Political Self

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Jeanny Rose B.

What makes me a
Mrs. Geraldine Santos

AB Sociology 1-3
Undestanding The Self

On the blue side of the Philippine flag above, we are asked to put images that show

what makes us a good Filipino, while on the red side we are asked to put images of the

Filipino traits and values that we’ve adopted. As for me, I put a total of six images on the

blue side. Three of those displays support to local artists, shows, music, and locally made

products. Personally, I am fond of watching movies and shows that were made here in our

country especially Indie films and other underrated Filipino movies because most of them

portray the reality of the lives of Filipinos. Also listening to OPMs has been my hobby

since then and till now. Although a variety of music has emerged in the industry as time

passes by I believed that Filipino music will always remain classic. Moreover, I also include

a picture that shows that policies were being followed. I think being an obedient and law-

abiding citizen of the Philippines makes me a good Filipino for I’m setting a good example

which can somehow inspire my fellow citizen to be obedient as well. Also, I included a

picture that shows being helpful through extending a hand to someone. I may look

unapproachable most of the time, but helping others who are in need is one of the things

that make me glad. And I believed that this characteristic that I have makes me a good

Filipino for the act of kindness to your countrymen is very important. Lastly, on top of all

those pictures, I put an image that shows a heart which is formed using two hands which are

painted with the Philippine flag. I put that photo on the upper part of the collage for it is the

most important thing to do in order to be a good Filipino—to love thy country. Of all

people, Filipinos should be the ones to love, cherish, and protect their mainland. . Nowadays, I

often saw a post that says they despise to be born in the Philippines and be born as Filipino and that is

heartbreaking. Imagine if our motherland came to life and we, her children, will say these things in front of

her face she would be extremely hurt. Being able to love our country despite all the poor things that we’ve

experienced here is what can really makes us a good citizen. Every Filipino shouldn’t be someone who’ll

disown the nurturing and beautiful land that they have, rather someone who will protect the Philippines

from the abusive people who poorly treated our country and its resources. 

           On the other hand, I have also placed six images that portray the Filipino traits and values that I’ve

adopted on the red side of the flag. One of them shows the pagmamano culture that we have. Since when I

was younger our parents already taught us the importance of pagmamano as a sign of respect towards

someone older than us which we’ve also practice until these days. Likewise, I included a picture about

using “po” and “opo” as a sign of respect when conversing or communicating. I have also added a picture

that shows the bayanihan traits of the Filipinos which portrays camaraderie and unity for I am someone

who enjoyed doing charity works and services. Furthermore, we all know how Filipinos value their family

so much and this value is something that almost every one of us holds in life. As an individual, I am one of

those who gave so much importance to family. All my hard works, efforts, and dreams are mostly

dedicated to them. Next, I put an image of a smiling little girl which portrays the traits of Filipinos as

humorous and jolly people. I believed that I’m good at cracking jokes whenever I notice that there’s a

heavy atmosphere within a particular group that I am with. We all know that Filipinos are very humorous

despite all the struggles and challenges we are facing we always find ways to smile and be happy for a

while. Thus, the image that I placed on the upper part of the collage is a smiling farmer, a very precious

smile of a hardworking Filipino. 

           At the end of this paper, I want to give an answer to the question “what makes a Filipino, a

Filipino?” In my humble opinion, what makes a Filipino, a Filipino is his heart. Physical appearance can
find ways to smile and be happy for a while. Thus, the image that I placed on the upper part of the

collage is a smiling farmer, a very precious smile of a hardworking Filipino. 

           At the end of this paper, I want to give an answer to the question “what makes a Filipino, a

Filipino?” In my humble opinion, what makes a Filipino, a Filipino is his heart. Physical appearances

can be deceiving at times, but a person’s heart never lies about the things he loves, his intention, and his

dreams toward his roots, values, and beliefs. What makes a Filipino, a Filipino is his pure commitment

and desire for the betterment of his country and countrymen.

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