based on their functional role by
Gene Ontology. (C) Venn diagram showing the distribution of bud-specific proteins in floral (red) and vegetative (green) peach buds.

Even though, the initial survey returned insufficient data to 3.4. Differential expression of enzymes mediating hydrogen
characterize the poplar predicted protein, thorough searches peroxide homeostasis
using BLASTP identified a significant homology with DEAD-box
proteins (DBPs; Spot 183). DBPs, characterized by the conserved Even though superoxide dismutase (Spots 308/1046) was
motif Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp (DEAD), are putative RNA helicases. highly abundant in both bud types, other enzymes that
They have been implicated in mRNA nuclear export, abiotic regulate cellular homeostasis of H2O2 were differentially
stress response, germination and plant development [52]. accumulated in peach floral and vegetative buds. Catalase,
By contrast, peach vegetative buds exhibited an approximate the major antioxidative enzyme that degrades H2O2 into water
6-fold increase in glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and oxygen and thus prevents the accumulation of reactive
(GAPDH; Spot 993) levels (Fig. 4B; Table 1). GAPDH is involved oxygen species (ROS), was detected only in floral buds (Fig. 4A,
in the cytosolic glycolytic network, which provides metabolic Spot 687). On the contrary, peroxidase that generates H2O2 by
flexibility facilitating plant development and acclimation NADH oxidation was up-regulated in vegetative buds (Fig. 4B,
to environmental stress such as cold or freezing [45]. The Spot 1089).
expression of GAPDH genes is inhibited during the chilling Taken together with the fact that floral buds are more
requirement period in woody perennial buds [6,7], whereas advanced than vegetative buds, these results suggest that
the increase in GAPDH protein level is most likely associated oxidative stress caused by increased levels of H2O2 might
with the rapid growth of autotrophic tissues such as the leaf activate the bud-break process. The transient peak of H2O2
primordia within vegetative buds. preceding dormancy release could act as a signaling molecule
614 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 4 (2 0 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9

Table 1 – Proteins with consistent differential expression between floral and vegetative buds.
Spot GenBank Annotation a Floral/ Floral Vegetative Predicted Experimental Score Sequence Matching
no. accession a vegetative mean c mean c MW/pI MW/pI coverage% peptides
ratio (SD) (SD)

Floral bud up-regulated proteins

38 NP_568861 Xylose isomerase 3.3 833(97) 253(70) 53.7/5.6 57/5.3 94 25 11
family protein
[Arabidopsis thaliana]
183 XP_002304418 Predicted protein 55.8 941(117) 17(14) 30.9/6.0 37/5.6 33 12 2
[Populus trichocarpa]
191 Q42656 Alpha-D-galactoside 41.3 333(144) 8(2) 41.3/5.6 34/5.7 37 10 4
[Coffea arabica]
195 XP_002518396 Coproporphyrinogen 196.0 1026(432) 5(4) 44.3/7.1 38/5.7 33 12 3
III oxidase, putative
[Ricinus communis]
345 NP_567346 NDPK1; ATP 770.1 770(729) nd(na) 18.8/8.4 13/6.4 84 35 6
diphosphate kinase
[Arabidopsis thaliana]
521 NP_187498 Alanine-glyoxylate 30.3 986(226) 33(13) 52.4/8.1 52/6.0 67 20 6
[Arabidopsis thaliana]
594 ABF59516 Putative spindle 8.5 626(307) 74(26) 89.9/5.1 109/5.3 109 13 9
disassembly related
protein CDC48
[Nicotiana tabacum]
687 CAD42909 Catalase [Prunus persica] 21.0 241(79) 11(12) 57.0/6.9 59/7.0 50 7 4

Vegetative bud up-regulated proteins

943 NP_567346 NDPK1; ATP − 2.5 1500(1092) 3803(2572) 18.8/8.4 13/6.4 78 35 6
diphosphate kinase
[Arabidopsis thaliana]
993 CAA42103 Glycolytic glyceraldehyde − 6.1 79(12) 486(147) 36.5/8.3 46/6.2 42 30 2
[Antirrhinum majus]
1089 AAK52084 Peroxidase − 2.3 618(415) 1431(593) 39.0/5.9 54/5.6 141 34 11
[Nicotiana tabacum]

nd: not detected na: not available.

Blast results for the best hit returned by MASCOT.
Student's t-test was applied to associate a level of confidence between the differentially expressed proteins (p < 0.01).
Expression in arbitrary units.

to trigger dormancy transitioning into subsequent bud-break. reductase (Spot 529) were detected in peach floral buds.
Previous studies provided solid experimental evidence in Notably, floral buds are the first to receive the molecular signal
support of this hypothesis. First, inhibition of catalase activity for bud break (Fig. 1A). Interestingly, the proteome analysis
in grapevines that caused oxidative stress due to the increased of Pinus sylvestris apical buds indicated an increase of plant
H2O2 content resulted in bud-break [15,18,53]. Secondly, antioxidant enzymes during dormancy release suggesting a
transcription of genes encoding for H2O2 scavenging enzymes H2O2-mediated mechanism in bud break of both angiosperms
in woody perennial plants is induced after dormancy release, and gymnosperms [37].
suggesting a need for ROS detoxification soon after the
molecular signal transduction pathways for bud-break are 3.5. Distinct NDPK1 protein variants are associated with
activated [6,54]. Furthermore, the enzymes associated with bud-break
ROS removal are activated in post-dormant buds to reduce
toxicity effect and allow bud-break [17,53]. In consistency, Two major spots were identified as the Prunus persica nucleoside
antioxidant proteins of the ROS scavenging pathways includ- diphosphate kinase1 (PpNDPK1) protein and appeared to be
ing catalase (Spot 687), ascorbate peroxidases (Spots 235, 243, linearly shifted between gels of the two bud-types, indicating
391, 412), superoxide dismutase (Spot 308) and glutathione the existence of protein variants with different pI values (Fig. 4C;
J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 74 ( 20 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9 615

present in floral buds (Spot 345). The nLC–ESI-MS/MS analysis of

the protein variants confirmed, with significantly high sequence
coverage, the spot annotation obtained by MALDI-TOF MS (Fig. 5A;
Supplementary Table 4).
NDPKs were originally described to catalyze the transfer of
a γ-phosphoryl group from nucleotide triphosphates to nucle-
oside diphosphates maintaining the intracellular homeostasis
of nucleotide concentrations [55]. Additional functions have
been assigned to NDPKs including the role of transcriptional
regulation, protein phosphotransferase or being involved in
protein interactions [55]. However, the activity of NDPKs as
multifunctional enzymes in plants remains obscure. The
identified isoforms exhibit the consensus NH2-MEQTFI motif
at the N-terminus (Fig. 5B, C and D) that is a common feature
of dicotyledonous cytosolic isoforms (Supplementary Fig. 1A).
Consequently, the peach NDPK1 belongs into the cluster of
putative plant cytosolic isoforms (Supplementary Fig. 1B). In
potato the cytosolic NDPK is predominantly localized in the
meristematic zones and provascular tissues of the apical
regions, probably playing a critical role in cellular differentiation
and plant growth [56].
Biochemical and genetic studies in Arabidospsis thaliana
revealed the association of NDPKs with the H2O2-mediated
mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling [57]. Furthermore,
NDPK1 has been shown to interact with the three isoforms
of Arabidopsis catalase to induce their activity [58]. Hence, the
PpNDPK1 variants could be signaling components that differ-
entially regulate the cellular redox state between the two bud
types. Since the break of floral buds precedes that of vegetative
in peach, it is plausible that the reduction of the acidic PpNDPK1
variant in floral buds modulates hydrogen peroxide-scavenging
enzymatic mechanisms to prevent prolonged exposure to the
transient peak of free radicals.
The shift of PpNDPK1 variants on 2-DE is most likely
attributed to post-translational modifications that change the
pI value and consequently affect isoelectric focusing of the
respective protein. The purification of plant NDPK isoforms
revealed autophosphorylation at the catalytic histidine residue
with effects on the enzymatic activity [59,60].

4. Conclusions

Peach (Prunus persica [L.] Batch) is a deciduous fruit tree of the

temperate region that belongs to the Rosaceae, a plant family
encompassing numerous agriculturally important fruit, nut,
ornamental and wood crops [61]. Rosaceous crops, due to
their high fruit content in health-related compounds have
become targets for the development of biofunctional foods.
Fig. 4 – Comparative protein expression profiling of floral and Peach trees provide fleshy drupe type fruits that can be
vegetative buds in peach. (A) Floral bud up-regulated proteins. consumed fresh or processed. Hence, peach cultivation is
(B) Vegetative bud up-regulated proteins. (C) Evidence of of high importance for agro-economic development in
PpNDPK1 protein variants pI shifting between vegetative and temperate regions. Nevertheless, unpredictable climatic con-
floral buds. The arrows denote the differentially expressed ditions leading to high risk of spring frost damage impels
protein spots. Annotation information can be found in Table 1. the application of innovative methods to evaluate genetic
resources, tolerant to such abiotic stress. The timing of bud-
break is an important factor affecting vigor and productivity
Table 1). The acidic variant predominantly occurred in vegetative of the peach tree. Any deviation, due to mostly environmen-
buds (Spot 943), whereas its level significantly decreased in floral tal factors like frost, has detrimental effects on fruit setting
buds (Spot 344). On the contrary, the basic variant was exclusively and tree growth.
616 J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 7 4 (2 0 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9
J O U RN A L OF P R O TE O MI CS 74 ( 20 1 1 ) 6 0 7–6 1 9 617

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