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Teacher: Mrs. Cherrylyn L. Nitoral Time Frame: August 24 – October 24

Grade : Elective Science Grade 8 Module : First Quarter – A.Y. 2020-2021

UNIT TITLE: Unit 1: Introduction to Organic Chemistry

Transfer Goal:
The learner will be able to independently use their learning to create a web page, blog or Facebook fan page
to patronize organically grown products that will appreciate the importance of organic substances in their
surroundings and address the healthful needs of the people as well as helping Mother Earth and thus be a
stewards of God’s creation
Module No. Lessons Covered Learning Standards: Number of Days
1 History of Organic A.1 Identifying the scientist who
Chemistry contributes in the history of 1 days
organic chemistry
A.2 Generalize the history of
organic chemistry.
A.3 Promote a campaign
materials to patronize organically
grown products

2 Organic vs. Organic A.1 Define chemistry

Chemistry ACQUISITION 1 days
A.2 Compare the organic and
inorganic chemistry MAKE
A.3 Relate the importance of
chemistry to daily life.
3 Carbon –The Unique A.1 Determining that all
Atom organic materials have carbon 1 day
as their main element
A.2. Explain why a carbon
atom is unique and how the
structure of carbon atom
affects the type of bonds it

4 Hydrocarbon: Aliphatic A.1 Describe and define the

and Aromatic hydrocarbon. ACQUISITION 2 day
Hydrocarbon A.2 Differentiate aliphatic and
aromatic hydrocarbon. MAKE

6 Formula Writing and A.1 Understand the general 2 days

Naming rules in writing formula and
naming organic compounds.
A.2 Practice writing
nomenclature: naming
molecular compound.

MODULE NO. 1 Stewardship: History of Organic Chemistry

Name: ______________________________ Inclusive Dates: September 14-17, 2020

Grade & Section: __________________ Teacher:Mrs. Cherrylyn L. Nitoral

A: Learning Competencies: B: Leaning Targets:

A.1 Identifying the scientist who contributes in the 1. I can list the contribution of the scientists on the organic
history of organic chemistry chemistry.
A.2 Generalize the history of organic chemistry. 2. I can explain the history of organic chemistry.
A.3 Promote a campaign materials to patronize 3. I can illustrate the organically grown products to patronize
organically grown products using campaign materials

C: Learning Materials/ Learning Resources:

 Google classroom power point, Science Notebook/Common objects for student demonstration/paper and pen/
Computer for Presenter, Internet Connection, Speakers /Headphones, and Zoom App.
 [ CITATION luc16 \l 13321 ]
D. Concept Development:

Praise be Jesus Christ in you Nerian

Welcome back students! Fr. Mark is here, your learning
facilitator all throughout this module. This is our first journey with
organic chemistry especially to its history and the scientists who
have big contribution to give mankind a better quality of life. I
hope to guide you in understanding and accomplishing our learning
target for this module.

Did you know !

Organic chemistry is a subdivision of chemistry that studies organic compounds and materials, or
those compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen. And every hydrogen atom in your body is
likely 13.5 years old because they were created at the birth of the universe. At ground zero, during
the Universe’s singularity, the very first chemical element was hydrogen. All the other followed by
fusing hydrogen into helium, which the fused into carbon and so on. Approximately 73% of the mass
of the visible universe is in form of hydrogen. Helium makes up about 25% of the mass, and
everything else represent only 2%. By mass, hydrogen and helium combined make up less than 1%
of the earth.

This module aims to guide you to understand the history of

organic chemistry and how daily lives are influenced by chemistry
concepts and product. I am sure that you are already eager to get
started. However, there are some things that you need to
remember to learn most from this module.

1. Take the pre-test before proceeding to the lessons. Your score

in the test will give you an idea how much time you need to
develop to each lesson.
2. Read the instructions carefully.
3. Before doing the activities, make sure that the materials are
already prepared.
4. Answer the Self-.
Direction: Read the statement carefully and write the letter of the best answer on the blank before
the number.

______1. He classified chemical compounds into two main groups: organic if they originated in
living or once-living matter and inorganic if they came from "mineral “or non-living matter.
A. Frederich Wöhler C. John Jacob Berzelius
B. Anton Van Leuwenhoek D. Kékulé

______2. It is the study of carbon-based compounds: with few exceptions like carbon monoxide CO and
carbon dioxide CO2.
A. Chemistry C. Inorganic Chemistry
B. Hydrocarbon D. Organic Chemistry

______3. Which element is present in all organic compounds?

A. Carbon C. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen D. Phosphorous

_ _______4. What do you call the sub discipline involving scientific study of the structure, properties composition
and reaction of carbon based compound and their derivatives?
A. Chemistry C. Inorganic Chemistry
B. Hydrocarbon D. Organic Chemistry

_________5. Who discovered that urea - an organic compound - could be made by heating ammonium cyanate
(an inorganic compound)?
A. Frederich Wöhler C. John Jacob Berzelius
B. Anton Van Luewenheuk D. Kékulé

After taking the pre-test, I am sure that you are ready to start our
wonderful journey to our module.


Organic chemistry is all around us. The reactions and interactions of organic molecules
allow us to see, smell, fight, and fear. Organic chemistry provides the molecules that feed us, treat our
illnesses, protect our crops, and clean our clothes. Anyone with a curiosity about life and living things must
have a basic understanding of organic chemistry.

Historically, the term

organic chemistry dates to the late 1700s,
when it was used to mean the chemistry of
compounds found in living organisms.
Little was known about chemistry at that
time, and the behaviour of the “organic”
substances isolated from plants and animals
seemed different from that of the
“inorganic” substances found in minerals.
Organic compounds were generally low-
melting solids and were usually more
difficult to isolate, purify, and work with
than high-melting inorganic compounds. By the mid-1800s, however, it was clear that there was no
fundamental difference between organic and inorganic compounds. The same principles explain the
behaviours of all substances, regardless of origin or complexity. The only distinguishing characteristic of
organic chemicals is that all contain the element carbon.

But why is carbon special? Why, of the more than 37 million presently known chemical
compounds, do more than 99% of them contain carbon? The answers to these questions come from carbon’s
electronic structure and its consequent position in the periodic table. As a group 4A element, carbon can share
four valence electrons and form four strong covalent bonds. Furthermore, carbon atoms can bond to one
another, forming long chains and rings. Carbon, alone of all elements, is able to form an immense diversity of
compounds, from the simple methane, with one carbon atom, to the staggeringly complex DNA, which can
have more than 100 million carbons. Not all carbon compounds are derived from living organisms of course.
Modern chemists have developed a remarkably sophisticated ability to design and synthesize new organic
compounds in the laboratory—medicines, dyes, polymers, and a host of other substances. Organic chemistry
touches the lives of everyone; its study can be a fascinating undertaking.


Let’s begin. I have a question to you. What is your morning routine before
going to school? What do you do the moment you get up from bed? What
do you usually have for breakfast? How do you get to your school? Keeping
these questions and answer in mind, do the following activity that will
further put chemistry in real-life context, that is experiencing chemistry in
your classroom.

Chemistry at Home
Explore the objects at your home. Which among them do you think are related to chemistry, list
as many of these objects as you can. Beside the name of each object, write a phrase or a sentence
that explains why you say the object is related to chemistry. Present your answer using the table

Object Uses of object Relation to Chemistry

Ex. Victoria secret (perfume) Perfume use to keep unpleasant The main component of
body odours and to make sure you perfume are, perfume oil,
smell fresh throughout the day. alcohol and water which is
related to organic chemistry.
Go back to the questions asked at the start of this section. Recall your
answers. The toothpaste you use to brush your teeth, the soap and shampoo
you use to wash your body and hair, the food you eat and the process of
digestion that takes place in your body, the public or private transportation you
take going in school, the air around, and the pollutants from the factories and
motor vehicles are all related to chemistry. The questions asked as well as your
activity in the classroom aim to make you realize that in everything you do
chemistry is at work.


Organic chemistry is the area of chemistry that involves the study of carbon and its compounds.
Carbon is now known to form a seemingly unlimited number of compounds. The uses of organic compounds
impact our lives daily in medicine, agriculture, and general life.

In theory (Oparin, 1923) organic chemistry may have its beginnings with the big bang
when the components of ammonia, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and methane combined to form amino acids, an
experiment that has been verified in the laboratory (Miller, 1950). Organic chemicals were used in ancient
times by Romans and Egyptians as dyes, medicines and poisons from natural sources, but the chemical
composition of the substances was unknown.

In the 16th century organic compounds were isolated from nature in the pure state
(Scheele, 1769) and analytical methods were developed for determination of elemental composition
(Lavoisier, 1784).

Scientists believed (Berzelius, 1807) that organic chemicals found in nature contained a
special "vital force" that directed their natural synthesis, and therefore, it would be impossible to accomplish a
laboratory synthesis of the chemicals. Fortunately, later in the century Frederich Wöhler (1828) discovered
that urea, a natural component in urine, could be synthesized in the laboratory by heating ammonium cyanate.
His discovery meant that the natural "vital force" was not required to synthesis organic compounds, and paved
the way for many chemists to synthesize organic compounds.

By the middle of the nineteenth century many advances had been made into the
discovery, analysis and synthesis of many new organic compounds. Understanding about the structures of
organic chemistry began with a theory of bonding called valence theory (Kekule, Couper, 1858).

Organic chemistry developed into a productive and exciting science in the nineteenth century.
Many new synthetic methods, reaction mechanisms, analytical techniques and structural theories have been
developed. Toward the end of the century much of the knowledge of organic chemistry has been expanded to
study of biological systems such as proteins and DNA. Volumes of information are published monthly in
journals, books and electronic media about organic and biological chemistry.

The vast information available today means that for new students of organic chemistry a
great deal of study is required. Students must learn about organic reactions, mechanism, synthesis, analysis,
and biological function. The study of organic chemistry, although complex, is very interesting, and begins here
with an introduction of the theory of chemical bonding.

DIRECTIONS: Read the article below and answer the questions that follow.

In October 30, 2014, a research from the university of Southampton has indicated that copper could
help in preventing the spread of Ebola.

Hand washing, disinfectants, and quarantine procedures alone have been found to be insufficient to
contain the spread of the virus. Research by professor Bill Keevil at the University of Southampton has offered
promising evidence that antimicrobial copper – engineering materials with intrinsic hygiene benefits – could
be a valuable addition to these existing measures.

The US centres for diseases Control and prevention (CDC) note the Ebola virus transmitted through
direct contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person, or through exposure to contaminated objects.
Viruses similar to Ebola are susceptible to a broad range of surface disinfectants; however, testing against
Ebola itself cannot currently be conducted due to limited access to laboratories with the required safety
clearances the CDC has therefore instructed hospitals to use disinfectants with proven efficacy again resistant
virus such as norovirus, adenovirus and poliovirus.

Peer-reviewed and published data from laboratory studies conducted by professor Bill Keevil chair of
environmental healthcare at the /university of Southampton, demonstrate copper ability to rapidly and
completely inactive norovirus. Recent work in Germany has also explored its effectiveness against other viral
bio threat agents. Clinical trials conducted in the UK, US and Chile have shown surfaces made from solid
copper or copper alloys- collectively termed anti-microbial copper—continuously reduce surface
contamination by greater than 8- percent. These results indicate a potential role for antimicrobial copper touch
surfaces in preventing the spread of Ebola.

Based on our research on viruses of similar genetic structure, we expect copper surfaces to inactive
Ebola, and to help control the spread of this virus if employed for publicly- used touch surfaces’ explains
professor Keevil.

Antimicrobial cooper surface have been described as a no touch solution meaning that no special
measures or human intervention are required for it to continuously kill pathogens, in between regular cleans.
Replacing frequently-touched surfaces, such as door handles, taps and light switches, with solid copper or
copper alloys equivalents will provide a more hygienic environment, with fewer bacteria and viruses available
to spread infection. With this is mind, the use of antimicrobial copper surfaces could offer an additional
method of controlling the current spread of Ebola.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the role of chemistry in society and technology?

2. How does chemistry contribute to other fields such as medicine and materials engineering?

3. Why is chemistry important?

 Chemistry is important to daily life because it helps the society in many ways.
 A chemist is a scientist trained in the study of chemistry.
 Other careers using chemistry include meteorology, food technology, pharmacy and
food and nutrition, and among others.


Directions: Write the correct answer. Be honest! Don’t go back to the “lesson proper”.

_____________1. He discovered that urea, a natural component in urine, could be synthesized in the
laboratory by heating ammonium cyanate.
_____________2. He used the organic materials during ancient times by Romans and Egyptians as dyes,
medicines and poisons from natural sources, but the chemical composition of the substances was unknown.
_____________3. He used analytical methods were developed for determination of elemental composition.

Hi there Nerian! How was your Self -Check Activity? Did you get
all the correct answer?
Now let us see where your scores fall. If you got:
3– Excellent Job!
2- Good!
1-0 Fair.

You can turn to page ______ of your reference text. It will provide
you a deeper perspective about our lesson.

Learning Target 1 Check

Please describe your learning experience for this learning target by shading the corresponding weather.

I am able to do this on I am able to do some of I am not able to do this.

my own this alone but I need help I am confused and do
in doing the others. not understand this.
I can list the contribution
of the scientists on the
organic chemistry.


Organic chemistry is the study of compounds that contain carbon. It is one of the major branches of chemistry.

The history of organic chemistry can be traced back to ancient times when medicine men extracted
chemicals from plants and animals to treat members of their tribes. They didn't label their work as "organic
chemistry", they simply kept records of the useful properties and uses of things like willow bark which was
used as a pain killer. (It is now known that willow bark contains acetylsalicylic acid, the ingredient in aspirin -
chewing on the bark extracted the aspirin.) Their knowledge formed the basis of modern pharmacology which
has a strong dependence on knowledge of organic chemistry.

Organic chemistry was first defined as a branch of modern science in the early 1800's by Jon
Jacob Berzelius. He classified chemical compounds into two main groups: organic if they originated in living
or once-living matter and inorganic if they came from "mineral" or non-living matter. Like most chemists of
his era, Berzelius believed in Vitalism - the idea that organic compounds could only originate from living
organisms through the action of some vital force. It was a student of Berzelius' who made the discovery that
would result in the abandonment of Vitalism as a scientific theory. In 1828, Frederich Wöhler discovered that
urea - an organic compound - could be made by heating ammonium cyanate (an inorganic compound). Wöhler
mixed silver cyanate and ammonium chloride tp produce solid silver chloride and aqueous ammonium

He then separated the mixture by filtration and tried to purify the aqueous ammonium cyanate by evaporating
the water.

To his surprise, the solid left over after the evaporation of the water was not ammonium cyanate, it
was a substance with the properties of urea! Wöhler's observation marked the first time an organic compound
had been synthesized from an inorganic source.

A Turning Point in Science History Wöhler's discovery was a turning point in science history
for two reasons. First, it undermined the idea of Vitalism because an organic compound was produced from an
inorganic one. However, it also represented the discovery of isomerism - the possibility of two or more
different structures (ammonium cyanate crystals and urea crystals) based on the same chemical formula
(N2H4CO). Chemists started searching for reasons to explain isomerism. That in turn led to theories about the
structure of chemical compounds.

By the 1860's, chemists like Kékulé were proposing theories on the relationship between a
compound's chemical formula and the physical distribution of its atoms. By the 1900's chemists were trying to
determine the nature of chemical bonding by developing models for electron distribution. During all of this
time the number of known organic compounds was increasing rapidly year by year. During the 20th century,
organic chemistry branched into sub-disciplines such as polymer chemistry, pharmacology, bioengineering,
petro-chemistry, and numerous others.

During that century, millions of new substances were discovered or synthesized. Today over
98% of all known compounds are organic. Your study of organic chemistry begins at a time when the number
of organic compounds and the number of reactions they undergo is nothing short of bewildering! Your study
of organic chemistry begins with a study of the classification system, naming rules, and some key reactions
that organic compounds undergo.



I. Make a timeline on what you have learned from the history of Organic chemistry and name the different
scientists and their contribution to organic chemistry.

 Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, the processes
that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that company these processes.
 Frederich Wöhler discovered that urea - an organic compound - could be made by heating
ammonium cyanate (an inorganic compound).


Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong. Be honest don’t look
back at the lesson proper.

_____________1. Kékulé proposed theories on the relationship between a compound's chemical formula and
the physical distribution of its atoms.
_____________2. Frederich Wohler classified chemical compounds into two main groups: organic if they
originated in living or once-living matter and inorganic if they came from "mineral" or non-living matter.
_____________3. Berzilius discovered that urea - an organic compound - could be made by heating
ammonium cyanate (an inorganic compound).

Hi there Nerian! How was your Self -Check Activity? Did you get
all the correct answer?
Now let us see where your scores fall. If you got:
3– Excellent Job!
2- Good!
1-0 Fair.

You can turn to page ______ of your reference text. It will provide
you a deeper perspective about our lesson.

Learning Target 2 Check

Please describe your learning experience for this learning target by shading the corresponding weather.

I am able to do this on my I am able to do some of I am not able to do this.

own this alone but I need help I am confused and do
in doing the others. not understand this.
I can explain the
history of organic

Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Chemistry is often
called the central science, because a basic knowledge of chemistry is essential for students of
biology, physics, geology, ecology, and many other subjects. Indeed, it is central to our way of
life; without it, we would be living shorter lives in what we would consider primitive conditions,
without automobiles, electricity, computers, CDs, and many other everyday conveniences.
Although chemistry is an ancient science, its modern foundation was laid in the
nineteenth century, when intellectual and technological advances enabled scientists to break
down substances into ever smaller components and consequently to explain many of their
physical and chemical characteristics. The rapid development of increasingly sophisticated
technology throughout the twentieth century has given us even greater means to study things that cannot be
seen with the naked eye.
Using computers and special microscopes, for example, chemists can analyze the
structure of atoms and molecules—the fundamental units on which the study of chemistry is based—and
design new substances with specific properties, such as drugs and environmentally friendly consumer
products. As we enter the twenty-first century, it is fitting to ask what part the central science will have in this
century. Almost certainly, chemistry will continue to play a pivotal role in all areas of science and technology.
Before plunging into the study of matter and its transformation, let us consider some of the frontiers that
chemists are currently exploring). Whatever your reasons for taking general chemistry, a good knowledge of
the subject will better enable you to appreciate its impact on society and on you as an individual.

Health and Medicine

Three major advances in the past century have enabled us to prevent and treat diseases. They are
public health measures establishing sanitation systems to
protect vast numbers of people from infectious disease;
surgery with anaesthesia, enabling physicians to cure
potentially fatal conditions, such as an inflamed appendix;
and the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics that make it
possible to prevent diseases spread by microbes.
Gene therapy promises to be the fourth
revolution in medicine. (A gene is the basic unit of inheritance.) Several thousand known conditions, including
cystic fibrosis and hemophilia, are carried by inborn damage to a single gene. Many other ailments, such as
cancer, heart disease, AIDS, and arthritis, result to an extent from impairment of one or more genes involved
in the body’s defences. In gene therapy, a selected healthy gene is delivered to a patient’s cell to cure or ease
such disorders.
To carry out such a procedure, a doctor must have a sound knowledge of the chemical properties
of the molecular components involved. The decoding of the human genome, which comprises all of the genetic
material in the human body and plays an essential part in gene therapy, relies largely on chemical techniques.
Chemists in the pharmaceutical industry are researching potent drugs with few or no side effects
to treat cancer, AIDS, and many other diseases as well as drugs to increase the number of successful organ
transplants. On a broader scale, improved understanding of the mechanism of aging will lead to a longer and
healthier life span for the world’s population.

Energy and the Environment

Energy is a by-product of many chemical processes,

and as the demand for energy continues to increase, both in
technologically advanced countries like the United States and in
developing ones like China, chemists are actively trying to find
new energy sources. Currently the major sources of energy are
fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, and natural gas). The estimated
reserves of these fuels will last us another 50–100 years, at the
present rate of consumption, so it is urgent that we find
alternatives. Solar energy promises to be a viable source of energy
for the future.
Every year Earth’s surface receives about 10 times as much energy from sunlight as is contained in
all of the known reserves of coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium combined. But much of this energy is “wasted”
because it is reflected back into space. For the past 30 years, intense research efforts have shown that solar
energy can be harnessed effectively in two ways. One is the conversion of sunlight directly to electricity using
devices called photovoltaic cells.
The other is to use sunlight to obtain hydrogen from water. The hydrogen can then be fed into a fuel
cell to generate electricity. Although our understanding of the scientific process of converting solar energy to
electricity has advanced, the technology has not yet improved to the point where we can produce electricity on
a large scale at an economically acceptable cost. By 2050, however, it has been predicted that solar energy will
supply over 50 percent of our power needs.

Food and Agriculture

To meet the food demands of the twenty-first century, new and novel approaches in farming must be
devised. It has already been demonstrated that, through biotechnology, it is possible to grow larger and better
crops. These techniques can be applied to many different farm products, not only for improved yields, but also
for better frequency, that is, more crops every year. For example, it is known that a certain bacterium produces
a protein molecule that is toxic to leaf-eating caterpillars. Incorporating the gene that codes for the toxin into
crops enables plants to protect themselves so that pesticides are not necessary.
Researchers have also found a way to prevent pesky insects from reproducing. Insects communicate
with one another by emitting and reacting to special molecules called pheromones. By identifying and
synthesizing pheromones used in mating, it is possible to interfere with the normal reproductive cycle of
common pests; for example, by inducing insects to mate too soon or tricking female insects into mating with
sterile males. Moreover, chemists can devise ways to increase the production of fertilizers that are less harmful
to the environment and substances that would selectively kill weeds.

Materials and Technology

Chemical research and development in the twentieth century have provided us

with new materials that have profoundly improved the quality of our lives and helped to
advance technology in countless ways. A few examples are polymers (including rubber and
nylon), ceramics (such as cookware), liquid crystals (like those in electronic displays),
adhesives (used in your Post-It notes), and coatings (for example, latex paint). If we had to
name one technological advance that has shaped our lives more than any other, it would be the
The “engine” that drives the on-going computer revolution is the microprocessor—the tiny silicon
chip that has inspired countless inventions, such as laptop computers and fax machines. The performance of a
microprocessor is judged by the speed with which it carries out mathematical operations, such as addition. The
pace of progress is such that since their introduction, microprocessors have doubled in speed every 18 months.
The quality of any microprocessor depends on the purity of the silicon chip and on the ability to add the
desired amount of other substances, and chemists play an important role in the research and development of
silicon chips. For the future, scientists have begun to explore the prospect of “molecular computing,” that is,
replacing silicon with molecules. The advantages are that certain molecules can be made to respond to light,
rather than to electrons, so that we would have optical computers rather than electronic computers. With
proper genetic engineering, scientists can synthesize such molecules using microorganisms instead of large
factories. Optical computers also would have much greater storage capacity than electronic computers.


Directions: Illustrate/draw products that are made from organic materials. Promote it in Social media. Give a
brief description to your work.



Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

_____________1. Chemistry has helped advance human civilization.

_____________2. Chemistry also plays an important role in production of clothing and shelter materials.
_____________3. Chemistry is NOT essential in the study of all other fields of science.

Hi there Nerian How was your Self -Check Activity? Did you get all the correct
Now let us see where your scores fall. If you got:
3– Excellent Job!
2- Good!
1-0 Fair.

Learning Target 3 Check

Please describe your learning experience for this learning target by shading the corresponding weather.

E: Assessment: Let’s check yourI amunderstanding! (WW

able to do this 1)
on my I am able to do some of I am not able to do this. I
own this alone but I need help am confused and do not
I. Read the questions and choose the correct answer.inWrite the LETTER
doing the others. in the blank before
understand this.
the number.
I can illustrate the
organically grown
______1. He classified chemical compounds into two main groups: organic if they originated in living or
products to
once-living matter and inorganic if they came from "mineral “or non-living matter.
patronize using
A. Frederich Wöhler C. John Jacob Berzelius
campaign materials
B. Anton Van Leuwenhoek D. Kékulé

______2. It is the study of carbon-based compounds: with few exceptions like carbon monoxide CO and
carbon dioxide CO2.
A. Chemistry C. Inorganic Chemistry
B. Hydrocarbon D. Organic Chemistry

______3. Which element is present in all organic compounds?

A. Carbon C. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen D. Phosphorous

_ ______4. What do you call the sub discipline involving scientific study of the structure, properties composition
and reaction of carbon based compound and their derivatives?
A. Chemistry C. Inorganic Chemistry
B. Hydrocarbon D. Organic Chemistry

_________5. Who discovered that urea - an organic compound - could be made by heating ammonium cyanate
(an inorganic compound)?
A. Frederich Wöhler C. John Jacob Berzelius
B. Anton Van Leuwenhoek D. Kékulé
_________6. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the contribution of organic chemistry in
our industry?
A. Chemists in the pharmaceutical industry are researching potent drugs with few or no side effects to
treat cancer, AIDS, and many other diseases as well as drugs to increase the number of successful
organ transplants.
B. Chemical research and development in the twentieth century have provided us with new materials that
have profoundly improved the quality of our lives and helped to advance technology in countless ways.
C. Chemists are scientist trained to apply Physics principles inn various fields of works.
D. Chemists found a way to prevent pesky insects from reproducing. Insects communicate with one
another by emitting and reacting to special molecules called pheromone.

__________7. He proposed theories on the relationship between a compound's chemical formula and the
physical distribution of its atoms.
A. Frederich Wöhler C. John Jacob Berzelius
B. Anton Van Luewenheuk D. Kékulé

_________8. He used the analytical methods were developed for determination of elemental composition.
A. Frederich Wöhler C. lavoisier
B. Anton Van Luewenheuk D. Kékulé

__________9. . He used the organic materials during ancient times by Romans and Egyptians as dyes,
medicines and poisons from natural sources, but the chemical composition of the substances was unknown.
A. Miller C. lavoisier
B. Anton Van Luewenheuk D. Kékulé

10. “Chemistry also plays an important role in production of clothing and shelter materials” is true or not?
Explain your answer briefly.

II. Draw a Facebook page that shows how organic chemistry contributes to other fields such as
medicine. (10 pts)
III. Make a slogan expressing that organic chemistry contributes to the society and technology.

F. Checklist/Rubrics for Assessment in letter E.

G. Closure/Reflection:

Verse it out. Be with your group mates and choose one verse that best suits your principles about the history
of organic chemistry. You can present your reflection through our virtual classroom. You’ll be given five
minutes to explain your answer.

1. The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God
will bless you in the land. – Deuteronomy 28:8

2. But I will bless the person who puts his trust in me. He is like a tree growing near a stream and sending out
roots to the water. It is not afraid when hot weather comes, because its leaves stay green; it has no worries
when there is no rain; it keeps on bearing fruit. – Jeremiah 17:7-8

3. The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to
bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. –Deuteronomy

4. May God give you of heaven’s dew and of earth’s richness – an abundance of grain and new wine. –
Genesis 27:28

H. Synthesis/Summary:

The science of Organic Chemistry has a broad and diverse past with many investigators from many
countries making discoveries that when combined over 200 years led to the field of Organic Chemistry. The
intrigue found with substances that contain carbon, organic compounds, arose because so many different
substances could be found in nature and many of them had medicinal uses. The discovery of a laboratory
synthesis of urea by Frederich Wöhler (1828) showed that organic chemicals did not have to be prepared by
the vital forces of nature but could also be prepared by humans, thus opening the way for the field of synthetic
organic chemistry.


Today, I learned
Parent/Guardian’s Guide:
Dear parents/Guardians:
We acknowledge your great role to influence the learning of our student; henceforth may we request that you
My knowledge about this lesson will help me in/
continually help them in their learning through:
 Please monitor the study habits of your son/daughter, remind them if necessary.
 Monitor their progress in the learning this module
 Monitor their visits on their online sites.
 This lesson may contain learning that may need your personal experiences, please provide our
students with the necessary guidance.
 Should you have concerns or queries, please communicate with us.
May this module not only promote learning experience for our students but also a family bonding to you.
Thank you! 

Please describe your learning experience for this week’s module by shading the
corresponding emoji.
have fully
in in
the that
most of the
and Itoam
nding be
ready toto in
move to the
the module.

Congratulations! You did your best in this module.

Good day and God Bless Nerian! May the Lord always guide and protect you.

Teachers E-mail address: Please Submit On or Before: August 25,2020_______________

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