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ISSUE 50 JULY 2020

The word democracy means 'rule by the
people, not rule by a simple majority. This A FASCIST ULSTER STATE
of course is completely ignored by our NEW APPOINTMENT
political elite HIKE UPDATE
There is a widening gap between what HAVE YOUR SAY
people expect of democracy and what it has WORDS FROM SETH TRYSSEN
actually turned out to be. When democracy PROPAGANDA
is limited to throwing out one bunch of out ROBERT BEST-FIVE QUESTIONS
of touch elites every few years only to let QUIET REVOLUTION
another bunch in, when it demands more NBU SECURITY
and more regulation and scrutiny of our HISTORY UNDER ATTACK-BM
lives while delivering more and more inept DAY OF ACTION-PA
and wasteful management, when it ignores MESSAGE FROM NBU SCOTLAND
problems that concern us all such as NBU UNIFORM
grooming gangs and knife crime but is so NBU CANADA
keen to rush off to war, when we are
suspicious of every utterance of those who
represent us, then it is falling seriously
short of what is expected.

The common purpose uniting Western

governments is to bring affluence and hide
costs. The costs are to freedom, Knowledge,
understanding, civility, education, art,
nature, the simple enjoyment of living and
finally to civilisation itself. Simple majority
democracy has failed, the majority as
individuals may deplore what is happening,
yet they show neither the will nor the
understanding to insist that democracy The views expressed in this publication are
takes another path. not necessarily those held by either The
Blackshirt, this publication’s editor, or by
Government by majority degenerates into anyone else associated with the publication
government by a minority as disillusioned itself.
voters who feel rightly that they are This publication and its editor reserve the
represented by no particular party drop out right to edit any and all contents when and
of voting altogether. where considered necessary.
All artwork, photographs and articles
Acton put it well in 1877 when he wrote remain the intellectual property of the
“The one pervading evil of democracy is the original artists and photographers.
tyranny of the majority, or rather of that All issues of The Blackshirt may be viewed
party, not always the majority, that at:
succeeds by force or fraud in carrying

and most loyalists instinctively know where
history is heading, playing politics with a
dismissing voter base simply isn't working
with SF now dominating both the assembly
at Stormont along with control over council
areas, both rural along with the formally
solid Belfast city council.
Whilst we could dwell on these and related
difficulties, instead Fascism must offer
solutions and whilst various groups both
The situation in Ulster has been a concern localised and related to a greater British
to British Nationalists for decades, the solid nationalism have existed for years it is my
support for the union and opposition to the contention that these formations must unite
communist menace in the form of the IRA & under the Flash & Circle in building a
its proxy Sinn Fein has been a constant in capible and energetic movement with
party policies & manifestos, that the NBU is Fascism at its very core not as a protest or
now organising here in Ulster is hardly ginger group, but as a very real movement
surprising given the traditional natures and which can attract support from both loyalist
values of the Unionist community now and a significant minority of Catholics who
facing the combined threats of an imported are opposed to the sordid mockery of gay
and unwelcomed multiculturalism and a marriage and the mass murder of the
growing menace of cultural Marxism thinly unborn both advanced and proscribed by
disguised as liberalism. Fascism, more Sinn Fein.
specifically the Fascism of the NBU, it's
creed and policies naturally resonate with Ulster Fascism, dating back to the 1930's
the loyalist community whilst the catholic must approach political realities with a
community lurches ever leftward and with tough and realistic approach, essentially we
demographics democracy must be viewed as raise the banner, put our programme before
a dangerous vehicle who's ultimate the Ulster people, a natural constituency
destination is to a 32 county socialist for its doctrine and build a bulwark again an
republic where the horrors of the gulag Irish Bolshevism that ultimately consume
would inevitably be visited upon the former. the Irish people, if we fail to do so then the
unionist community will precede them on
The state of Northern Ireland, founded 99 the chopping block.
years ago was set up with a majority
unionist constituency, the ancient Thus we approach the task with enthusiasm,
province/nation of Ulster, was split with ours is a product that will readily resonate
three of its counties being gifted to the Irish with an audience weary with both the
Republic and a border established around socialist madness of SSM and baby
the remaining six, however as Previously infanticide and the puppet show which
pointed out, demographic changes have passes for local politics, our heritage, our
seen the substantial growth in a community history and our people are not expendable
who owe no loyalty to Britain and along nor a bargaining chip for Westminster's
with the burgeoning immigrant community huckster politicians as we begin the march
now vote for the increasingly far left & toward a Fascist Ulster State!
internationalist Sinn Fein.
Thus democracy is the road to the gulags NBU ULSTER
We are happy to anounce the appointment
of our new West of England Regional Officer. We are going ahead with the plan for the
hike in August and I have decided to make a
If you wish to become active in the West weekend of it. Regarding the meeting point
please contact Dorian for Friday 14th August 2020 I will release that information approximately one day
before we meet. The meeting point for
Friday 14th August will be 30 mins from
where we will be camping. We will then
travel together to the destination we are
staying at.
Location: Head on the A5 towards Capel
Curig North Wales (Exact location is given
near the time)
On the day of the hike Saturday 15th August
it will be a early morning start of around
0600 hrs to get to location and start our
hike. I have picked a rout that is not so
difficult but will give us a rewarding day of
fantastic views and give us all an
opportunity to go over some life skills for
surviving in nature.
The rout itself form start to finish is no
longer then 10 miles and involves a steady
climb. Please note we will take it steady
"My name is Dorian Clinton Steel. I'm 19
and go only as fast as the slowest man.
years old and already a proud father to a
son no older than 4 weeks and a stepfather Friday 14th - Sunday 16th are the dates but
to an 8 year old girl. Being a family man is if you wish to leave on Saturday that is no
of the upmost importance to me as I believe problem at all but I will be staying Saturday
it should be every man's aim in life to lead a night for a beer and good catch up if anyone
family unit as there is nothing more wishes to join.
rewarding and beautiful than family.
Kit list
As well as being a father I am also a
Skinhead because I take pride in my Hiking boots
appearance and looking after myself as Spare warm kit hat, gloves and so on.
well as British subculture,white identity,
my political beliefs and my opposition to Water 1L minimum and food.
all forms of Communism, which ultimately Spare socks.
led me to joining the NBU and be apart of
Small head torch or handheld torch and
its mission to restore glory to Britain and
spare batteries.
reverse the evils that politicians have
forced on her and her people. " All kit to be waterproofed.
Sweets for energy or energy bars.
(Do not take non-essential items as it will
just increase the weight you carry) Lord Haw Haw: The Full Story of William
Joyce by JA Cole
If you have these items, you can take
them if you wish
First aid kit ( I will have one but more is
Flask with hot drink.
NBU flag.
The accommodation is now going to be a
campsite at the cost of £12 to £15 a night
per adult and I can possibly get our own
area on the site to pitch our tents away
from main area. They have modern wash
facilities and hot food but do not have wifi
and phone signal is poor I suggest to being
things like food and drinks if you wish so you
are not without on that weekend. If you do
not have a tent, I am sure between us we
can share in the group to help our brothers
out who wish to attend. I will also
investigate into booking the group area for
us asap and will also sort out the cost later
when people confirm to me, they are
coming. This is a group effort so if a person
does not have transport but is interested,
we can work around it to help each other This is the fifth biography of William Joyce
out. that I have read. Rebecca West wrote 'The
On reply to this email address please Meaning of Treason' in 1948 when it was
state. almost impossible to be objective. Not
surprisingly, she produced a spiteful account of her subject. Francis Selwyn did better in
Your interest 'Hitler's Englishman' in 1987. Mary Kenny
wrote the most sympathetic book so far, her
If you have a tent 2003 biography of Joyce entitled 'Germany
How long you will stay on the campsite. Calling'. And Colin Holmes produced the
most scholarly work with 'Searching for Lord
If you are first aid trained or you have first
Haw-Haw' in 2016. JA Cole's excellent book
aid kit or both.
was first published in 1964 but I have just
discovered it.
A follow up email will be sent in 2 weeks
with a full update and please NOTE we are a Cole adds little to the story of William
group of like mined people getting together Joyce but he succeeds in treating his
as friends and nothing more. subject as a human being. One of my
favourite anecdotes from his book is that
Best regards Tom Whitebirch Veterans William Joyce was sent off during a school
Officer Rugby match because the referee said that
he did not know which side he was on.
But he had been on the side of the British
Empire since his days as a scout for the
military in Ireland. And he maintained this
contact during his career as a fascist
agitator. My friend Bill Barnes (1912-1981)
knew Joyce before the war and insisted that
he had been set up by MI5 to go to Germany
on the understanding that he would not be
prosecuted. Barnes also thought that Joyce
had kept his mouth shut in court to protect
his wife.

Joyce was hanged because he once held a

British passport and was therefore guilty of
treason by broadcasting for the enemy
during wartime. He was born in New York to
an Irish father and naturalised as a German
citizen. He never struck a blow against William Joyce's grave in Boheremore
Britain, he only broadcast over the German Cemetary, Galway. Photo credit Robert
radio in the hope of ending what he Lyons.
regarded as an unnecessary war. But Britain
in the post-war years was not interested in
fine points of law.
Since his trial we have had a succession of Message: Hi,I would just like to say thanks
real spies and traitors; Kim Philby, Guy for the work that the NBU is doing.
Burgess, Donald Maclean, John Cairncross,
and Anthony Blunt betrayed vital Our country is in dire straits at the moment;
information to the Soviet Union during the a stagnant economy and a collapsing society
Cold War, but none of them faced the do not bode well for the people. It seems
hangman's noose. that quite a few of them are waking up
though. With each passing day I see and
The only other 'traitor' to be executed was hear more people complaining about the
John Amery, the son of Leo Amery the degeneracy of this culture, their despair,
Secretary of State for India. He broadcast and the unwelcome demographic change
for the Axis powers and recruited British that our country is facing.
prisoners of war to fight with the Germans
on the Russian front. He had been granted Hopefully your movement continues to
Spanish citizenship for his service to the grow.
Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War but this
was not recognised by the court. He was
hanged in Wandsworth prison on 19th
December 1945. Message: Hello my name is Callum and I'm
from the north west. For too long have I
Joyce was hanged in Wandsworth Prison on stood idly by watching my nation get
3rd January 1946. He was buried in the the flushed down the toilet. I think now with
prison grounds until 1976 when he was re- the worlds current events I have a civic duty
buried in Galway. His daughter, Mrs Heather to stand and help others stand with me
Landolo, fought a long campaign to have his against the grief we face. Victory is
remains returned to Ireland where he grew inevitable to those who seek it. I have
up and first dedicated himself to politics. studied your manifesto and couldn't fault it
anywhere. I am surprised that I have never
came across this movement until now won. But now we are slowly be destroyed
thanks to the spread of word. I have had from the inside, a rotten cancer of
experience with rank and structure as I was liberalisation and multinationalism which is
in the army cadets for two years and had tearing this country apart.
the best time of my life. I have shared theThe Muslims, don't treat us with respect, to
ideas the manifesto preach since I was them, we are just 'infidel' and so called
young and have always felt alone in these 'refugees' just want to benefit of of our
ideas until I grew old enough to sufficiently corrupt system to gain pity and shelter,
use technology to meet like minded people draining money and resources away from
thus leading me to this. I look forward to the true people that the money should be
hearing back from you. Thanks. spent on, is, the white British people,
seemingly forgotten about and pushed aside
whilst we slowly are replaced.
I wish to join a party that knows what's best
Message: I have always been interested in for its people, who know what's best for its
National Socialism as I’ve studied Nazi- development and preservation of the nation
germany as a hobby. A branch of that that once ruled the waves, to restore
research which I found interesting was Britain to bring great once more.
fascism. Hail Britannia!
The more I researched the more I
discovered that what we are taught at From Thomas Chatten
school isn’t the whole truth.
I came across your website whilst looking
for British National Socialism and it
certainly appeals to me.
Please could I be contacted with some more Message: New British Union is truly a great
information regarding membership and step for Mosleyites everywhere. You have
expectations of members? truly established a movement that can
prove to the people, both minority or
Many thanks. majority, that Fascism is good for all of us.

Andy. Mosley has been a great inspiration for me

for the past few years, his words plus the
current situation we Brits find ourselves in
almost automatically converted me to
Message: Dear Gary Raikes Mosleyite Fascism. I am now committed to
As a white British individual, I believe that this idea and therefore this movement.
it is my duty to my country, to my people,
to support what is best for a nation which, I have been leafleting and spreading the
as of recently, has been raped by word in my local area, and hopefully one
multiculturalism and immigration of Muslims day I will put on the blackshirt with you
into Britain. When I visit London to see my comrades.
Grandparents, I can't believe how few
individuals are White, let alone white Hail Mosley!
British. It's a shame to see how far we have
come, we have defended our lands from
invasion time and time again, trying to
protect it from foreign invaders, who in the
case of Nazi Germany, would have still
treated us with respect and care if they had
a single point, you have truth on your side.
We, Comrades, have the truth on our side.
Those that do have the strength and
dedication, the bravery, the confidence and
the fanaticism and will to stand up may do
so alone or as a small cell will, even on a
local scale, look behind them and see that
people are following them. The courage and
morale of most are bolstered by the resolve
and will of even just one individual. Maybe
1 in every 1,000 or even just 1 in every
10,000 or less than that has the true
capability to lead the way, especially given
the very unfavourable circumstances
contemporary to our time. I don't know the
statistic, or even if such a statistic exists,
but I know that few are born leaders and
I won't go into depth about propaganda, but most are born followers. It could be
there are a couple of major points which encapsulated into a simple phrase in that
are in our favour, as I see it. Propaganda where one dares to take the lead, others
must be rooted in truth, not the entirely will dare to follow
specious, sentiment driven propaganda of
our opponents. Of course, our propaganda
must be an appeal to sentiment also, but to
a lesser extent so the truth of the message
is blatantly apparent. Only propaganda that
is rooted in lies and deception is required to
be wholly exessive emotional and sentiment
driven to mask it's baselessness and
vapidity. It is becoming very real for many
people, they see the reality of this
'progress', and many, more than we could
think in our most optimistic moments, will
likely know this 'progress' for what it is- a
harmful and dangerous regression. Whether
deep down on a sub-conscious level to some
degree, or consciously aware and have a
real intellectual understanding of the
multitude of dimensions to the shape of our
current state of affairs and how it came to
be this way, all perceive the lie and are
open to the truth. It is just delivering this in
a format that is understood and irrefutable,
this is not difficult as when your opponents
can only attack you with the usual tirade of
banalities and hysterical nonsense (I trust I
need not elaborate, you all know them well)
whilst not disproving or actually challenging
I believe in the future greatness
and splendour of England (Note: and Celtic
Cornwall where I was brought up in the

Robert Best answers

the Five Questions 1970s/1980s and my mother still lives in
Penzance, and Wales, Scotland, Mannin),
Britain, (Note: and Ireland) and Europe and
the preservation and advancement of the
European peoples, without hatred for other
races and nations. I am also a deeply
spiritual man and I have researched
comparative world religions (Note;
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism,
Jainism) and the occult. I was brought up as
a member of the Church of England (and
also Methodist and Congregational Churches
in Cornwall and Lancashire) but I also have
respect for traditional Catholic thinkers and
writers such as GK Chesterton, Hilaire
Belloc, Revd Denis Fahey, Revd Charles
Coughlin and Bishop Richard Williamson. I
also have an interest in the works of poet
Roy Campbell, the well known supporter of
the British Union of Fascists, who attempted
a synthesis of Christianity, Nietzsche and
1.Who are you? Mithras. Furthermore, I believe in accord
with the late and great Sir Oswald Mosley,
I am Robert Best a 43 year old (Note: now that it is logical to believe in the existence
51) author currently living in West Sussex. I of God, as the Universe is too complex to
am happily married (Note: was, sadly all have come about by chance.
good things die including ourselves) to a
pretty girl, an artist from Northern Italy and 3. If you could direct government policy
we have a handsome and clever son. I enjoy what would you do?
writing, reading, sketching, watching films,
listening to classical and rock music, playing I would make Great Britain independent and
tennis, martial arts and walking our German free of International Finance and Usury, and
shepherd dog (Note: 2nd one now Bella as give government the power to coin and
Wolf passed away R.I.P.). I am the author of regulate the issue of money. I would also
'Europe Unite', ‘Fascism and Religion’, introduce National Referenda and Direct
‘Tolkien: Master of Middle Earth’, ‘The National Democracy, giving the British
British Free Corps’, ‘Red Terror: The Crimes people the power to decide major acts of
of Marxism’ and ‘The Whitechapel Murders’, government policy. I would end all non-
published by Steven Books and League European immigration except for temporary
Enterprises. students, tourists and bone fide business
visitors. Ideally the introduction of a system
2. What do you believe in? of voluntary and financially-assisted
repatriation would reduce Britain’s non-
European population, to manageable
proportions. I would establish a
Confederation of European Nations as a
stepping stone to a future European Nation
and a three-tier system of Local-Regional,
National and European Government. No
more bloody wars for American-Zionist
interests against countries who are no
threat to Britain and Europe (Note: as
stated by the late Francis Parker Yockey, the
The NBU belives in covert revolution, a
American former member of Mosley's post-
revolution against the ballot box. We stand
war Union Movement, and the author of the
members as 'independent candidates' in all
pro-European philosophical magnum opus
elections. Our members will concentrate on
Imperium and The Declaration of London of
local issues free from the dead hand of
the European Liberation Front).
political party rule. We will target the
political elite and expose their corruption
and lies. No need to strut the political stage
4.What are you proud of and what do you
sporting a colourful rosette making you a
target of the Marxist liberal leftwing.
I am immensely proud of being a father and
The NBU assist all our candidates with
all dads should rejoice at their wonderful
leaflet design and electoral paperwork etc,
and beautiful children. Regrets? Well I was
we advise on Parish and community councils
once told “Forgive yourself because God has
as well as County Council elections. This is
already forgiven you”, which I thought was
done however in the background leaving our
very touching and comforting.
candidates free to campaign openly without
the lefts usual attacks and accusations of
5. How would you like to be remembered?
being racist Nazis etc.
As a good father and husband who loved his
Each candidate concentrates on an issue
family and God.
that effects their personal community
appealing to the 60-70% of people who no
longer vote for any political party in local
(We would like as many readers as possible
elections. We already have County
to answer our five questions – not just
Councillors elected as independents who are
writers and “intellectuals” but anyone with
busy throwing a spanner in the works along
something to say. Please reply
with numerous members sitting on parish
The New British Union candidate will not
emulate the fatuous figure cut by the old
gang candidate, they must however be
known and trusted by the electorate, and
for practical reasons their names must be
shouted from the rooftops. Their names
must be known for good reasons for it is
against their name that the electors cross
must be marked on the voting paper.

Votes are not given because people have

studied in-depth party programmes but
mainly on trust and confidence, Labour
gained fanatical support which it still holds
in so many areas in spite of repeated
betrayals because Labour candidates could
say to the electorate “we are your own folk,
we come from your own streets, we have
lived your lives, we know your problems
therefore trust us”. And they were trusted.
The SNP have done the same thing and even
when both parties let their supporters down
they still get votes. As we have seen
recently though things are changing.

Therefore Blackshirt candidates must know

their constitutes problems and outlook as
well as they do their own. They must study
their ward and our movements policy, get
involved in the community, holding public
meetings and writing to all local
newspapers, leaflet every household once
every three months over the next year. By
the time the next local election comes
round every voter in the ward will know our
candidates name. Every voter will know our NBU has finally launched Blackshirt
candidates are on their side. Security which will be an 'unincorporated
association' this will be a voluntary
However tough the fight we shall win, 'Manned Guarding' group which is
because we do not fight to put letters after completely legal and covered by the Home
our names or to inflate the vanity of Office under;
pompous individuals, we fight as people not 'guarding one or more individuals against
politicians. We stand side by side with the assault or against injuries that might be
people firmly against the establishment suffered in consequence of the unlawful
parasites. When the time is right and we conduct of others.'
have hundreds of local councillors we will
declare en-masse for NBU and British
Due to the increase in violence being
Fascism sending a huge shockwave through
instigated by the far left against any
the establishment. We will present to the
patriotic movement that disagrees with
public a movement that already has
their Marxist views and in accordance with
hundreds of members elected and which is
the law we have implemented our right to
ready for the next step, a seat in
defend ourselves, our members and others
from any assault as they go about their
lawful business.
This then is the NBU 'Quiet revolution', no
fuss, no confrontation, no demos or marches As a security group uniform will be worn to
just decent people working to improve their establish the difference between ordinary
communities to save their country. NBU members/supporters and Blackshirt
Security. All NBU Officers will be enrolled
into Blackshirt security to enable guarding
duties to be carried out at future events.
British Culture,
Heritage, Traditions
figures from Britain’s past who are not only
and History is under deemed to have been ‘racist’ or a ‘white
supremacist’ but also those considered to
attack by Cultural- have been ‘Islamophobic’ or ‘homophobic.’
Marxists. Already a private school in Sussex has
announced that it will withdraw all copies
” The first step in liquidating a people is to of the Harry Potter books because the
erase its memory. Destroy its books, its author JK Rowling has been deemed ‘trans-
culture, its history. Then have somebody phobic’. First they will remove statues,
write new books, manufacture a new then buildings, then books and films. The
culture, invent a new history. Before long Great Replacement is under way in Britain
the nation will begin to forget what it is in 2020.
and what it was. The world around it will
forget even faster.” Milan Huebl.
The current situation in the United Kingdom
is serious indeed as the Cultural Marxists
exploit the openings created by the ‘Black
Lives Matter’ protests. The mayor of London
Sadiq Khan has established a special
committee to list all monuments and
statues in London that they consider to be
‘racist’ or ‘imperialist’ so that those
monuments can be removed and replaced
by more ‘acceptable’ (politically correct)
monuments. Already the ‘BLM’ protest mobs
have forcibly removed a 19th Century statue
from the centre of Bristol and across the
country monuments and memorials have
been daubed with ‘BLM’ and self-styled
‘anti-racist slogans. Meanwhile non-white
MP’s and left-wing dominated education
authorities are demanding that the national
school curriculum is changed to reflect
‘Black Lives’ and ‘Black History’ with a new
emphasis on the “legacy of British
imperialism”, the so-called “crimes of the
British Empire”, the exploitation of colonial
people, the British role in the slave trade,
and how much “black people have
contributed to British society”. No
explanations have been given as to how
much re-writing of British history and
culture will take place, but the signs are
ominous. The politically correct agenda is
even now being expanded to target those
You can then go out to a local landmark or
point of interest and let everyone know that
‘WHITE LIVES MATTER’. Once you have done
this, please take a photo of your work and
either send it to us on Twitter or Facebook,
or upload it yourself with the tag
#WhiteLivesMatter – if you do upload it
yourself feel free to send us the link.

We will then collect these images and

compile them into a huge thread on both
social networks and on the Patriotic
Alternative website.

But you don’t have to simply confine

yourself to using the material we have
August 9th is the International Day of the produced – feel free to get creative and
World's Indigenous People – and as we are then send us the pictures, the best will be
the indigenous people of these islands, we displayed prominently on our website and
thought it would be a great time to our social media pages.
Get involved and be part of a day where we
Earlier this month on July 4th, a group of 70 can celebrate who we are and proclaim that
Patriotic Alternative supporters went White Lives Matter!
walking in the Peak District and displayed a
10-metre-long banner that simply read
‘WHITE LIVES MATTER’. You can read about
the day of action and the response to the
banner by clicking the link below:
Due to the success of this activity, on August
9th we thought we would repeat the
exercise on a much larger scale and use the
publicity to get #WhiteLivesMatter trending
on social networks. You can help make this
happen and join in with the day of action.

You can find numerous resources on our

website – leaflets, posters and banners that
you can download and print at home or send
to any print-on-demand company. We have a
special page set up with everything you
need to get started:
YOUR E- “I would like to thank all that have

MAGAZINE contacted me or passed on messages while I

have been 'out of action'. We have a lot to
do & we need to play smart, remain inside
NEEDS YOU the Law however corrupt they seem
because we are no use to the movement if
locked away .
We are looking for content for The We shall build unite & organise our cause is
Blackshirt that will help to build a real just & for the sake of our blood & soil”.
community feeling. Articles, activity news,
book and film reviews, classified ads, In Union
deaths births and marriages, graduation, NBU Scotland
Birthdays, services, car for sale, house for Regional Officer For Scotland South.
sale, help wanted, poems, cartoons,
anything that will be of interest to fellow
Blackshirts. You can reach thousands of
members every month. NBU UNIFORM
Please submit content to
NBU have seen fit to adopt the Black Shirt
thank you
as the symbol of comradely service in the
common cause of national regeneration. It
is typical of the establishments useful idiots
that the allegation should be propagated
that 'fascists' constitute a 'private army'.
Might as well accuse all priests, firemen and
nurses of 'constituting a private army'. The
word 'army' surely implies the carrying of
arms or training in arms, both which NBU
don't do, and has no relation to the wearing
of uniform.

We put on the Black Shirt and submit to that

voluntary discipline which alone can bring
salvation, prepared to take a small part in
building a land where lethargic myths of
committee government and freedom to
skive and starve are replaced by the stern
Just a short note for all NBU Scotland and practicable realities of Fascism,
members & supporters manliness, courage, thought and discipline
Scotland South Regional Officer Alex Agnew are weapons with which security, peace and
will be with us again within the next 3 comfort can be obtained. Times are
months and will be looking forward to changing and we have to be prepared for
meeting all new members that have joined that change, and that will take discipline
or shown interest in our cause. Alex told and order.
We wear a Blackshirt because the colour
Black best expresses the iron determination
of Fascism in the conquest of red anarchy.
Symbolism in itself is nothing new in British
politics. Red Labour, Blue Tories, Yellow Uniform is only worn for the appropriate
Liberals (very apt) and now even Green and occasions such as officers meetings, private
Purple are fighting to get their noses in the rallies and security details, uniform forms
Westminster trough. the strong spine of the movement with
which out we could not prosper and grow as
In symbolism as in our creed we are more fast as we are.
full-blooded people and, literally as well as
metaphorically, have put our shirt on The basic uniform is the black shirt, a
Fascism. Our members are not compelled to fleece with zip up roll neck with or without
wear the Blackshirt. But those who have armband
worn the Blackshirt in the early days and
publicly proclaimed their faith before the
world, have performed a service to Fascism
which will never be forgotten. Strongly held
opinions, strongly expressed, are a necessity
in this chaotic age. The Blackshirt,
therefore, is the symbol of Fascism.

The wearing of uniform is of paramount

importance to British Fascism; it sets us
apart from the political class and the
establishment whom we have no wish to
emulate. It reinforces discipline and
structure, it gives the back-bone to the
movement that without it would collapse
like the BNP have. Working dress, Combat jacket, combat
trousers, high boots, cap and shirt with
The wearing of uniform does not make us a armband, metal party badge, security patch
quasi-military organization any more than it on lower arm if part of NBU Security
does the Salvation Army or the boy scouts.
It merely separates us from the political
elite that the majority no longer trusts to
govern the country for the true benefit of
its people. The political elite who are quick
to jump to the defence of Muslims who wish
to wear full face veil stating that in Britain
everyone has the right to wear what they
like as this is a sign of a tolerant society.
Their tolerance does not extend to their
fellow British citizens though it would seem.

The wearing of Uniform is not seen as being

anyway strange in anyother country, every
large organisation wears some kind of
uniform. The people who say we are playing
dress up are just going along with the
establishment narrative and are completely
ignorant to what we are actually doing and
trying to achieve. Do they think our elected
members turn up for council meetings in
full uniform?
Officers dress, grey jacket, shirt, combat
trousers, high boots, peaked cap, party
patch and armband, sam Browne belt


Blackshirt on its own can be worn anytime,

public meetings or out campaigning etc

Working dress is worn at all official NBU

meetings, training camps and rallies. Also it
can be worn by NBU Security at any time

Officers dress will be worn on official

parades and special occasions

The New British Union was formed in 2013, students the processes of Cultural Marxism
to again introduce Britain and Canada as without acknowledging what the aims of
well as other countries to the ideas of Sir their teachings were. Those students, in
Oswald Ernald Mosley, who was considered turn, became professors at other
one of the foremost politicians of the period universities, leaders in commerce, industry
from 1932 to 1973. and politics and entered all sorts of spheres
of influence to continue the spread of the
The flash and circle symbol of the New ideas of Cultural Marxism.
British Union represents action within a
circle of unity. This is the way we view The dissemination of what they were taught
society - working towards a better country at Columbia University has now spread
and the preservation of both British and throughout the western world and western
Canadian heritage which the current societies, are now at risk with the
governments of both countries are intent on introduction of multiculturalism (also a
destroying. product of Cultural Marxism), and the vast
increase in third world migration to the
In Canada, in 1968, Trudeau the elder, a West. Inevitably, the Euro-Canadian and
former Quebec Marxist and later a Soviet British peoples are to be a minority in their
Communist, was elected to head the Liberal own countries. This was all part of the
Party as the new government. With him devious Cultural Marxist plan.
came the ideas and processes of Cultural
Marxism. This philosophy, founded by the The New British Union with its Canadian
Frankfurt School of Critical Theory at Branch, as well as branches in many other
Goethe University in Germany in 1923, a countries, stand firmly against Cultural
wholly Jewish think tank that wanted to Marxism and the degradation of western
bring Marxism to the West and proceeded to culture.
detail a plan to destroy western culture and The philosophy of the New British Union is
replace it with a Marxist culture. one that affirms free speech, not the
In 1933, they were expelled from Germany fettered speech of Cultural Marxistism with
and went to Geneva, Switzerland, for 2 its political correctness that Euro-whites are
years. Finally they were invited to Columbia made to listen to and on which they may
University in New York City. There, they make no comment lest they be judged
began their work against western culture on racist.
a monumental scale. Society today, is the WHAT WAS THE BRITISH UNION PLATFORM
result of that intense attack.
At Columbia University, they taught
Parliament in Britain and Canada, must be THE NEW BRITISH UNION PLATFORM
re-invented in favour of a vertically
integrated complex of individual
corporations repesenting all walks of labour. The NBU stands in support of the family
So too, individuals such as an industrial farm and specifically organic farming, just
worker or a housewife, lawyer, retailer, as was proposed by the British Union in the
farmer, labourer, government worker, nurse, 1930's.
or doctor will have a voice in government -
unlike the present day, where party politics, Preservation of green spaces is another part
criminality and a complete lack of caring of the NBU platform. "That green and
about the history and heritage of the pleasant land" shall not be inundated by
European founders of both countries reigns third world dependents and culturally
supreme. This applies to all current political dissimilar immigrants, as is happening in
parties - left and right leaning and the both Britain and Canada and, in fact, every
Antifa indescriminate undisiplined mob. western nation.

On the following page is a depiction of the Preservation of western cultural history,

Corporate State as it would apply to Britain heritage and moral standards is of
and Canada. paramount importance to the NBU.
Withdrawal from the United Nations refugee
requirement to import refugees at their
demand is mandatory.
Reduction of imports of non-essential third
world indigenous peoples that have no value
to the Canadian or British nations.
Control of and reduction of third world
importation of refugees and immigrants that
have not met the minimum requirements of
language, assets and value to building
Canada and Britian.
Removal and re-patriation of any proven
criminal immigrants and their families from
Canada. This includes enclaves where the
police and western people fear to go.
Teaching our children that the American
spelling of our British language is wrong and
that the correct spellings will be taught in
class from now on so that the English
language and spelling used in Canada and
Britain, controlled by American computers,
does not disappear.


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