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1. What does HTML mean?

(1 point)

A) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

B) Hyper Text Markup Language

C) Home Tool Markup Language

D) Hyper Threading Mode Language

2. What is the HTML tag for the biggest title? (1 point)

A) <h1>

B) <h6>

C) <head>

D) <heading>

3. What is the HTML tag for an empty row? (1 point)

A) <line>

B) <br>

C) There is no special tag, just press ENTER;

D) <break>

4. What is the HTML code for defining a sorted list of two elements? (1 point)

A) <sl> <li> item 1 </li> <li> item 2 </li> </sl>

B) <ul NrElements = “2”> <li> Item 1 </li> <li> Item 2 </li> </ul>

C) <ol> <le> item 1 </le> <le> item 2 </le> </ol>

D) <ol> <li> item 1 </li> <li> item 2 </li> </ol>

5. What is the correct HTML tag for text to be written in bold: (1 point)

A) <bb>

B) <b>

C) <bld>

D) <bold>
6. How to make a link to e-mail? (1 point)

A) <a href="mailto:xxx@yyy">

B) <a href = "xxx @ yyy"

C) <mail> xxx @ yyy </mail>

C) <mail href = "xxx @ yyy">

7. What is the extension of HTML documents consisting only of HTML tags?

Choice 1

.HTM ***

Choice 2

.HTML ***

Choice 3


Choice 4


8. What are the two visible parts of each HTML page in the browser?

Choice 1

body and head

Choice 2

title and head

Choice 3

title and content

Choice 4
head and body

Choice 5

title and body ******

Choice 6

header and footer

9.HTML tags are interpreted by:

Choice 1

Web Browser

Choice 2

Java Virtual Machine

Choice 3

Operating system

10. Everything between the <and> characters is not displayed in the browser.

Choice 1


Choice 2


Choice 3

depends on what is between them

11. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Choice 1

All browsers recognize the same tags. ***

Choice 2

There are tags that are specific to certain browsers.

Choice 3

Different browsers recognize completely different tags. ***

Choice 4

Most browsers recognize a number of standard tags.

12. Are the names of the attributes sensitive to lowercase or uppercase letters?

Choice 1


Choice 2


Choice 3

No , ******

13. How are the multiple attributes differentiated?

Choice 1

with the sign =

Choice 2

by separating with a space ******

Choice 3

with the sign: =

Choice 4
by placing in single quotes

Choice 5

by putting in double quotes

14. What will be displayed in the browser if we put the following text in the HTML page: <?

Points: 2

Choice 1


Choice 2


Choice 3


Choice 4


Choice 5


Choice 6

15. What color will the background of the HTML page be if we put the next tag <body bgcolor = '#

Choice 1


Choice 2


Choice 3

Choice 4


Choice 5


Choice 6


16. Where is the name of the tag written?

Choice 1

after the sign>

Choice 2

between the name of the tag and the sign>

Choice 3

between the <sign and the tag name

Choice 4

depends on the browser

Choice 5

between the signs <and> ******

17. In HTML the comment closes between:

Choice 1

<! -- and --> ******

Choice 2
<% and%>

Choice 3

<? - and ->

Choice 4

<! - and ->

Choice 5

<! = and =>

18. In which of the following cases will the browser not recognize the tag and display it as plain text?

Choice 1

<body bgcolor = ”# 606060 '>

Choice 2

<body bgcolor = '# 606060> **

Choice 3

<body bgcolor = gray>

Choice 4

<body bgcolor = '# 606060'>

Choice 5

<body bgcolor = 'gray> **

Choice 6

<body bgcolor = ”# 606060”>

Choice 7

<body bgcolor = '# 606060 ”> **

19. What color will the background of the HTML page be if we put the next tag <body bgcolor = '#

Choice 1


Choice 2


Choice 3


Choice 4


Choice 5

red ******

Choice 6


20. Background color rendering is not performed with the attribute:

Choice 1


Choice 2


Choice 3


Choice 4

21. In HTML riding java scripts are closed between:

Choice 1

<% and%>

Choice 2

<? - and ->

Choice 3

<! - and ->

Choice 4

<! - and -> ******

Choice 5

<! = and =>

22.HTML tags are interpreted by:


23. What are the basic elements of HTML?


24. Which parts of HTML are ignored by the browser?

25. Which of the following statements is true?

Most browsers recognize a number of standard tags.

There are tags that are specific to certain browsers.

26. What are the two basic parts of each HTML page?

body and head

head and body

27. Everything between the <and> characters is displayed in the browser


28. The <PRE> tag serves for:

display the text as it was written

29. The <NOBR> tag serves for:

display text in one line

30. The <WBR> tag serves for:

discontinuation of text in <NOBR> tag

31.WEB pages are placed on special computers called

WEB servers
31.WEB pages are placed on special computers called

WEB servers

32.WEB server is a computer that

there is a constant 24-hour connection to the Internet

has special software support to store WEB pages

transmits the necessary data to the users

33. How to access the WEB pages of a given WEB server?

with a special program WEB browser

34. How does the communication between the WEB server and the WEB browser take place?

as a connection between server and client

Who is the client in the connection between the WEB server and the WEB browser?

WEB browser

35.WEB Browser e

a program that displays text, graphics, sound, and animations on a given WEB page

36. How does a WEB browser work?

the program addresses the appropriate WEB server and downloads all the data

37. What WEB browsers are there?

Netscape Navigator
Microsoft Internet Explorer


38. The attribute is used to set the image height:


39. The attribute is used to set the image width:


40. The <FRAME> tag attributes are:


41. Code error: <frameset rows = 50%, 10%, 10%> <frame> <frame> </frameset>

one <frame> tag is missing

The height of the frames will not be appropriate

42. Code error: <frameset colls = 50%, 10%, 40%> <frame> <frame> <frame> </frameset> is:

instead of colls should stand cols

43. Which of the following attributes are used in the <HEAD> tag:

this tag has no attributes

44. Which of the following attributes are used in the <META> tag:


45. Which of the following attributes are used in the <BODY> tag:



46. Which of the following attributes are used in the <FONT> tag:


47. Which of the following attributes are used in the <META> tag:


48Which of the following attributes are used in the <BODY> tag:



49. Which of the following attributes are used in the <FONT> tag:



50. At the table level you can define:

position of the table

width of the row

cell color
51. At the row level you can define:

alignment of the contents in the cells

cell color

52. At the cell level it can be defined:

alignment of the contents in the cells

cell color

53. The BORDER attribute serves to define:

table frame

54. The CELLSPACING attribute serves to define:

a space between the cells

55. The CELLPADDING attribute serves to define:

a space around the contents of the cells

56. Tag <TABLE> attributes are:



57. Tag Tags <TR> are:


58. Tag <TD> attributes are:


59. How do attribute values join?

with the sign =

60. How are the multiple attributes differentiated?

by separating with a space

61. How is the end of the value that joins an attribute determined and contains empty spaces?

by placing in single quotes

by putting in double quotes

62. What color will the background of the HTML page be if we put the next tag <body bgcolor = ’#


63. What color will the background of the HTML page be if we put the next tag <body bgcolor = ’#


64. What color will the background of the HTML page be if we put the next tag <body bgcolor = ’#
00FF00 ′>?


65. What color will the background of the HTML page be if we put the next tag <body bgcolor = ’#
FF0000 ′>?

66. What color will the background of the HTML page be if we put the next tag <body bgcolor = ’#
000000 ′>?


67. What color will the background of the HTML page be if we put the next tag <body bgcolor = ’#


68. For the code: <img src = ”strana.htm” high = 5 width = 2 border = 1> to be correct you need:

high to replace with height

69. For the code: <image src = ”strana.htm” height = 5 width = 2 border = 1> to be correct you need:

image to be replaced with img

70. For the code: <img source = ”strana.htm” height = 5 weidth = 2 border = 1> to be correct you need:

weidth to be replaced by width

source to be replaced with src

71. For the code: <img src = ”strana.htm” height = 5 weidth = 2 border = 1> to be correct you need:

weidth to be replaced by width

72. For the code: <image source = ”strana.htm” high = 5 weidth = 2 borders = 1> to be correct should:

high to replace with height

weidth to be replaced by width

source to be replaced with src

borders to be replaced by border

image to be replaced with img

73. The basic tag for specifying links is:

<А>. </ А>

74. What are the valid parameters of the tag <A>… </A>:



75. What types of lists are there?

Subordinate ( unordered)

Indeterminate ( ordered )
Description List

76. What types of lists are there?


for definitions

77. What types of lists are there?


for definitions

Indeterminate lists are fenced with:

78. The items on the unspecified lists are marked with:


79. The elements of the sorted lists are marked with:


80. The names in the definitions lists are marked with:


81. The definitions in the definitions lists are marked with:


82. The internet address of the WEB server within the URL is written

after two oblique lines "//"

83. The URL protocol is written

in front of the sign two dots ":"

84. The site is separated from the Internet address within the URL with

one slash "/"

85. The document in the URL within the URL is specified

after all punctuation marks "/"

in front of the sign should be "#"

86. The <HTML> tag is used to indicate:

the beginning of the document

87. The <BODY> tag is used to mark:

the body of the document

88. The <HEAD> tag is used to indicate:

the header of the document

89.Tag <TITLE> is used to mark

the title of the document

90. With the help of the <META> tag you can:

redirect to another page

to define the used character set

With the help of the <BODY> tag you can:

to set the background color

91. With the help of the <HTML> tag you can:

to mark the beginning of the document

92.The color rendering of the background is performed with the attribute:


93. Background color rendering is not performed with the attribute:



94. In which of the following cases will the browser recognize the tag and not display it as plain text?

<body bgcolor = ’# 606060.>

<body bgcolor = ”# 606060.>

<body bgcolor = ”# 606060”>

<body bgcolor = ’gray>

95. What will be displayed in the browser if we put the following text in the HTML page: <?


96.What will be displayed in the browser if we put the following text in the HTML page:>


97. What is the basic tag that defines a table?



98. Tags are sufficient to describe a minimum table:

<TABLE>, <TR>, <TD>

99. Tags are sufficient to describe a minimum table:

<TABLE>, <TH>, <TR>

<TABLE>, <TR>, <TD>

100.Tag <TD> can / is valid:

be a text container

be a container for a picture

be a container for another table

101.Tag <TR> can / is valid

be a container for the <TD> tag

102.Tag <TD> can / is valid:

be a text container

the text is bold

be a container for a picture

be a container for another table

103. What is the framework of the WEB page?

independent rectangular surfaces within the WEB page

104. Can a hypertext be displayed within the WEB page?


105. Is the frame view constantly visible if the view is slipped on the WEB page?

106. Why are frames used on the WEB page?

to display information that remains permanently visible whether the user wants to see another part
of the window

107. In addition to the permanent display of some content, frames are used to display


108. How is the menu realized with the help of frames?

with icons and hypertext links

109.How many frames are usually placed to display WEB pages?

110. The menu property menu is usually set in the WEB page in

left part

111. The trademark display mark - the company logo is usually placed on the WEB page in

the upper part

112. The frame with the ability to display all selected content is usually placed in the WEB page in

the right part

the lower part

113. The tag is used to insert images:

114.Which of the following tags are given correctly?

<IMG SRC = ”proba.jpg”>

115. Which of the following tags are incorrectly given:

<IMG SOURCE = ”proba.jpg”>

<IMG PICTURE = ”proba.jpg”>

<IMG = ”proba.jpg”>

<IMG ”proba.jpg”>

116.Tag <BR>

shifts the text to a new order

117.Tag <P>:

shifts the text to a new order

leaves a blank line in front of the text

118.Tag <H1>:

shifts the text to a new order

leaves a blank line in front of the text

should be closed with </…>

119.Select existing tags:




120.Select non-existent tags:



121.Select existing tags:




122. Select non-existent tags:




123. Which of the pairs TAG - FUNCTION are correct:

<B> - bold text

<S> - redraw text

124. If we click on a link containing Target = ”_ blank”

The link will open in a new window

125. If we click on a link containing Target = ”_ top”

The link will open in the top window

126. If we click on a link containing Target = ”_ self”

The link will open in the active window

127. If we click on a link containing Target = ”_ parent”

The link will open in the window through which the current is opened

128. If we click on a link containing Target = "Proba"

The link will open in the window named Proba

129. If we click on a link containing Target = ”_ this”

The link will open in the window named _this

130. The <BODY text = black link = blue alink = green vlink = red> tag indicates that:

plain text will be black

visited links will be red

131.Tag <BODY text = yellow link = red alink = white vlink = brown>, indicates that:

the active link will be white

132. The <BODY text = white link = blue alink = red vlink = red> tag indicates that:

visited links will be red

133. The <BODY text = red link = black alink = white vlink = red> tag indicates that:

the links will be black

the active link will be white

visited links will be red

134.Tag <BODY backgroung = ”slika1.gif” bgproperties = fixed>, indicates that:

the background will be motionless when scrolling

135. The <BODY backgroung = ”slika1.gif” bgproperties = fixe> tag indicates that:

the background will be scrolling along with the text

136.Tag <BODY backgroung = ”slika1.gif”>, indicates that:

the background will be scrolling along with the text

137. How can we make a picture a link?

by inserting the <IMG> tag in the <A> .. </A> tag

The tag <FONT SIZE = -2> has the same effect as the tag:


138.Tag <FONT SIZE = -1> has the same effect as tag:


139.Tag <FONT SIZE = + 0> has the same effect as the tag:


140. The <FONT SIZE = + 2> tag has the same effect as the tag:


141.Tag <FONT SIZE = -3> has the same effect as the tag:

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