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 Description gives information of what a person, an

object, a place, or a situation is like. It appeals to
the readers’ senses; it makes the reader see, hear,
taste, smell, or feel the subject.
 A descriptive paragraph has concrete and specific
detail, which are carefully chosen by a writer to
paint a picture in the head of the reader.

Description utilizes the person's five senses such as touch, taste, sound, sight, and
smell. The purpose is the writer's interest in sharing his sensory experiences about the
subject with his readers. Figures of speech in Literature like simile and metaphor are
used in writing description. (Dapat & Casela, 2019)

The kind of words we used to describe how your subject looks, sounds,
feels, smells, or even tastes like are called sensory languages. It also
concerns how you will arrange the details to provide an image of the scene,
the person, or the object you are trying to describe in your text. (Llagas, et
al. 2020)
If you will remember the times while you are reading or listening to a story,
those areas you feel that you can smell the ocean, hear the noise of the
carnival, and can feel the tension between the characters all of it is because
of uses of words that engage our human senses. 

There are two types of descriptions, which

are: Objective Description and Subjective
Objective Description – It describes something without conveying the
writer’s emotions. It is a kind where the language used presents the
physical objects in a way that anyone would see them. 
 Rose is a fragrant flower that maybe found in
white, red, or pink. It has three to nine toothed
leaflets and its thorny stems are usually erect and
 Gun is a weapon fitted with a cylinder that holds
the bullet and revolves with each shot, thus
enabling it to be fired without reloading. 

Subjective or Impressionistic Description - It conveys feelings and

emotions about a person, place, or thing. In addition to conveying
impressions, subjective descriptions contain specific details. This
impression uses figurative language like simile and metaphor to bring an
object to life for the readers.

 Rose is a symbol of undying love and sincerity. It
represents beauty and charm. It may imply poise,
innocence, and timidity.
 Gun is an object that draws fear. It symbolizes
death and represents solid power. It suggests the
ability or capacity to control and dominate. 

Step by Step Procedure on How to Write a

Descriptive Paragraph
Descriptions of a person, place, and thing. Think of at least one adjective
that best describes the element. 

        Think of a simple element you want to describe. Then think of at least one adjective
that best describes your element. Your paragraph should be written in a way that
supports the adjective you chose. 

Start with a topic sentence. The topic sentence mentions the element that
you are writing about. You should have one adjective that best describes
your element.
     Example: His house is filthy. 

Discuss and show the one adjective that best describes your element.


     First, the outside of the house is completely dirty. The dirty white painting is falling
apart. There are dust, yellow stains throughout the entire outside of the house. 

In supporting the adjective, it must paint a picture with words for the
readers such as making references to the five senses or making
comparisons to the things that many readers can relate to or imagine. Use
transitional devices.

Furthermore, the yard is full of dead plants and the lawn is never mowed. (sight) The
front yard is full of dog and cat droppings, which bring out the smell of rotting lawn
clipping mixed with bleach. In addition, the inside of the house is nothing more than a
dumpster: the floors in the living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom are covered
with dirty clothes and food crumbs. (sight and smell) There are also cockroaches that
scatter all over the place. Everytime my neighbor opens his doon the sound of their feet
makes me cringe. His kitchen has stale food all over the counter and the dishes have
been piling up for weeks. (smell and sight) His bathroom is full of the most disgusting
stains; they look like a mixture of rust and oil. (simile) Moreover; every room in
his house has the worst odor (smell with the superlative degree of comparison), it is
unbearable. The scent smells like a mixture of vomit and rotten egg. (simile)

Have a closing sentence that seals off your paragraph.


His house is the most disgusting place I have ever seen. (Conclusion is the repetition of
the introduction to achieve unity in the article/essay. 
Signal Words for Visual Description
above around between in front of onto
across away from beyond inside opposite to
adjacent to back of by into outside
against behind down near over
along below farther off throughout
alongside beneath here on to the right
amidst beside in on top of under

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