WordPress - Building A Secure Site

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24/02/2021 WordPress: Building a Secure Site – ScanLibs

Building a secure website is a required skill for anyone who develops websites. In this course, instructor Allie
Nimmons walks you through how to build and launch a secure website with WordPress. Allie explains what to
look for when you are shopping for a secure hosting provider for your website. She points out what practices are
most important to protect your site from WordPress vulnerabilities, then goes into tools to secure WordPress user
accounts and login screens. Allie covers all the basics about SSL certificates and discusses best practices for
keeping WordPress plugins and themes secure. She tells you why spam comments pose a threat to WordPress
sites and explains how to prevent and remove them. Allie steps through best practices for making backups, as well
as tools for setting up a WordPress firewall. She concludes with steps you can take to make your ecommerce site
and your WordPress files more secure.

https://scanlibs.com/wordpress-building-secure-site-video/ 1/1

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