Nama: Ranti Kartikasari Kelas: X Akl B: Formation and Development of Paragraph

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Paragraphs in Greek paragraphos (writing in addition to or written on the side) is a type of

writing that has the purpose or idea. Beginning of the paragraph marked by the entry into a
new line. Sometimes the first line is inserted, sometimes inserted without starting a new
line. In some ways the beginning of the paragraph has been marked by pilcrow (¶).

A paragraph usually consists of thoughts, ideas, or main idea with supporting details that
helped. Non-fiction paragraph usually begins with the general and specific moves that can
be an argument or point of view. Each paragraph begins with what came before and
stopped to proceed. Paragraph generally consists of three to seven sentences all belong to a
single statement. A paragraph can be as short as one word or multiple pages, and can
consist of one or many sentences. When dialogue is being quoted in fiction, a new
paragraph is used each time the switch is quoted.

A. Terms A Paragraph

In each paragraph should contain two important parts, namely:

1. Principal sentence

Usually placed at the beginning of the paragraph, but it can also be placed in the middle or
end of the paragraph. Topic sentence is a sentence that the core of the idea or the idea of a
paragraph. Usually contains a statement which will be further explained by the other
sentences in the form of an explanatory sentence.

2. Explanatory Sentence

Explanatory sentence is a sentence that gives additional explanations or detailed breakdown

of the topic sentence of a paragraph.

B. Parts of A Good Paragraph

1. There is an interesting idea or ideas and needed to assemble the whole text.

2. Sentences with each other and relate to each other regarding reasonable.
C. Paragraph Type

Some writers like Sabarti Akhadiah, Gorys Keraf, Soedjito, and others split the paragraph
into three types. Criteria they use is the nature and purpose of the paragraph. Accordingly,
paragraph types are distinguished as follows:

1. Based on the nature and type of paragraphs aim

Keraf (1980:63-66) gives an explanation of the types of paragraphs based on the nature and
purpose as follows!

a. Opening paragraph

Each type of essay will have the opening paragraph of the essay or deliver, or deliver the
main ideas in the essay section. Therefore, by the nature of such paragraph shall attract
interest and attention of the reader, and the reader can prepare the mind to what is being
described . Short paragraphs are much better, because long paragraphs will only reader

b. Liaison paragraph

Connecting paragraphs is all the paragraphs contained in the opening paragraph and closing
paragraph. Core issues that will be raised writing contained in these paragraphs. By
Therefore, in forming paragraphs liaison should be noted that the relationship between one
paragraph with another paragraph it regularly and logically arranged. Nature paragraphs
liaison dependent pattern of essay types. In the essays that are descriptive, narrative,
eksposisis, paragraphs that have been prepared on a logical progression. If it contains a
description of disagreement, then a few paragraphs prepared as a basis or foundation for a
later step to emphasize paragraphs author opinion.

c. Closing paragraph

Closing paragraph is a paragraph that is intended to end the essay or essay section. In other
words, the opinion paragraph contains conclusions from what has been described in the
paragraphs that the topic or theme of an essay should be kept in mind that the closing
paragraphs are not too long, but it also does not mean too short. The most essential thing is
that the paragraph should be a conclusion that round or actually ending the description and
can cause a lot of impression to the reader.

2. Type Paragraphs Sentences Based Layout Main

Location of main sentences also determines the type of paragraph. Penjenisan paragraphs
based on the location of the main sentence is based on the opinion of Sirai, et al (1985:70-
71) suggests four ways of putting the main sentence in the paragraph.

a. Deductive paragraph
Paragraph begins by stating the subject matter or the main sentence. Then followed by
explanatory sentences that serve to explain the main sentence. This paragraph is usually
developed by the method of deductive reasoning, from the general to the specific. By
placing the main idea at the beginning of the paragraph, this will allow the principal idea of
getting a reasonable emphasis. Such paragraphs usually called deductive paragraphs, which
is located at the beginning of the main sentence paragraphs.

b. Inductive paragraph

This paragraph begins with a proposed explanation or details for then covered with the
main sentence. This paragraph is developed with the method of inductive thinking, from the
things that specific to the general.

c. Combined or Mixed paragraph

Topic sentence in this paragraph is placed at the beginning and end of a paragraph. In this
case the last sentence contains the first sentence repetition and affirmation. Repetition is
intended to further reinforce the main idea. So basically this paragraph mixture still has one
main thought, instead of two. Examples of such mixtures paragraphs proposed by Keraf
(1989:73): The nature of the other natural language that needs to be noted here is that
every language has a system. The phrase is also special, separate each one off and not
depend on others. Expression system of each language and the meaning of each language
system is limited by the frame of mind of people who have a language that frame of mind
that I have mentioned above. Therefore do not be disappointed if it does not distinguish
Indonesian plural and singular, do not know the word in the verb system, phoneme clusters
are also certain pattern, and so on. English is not familiar with "upload-ungguh". Zulu
language has no word for "ox", but there is a word that means "white ox", "red bull", and so
on. Technically speaking linguists say that every language has a phonological systems,
grammatical systems, as well as the specific semantic patterns.

d. Without Paragraph Major Sentence

This paragraph does not have a main sentence, meaning the main idea sentence is scattered
throughout the building paragraphs. This form is commonly used in the essay or narrative
descriptions. Example sentence paragraphs without major: Sixty years ago, early in the
morning on June 30, 1908, an unidentified bright object hovering along the arch of the sky
and leaving a trail of blackish witnessed by at least a thousand people in various Central
Siberi hamlet. 7 o'clock local time. Vanovara villagers watched it a fungus forming a fireball
soared into the sky, followed by a thunderous explosion that sounded like thunder and up
to more than 1000 km away. (Digest, Feb.1996 in Keraf, 1980:74). It is hard to find a topic
sentence in the paragraph above, because the whole paragraph is descriptive or narrative.
No sentence is more important than the others. Everything is equally important, and
together form the unity of the paragraph.
D. Terms Establishment paragraph

A paragraph is considered qualified and effectively communicate ideas that paragraph if it

supports full, meaning main thoughts and the thoughts explanatory. In addition, as with
sentences, paragraphs must meet certain requirements. (Keraf, 1980:67) The requirements

1) Unity (Unity)

What is meant by unity (unity) is that the paragraph should clearly demonstrate an intent or
a particular theme. Unity here should not be taken to mean that it only contains one thing
only. A paragraph has unity may contain some things or some of the details, but all the
elements had to be moved together to support a single purpose. That singular intent to
convey the writer in paragraph (Keraf, 1980:67).

So unity or unity here does not mean one or a short sentence, it means that there are
sentences in the paragraphs together to support the main idea that is a unified whole.
Examples of eligible paragraph unity.

2) coherence (coherence)

The second condition that must be met is a paragraph that paragraph should contain a good
coherence or cohesion. Good cohesion that occurs when the mutual relations between
sentences that foster these paragraphs, good, fair, and easy to understand without
difficulty. The reader can easily follow the author's mind, without feeling that there is
something that inhibits or some sort of chasm that separates a sentence other than a
sentence, do not feel leaps and distracting (Keraf, 1980:75).

Cohesion depends on the preparation of details and ideas so wide so that the reader can
easily see the relationship between the -section. If a paragraph does not possess cohesion,
then the reader just as if facing a group of sentences, each of which stands apart from the
others, each with their own ideas, rather than a description of the integral.

In short a paragraph ang do not have a good cohesion, will confront the reader leaps with
less distracting, confronts the reader with the time sequence and the fact that irregular, or
the development of the main ideas with details that are not logical and is no longer oriented
to the principal earlier.

Thus the sentences in a paragraph are not sentences that can stand alone. The sentences
must have a reciprocal relationship, meaning that the first sentence related to the second
sentence, second sentence relates to the third sentence, and so on. Coherence within a
paragraph can be demonstrated by:

a. Repetition of words / groups of keywords or called reps

b. Replacement of the word / group of words or substitution

c. Repetition of words / groups of words or transition

d. Relationships implicit or omission word / group specific word or ellipsis

3) Clarity

Complete a paragraph saying, if the topic sentence is supported by a number of explanatory

sentences. Of these explanatory sentences already discussed at the beginning of this paper,
namely the elements of a paragraph. Explanatory sentences or supporting the main
supporting these two should not really explain the main idea. How to develop the main idea
into paragraphs and the relationship between the main sentence with explanatory sentence
(supporting details) can be seen from the order details. The details can be sorted in time
order (chronological), logical sequence, consisting of cause and effect, due to the causes,
general-specific, specific-general, the sequence space (spatial), the order process, the
examples and detailed circuitry facts.

E. Pattern Paragraph Development

Paragraph development includes two main issues, namely:

1. The ability to specify the main idea in a paragraph of explanatory ideas.

2. The ability to sort the ideas into ideas explanatory explanatory.

1.Paragraf Narrative

Narrative paragraph is a paragraph that tells an event or events in such a way that the
reader as if the incident had himself narrated it. In a narrative paragraph, there are three
main elements of the characters, events, and background of space or time.

2.Paragraf Description

Paragraph description is a paragraph that describes the types of things clearly and in detail.
Pattern description paragraph development, among others, include the spatial development
patterns and pattern standpoint.

3.Paragraf Exposition

Exposition paragraph is a paragraph that describes or explains a thing or object. This type of
paragraph is expected that the reader can understand it or object it very clearly. To explain
the problem raised, exposition paragraph using examples, charts, and various other forms of
facts and data. At least there are three patterns of paragraph development exposition, by
way of the process, cause and effect, as well as illustrations.
4. Paragraph Argument

Meaningful arguments 'reasons'. Argument means giving a strong and convincing reasons.
Thus, the argument paragraph is a paragraph that suggests reasons, examples, and the
evidence is strong and convincing. Reasons, evidence, and the like, used by writers to
influence the reader to agree with, attitudes or beliefs. In some cases there are indeed some
similarities between paragraphs exposition, we have learned earlier, the argument
paragraph. The similarities include that both types have the same paragraph requires data
and evidence convincing. However, there are also striking differences between the two.

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