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Questions A B C D Solution

Labour Stock Debtor's None of the Labour

_____ _____ is turnover of workers. Turnover Turnover above
Turnover Turnover
Stock Debtor's Labour All of the Labour
Low wages cause _____ _____. Turnover Turnover above
Turnover Turnover
Debtor's Stock Labour None of the Labour
Flux method is used to calculate _____. Turnover Turnover above
Turnover Turnover
None of the
Labour turnover leads to high _____. Cost Productivity Labour above Cost
Cost of labour turnover may be _____ or None of the
Preventive Replacement Both a & b above Preventive
None of the
Medical services cost is _____ cost. Replacement Preventive Both a & b above Preventive
None of the
Cost of welfare services is _____ cost. Preventive Replacement Both a & b above Preventive
All of the
pension scheme can _____ labour turnover. Increase Decrease Maintain above Decrease
Replacement cost is associated with _____ of All of the
labour. Appointment Termination Replacement above Replacement
All of the
Cost of accident is _____ cost. Replacement Preventive
Low wages, Sunk cost above Replacement
Exit Lack of
interview, Training, Death, Death,
Unavoidable cause of labour turnover may be Better Lack of Retirement, Retirement,
_____ _____ _____ of employee. facilities, Proper HR Marriage All of the Marriage
Better pay Policies above
None of the
Exit interview can _____ labour turnover. Reduce Increase Maintain above Reduce
Labour Turnover is the movement of people out
of the organisation. True False False
Labour Turnover is the accession of people
during a certain period. True False False
Lower rate of labour turnover indicates healthy
sign of H.R. Department. True False True
Cost of welfare services is a preventive cost of
labour turn over. True False True
Pension scheme can increase rate of labour
turnover. True False False
Labour Turnover may be caused due to low
wages. True False True

Labour Turnover can be reduced by Better Pay. True False True

Turnover of Turnover of Stock Debtor's Turnover of
Labour turnover is
goods labour Turnover Turnover labour
Bad working UnscientificAll of the All of the
Labour Turnover is caused by Low wages
conditions selection above above
Separation Replacement All of the All of the
Labour Turnover is calculated by Flux method
method method above above
In a firm, there were 750 employees on 1st
April. During the month 120 employees were
1,000 880 550 630 880
left and 250 employees were appointed. No. of
the employees on 30 April were
Labour Turnover leads to : High cost Low cost (i) & (iii) (i) & (iii)
Preventive Replacement Both (i) & none of the Both (i) &
Cost of labour turnover may be :
cost cost (ii) above (ii)
Replacement Preventive Both (i) & none of the Preventive
Medical services cost is :
cost cost (ii) above cost
Preventive Replacement Both (i) & none of the Preventive
Cost of welfare services is a :
cost cost (ii) above cost
Increase Decrease Maintain Decrease
All of the
Pension scheme can : labour labour labour labour
turnover turnover turnover turnover
Replacement Appointment Termination All of the Replacement
Replacement cost is associated with :
of labour of labour of labour above of labour
Replacement Preventive All of the Replacement
Cost of accident is : Sunk cost
cost cost above cost
Lack of Lack of All of the All of the
Labour Turnover may be caused due to : Low wages
proper HR Training above above
All of the All of the
Unavoidable causes of labour Turnover may be : Death Retirement Marriages
above above
Exit Better All of the All of the
Labour Turnover can be reduced by : Better pay
interview facilities above above

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