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Mid Term Assignment

Different Belief System in the World:

There are Many belief systems in the world and the names are
mentioned below.
 Native Spirituality
 Unitarianism
 Christianity
 Sikhism
 Taoism
 Confucianism
 Buddhism
 Hinduism
 Baha’i Faith
 Islam
 Judaism
 Jainism
 Zoroastrianism

Golden Rules of all these Faiths:

The Golden Rule of this faith is ‘’We are as much alive as we
keep the earth alive’’. By Chief Dan George.
The Golden Rule of this faith is ‘’We affirm and promote
respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which
we are a part’’. By Unitarian Principle.
The Golden Rule of this faith is ‘’In everything, do to others as
you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the
prophets’’. By Jesus, Mathew 7:12.

The Golden Rule of Sikhism says that ‘’I am a stranger to no
one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed, I am a friend to all.
By Guru Granth Sahib, pg-1299.
The Golden Rule of Taoism says that ‘’Regard your neighbor’s
gain as your own gain, and your neighbors’ loss as your own
loss. By Tai Shang Kan Ying Pien, 213-218.
The Golden Rule of Confucianism says that ‘’ One word which
sums up the basis of all good conduct loving kindness. Do not
do to others what you do not want done to yourself’’. By
Confucius, Analects 15.23.
The Golden Rule of Buddhism say that ‘’ Treat not others in
ways that you yourself would find hurtful’’ Udana-Varga 5.18.
The Golden Rule of Hinduism says that ‘’This is the sum of duty:
do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you’’. By
Mahabharata 5:1517.
The Golden Rule of Baha’i Faith is that ‘’Lay not on any soul a
load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire
not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself’’.
Baha’u’llah, Gleanings.’
 Islam:
The Golden Rule of Islam Faith says that ‘’ Not one of you truly
believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself’’.
By The Prophet Muhammad(PBUH), Hadith.
The Golden Rule of Judaism says that ‘’What is hateful to you,
do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; all the rest
is commentary’’. By Hillel, Talmud, Shabbat 31a.

The Golden Rule of Jainism faith says that ‘’One should treat all
creatures in the world as one would like to be treated’’. By
Mahavira, Sutrakritanga.
The Golden Rule of Zoroastrianism faith says that ‘’Do not do
unto others whatever is injurious to yourself’’. By Shayast-na-
Shayast 12.29.

Dark Side in Business Ethics

 These Golden Rules are the Bright Side of the Business Ethics
These Golden words are available in every Faith but We are not
Following Them Instead of we create our own rules and
regulations to spend our life. So these Rules and regulations are
totally morally wrong. Now days what’s going on in this world
every person wants a rich life and to achieve that rich life
he/she kills the Golden Rules of every faith.
 So let’s have a look on The Dark side of this World in Business
 Web Master Industry: The web master industry is totally moral
less this industry posted Sexually data all over the internet just
for views or earnings. So this Industry Spreading Pornography
Smut that are against the Family and social values. So now
Where are the Golden Rules that every Faith tells why people
didn’t follow them.

 Cigarette Factory: another dark side of the world there are

Millions of Drugs produce in a day like Cigarette which are
causing to kill the innocent lives why the industry produces
drugs just for Money they are killing many lives in a day
thousands of the people victim into Cancer disease at daily
bases. Now where are the Golden Rules that every faith claims
why the people forgot that Rules. These Rules are just written
into books and people never gave them importance. Infect the
never mind to kill the innocent lives they just have concern to
their business that’s it.

 Soldier pilot/officers/in the Military: Every Countries have

millions of Soldiers who killing the people. Every Country wants
the Power and to achieve that power they just killed the many
lives. Countries are fighting they are fighting just for power.
What happened in World War 1 and World War 2? Millions of
lives were killed thousands of people become slaves. For what?
Just for Power. Now what’s going in Afghanistan from the
couple of Years? America killing innocent Afghans just for
Power. Now where the Golden Rules are? Why the Countries
are just killing each other. What’s going on in Kashmir?
Thousands of Kashmiris are killing since 50 Years. Indian army
just showing their cruelty of innocent Kashmiris. Now where
are the Golden Rules. Why they didn’t follow them instead of
killing innocent lives.
 Nike Brand: This brand producing respiratory problems for
their workers and they just done child labor which was a crime.
Now where are the Golden Rules why Nike didn’t follow the
Golden Rules. Instead they started child labor to save their
Income this is morally wrong and the dark side of business
ethics as well.

 Union Carbide: they killed thousands of workers in their Gas

Plant with piousness gas. Because they didn’t provide the
facilities to their workers and they took hard work from them
and treat the workers like animals. Which are morally wrong
and injustice with the workers. So this is the dark side of the
business ethics. So where are the Golden rules now. Why the
Union carbide didn’t follow the Golden rules.
 Hyundai Motor India Ltd: is and Indian Car Industrial Company
which claims that CRDI VGT has a fuel economy of 32.8kmpl but
it covers up just 11kmpl. Which is totally moral less and
injustice with their customers. So Now where is the Faith and
their Golden Rules. Why Hyundai didn’t follow the Rules. This is
the dark side of the business ethics.

There are two sides of Business Ethics around the world 1st is that
The Golden Rules that Every Belief System talks about. And the 2 nd
Side is the Dark side which is the real face of the people in this world.
People wants to spent Rich life and to get that life they started crime
and create their own Rules to spend the life. That Life contains full of
crime, social abuses, Illegal actions.

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