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Blended Learning .

I. Introduction
Lead-in: “A pandemic cannot withstand education”
Thesis statement: Blended learning allows learners to engage in learning activities
wherever and whenever it is convenient to them.
A. Blended learning is any education strategy that features both digital and
traditional teaching methods to help students learn.
1. The traditional method involves module contents that are carefully designed
and customized where learners can access on their own time and work at their
own pace.
2. Digital methods (also known as hybrid learning) is a method of teaching that
integrates technology and digital media with traditional instructor.
B. It incorporates tried-and-true teaching methods (like a lecture) with the latest in
classroom technology (like digital curriculum).
1. Google Classroom gives students access to online learning and the teachers
can provide learning both synchronously and asynchronously as it serves as a
free service-learning app for schools.
2. Canvas easily connects instructors and students and is used to monitor grades,
manage active enrollments and assignment submissions, share course
documents, facilitate message correspondence.
C. Blended learning is not so much an innovation as it is a natural by-product of the
digital domain creeping into physical spaces. .
1. Blended learning is in no way different from our usual learning, it’s just that
it is integrated by technology
2. It also consists of an environment where both students and teachers could
easily and efficiently interact and learn.
Review of the main points: Blended learning, an education strategy that includes the
combination usual traditional classroom set-up and the digital methods with the help
of the latest classroom technology like Google Classroom and Canvas, is an
integration of today’s advancements to our education.
Memorable Statement: Students can learn in every way possible and convenient to
them and the emergence of this type of learning is more on the adaptation to the
changing world but a mean to make education easier and much accessible to

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