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Name Practice Exam: Paper 2 ISL Score | |HL Score Topic 5: Energetics 130 174 SL 1. Propane ean be formed by the hydrogenation of propene. @ Gi) «iy ate (G72 CH3CH=CH)(g) + Hy(g) + CHyCH3CHA(g) State e conditjons on forthe ygoswatin reaction to occur. eelye on Pe x a is 1& uslel, on Ff SlaLCL foore Legoentnre" @ Enthalpy changes can be determined using average bond enthalpies. Define the term average bond enthalpy. THe etlfielon, chemo [far yeoure wher be sale? 6 £. Gore 18 ret je gaseous prosecise , XY XAG). Determine a value for the hydrogenation of propene using information from Table 10 of the Data Booklet Chs- I c= hth—> % “Ch, / ie He DIE La) C6 #3C6 My +AC397 @ erat @ (iv) Explain why the enthalpy of hydrogenation of propene is an exothermic process. AMS E u...J8 release st LHC Renee Se Oe tents fie od Ul oy a w Ge onl jo a rEeattleaLy. (rot mars) 2. Inan experiment to rimeter contai sure the enthalpy change of combustion of ethanol a student heated a copper calo~ sm? of water with a spirit lamp and collected the following data 1 temperature of water: aoree ATE SSO-270.0=350 ‘e) In Final temperature of water: 55.0°C, as / . Ss, Mass of ethanol burned: 1788 $ op fib ° Density of water “S 1.00 gem? C. low vt be 0=/9 Meo /) (i) Use the data to calculate the heat evolved when the ethanol was combusted. =o CeBIT = xpemype (102 9380) =f17 600 J @ vane 58 wes (ii) Calculate the enthalpy cians of combustion per mole of ethanol. 17% 9% Sear 0.038690) - Ve bF4 Bex = whee Ae ea = (iii) Suggest two reasons why the result is not the same as the value in the Data Booklet. Any tio: + Het loss by Lhe Caborivreltr —— unemu © Irttomplete CorrbusZror7 o Hut absorded by Cre celorimtder st E 0 otter vens:bée arwers nny oC accyetes ‘An experiment was designed to investigate how the enthalpy change for a displacement reaction relates to the reactivities of the metals involved. The following metals in order of decreasing reactivity were available. 3, ‘Magnesium most reactive Uranium Zine Iron Copper Silver least reactive Excess amounts of each metal were added to 1.00 mol dm™ copper(II) sulfate solution. ‘The temperature change was measured and the enthalpy change calculated. (i Suggest a possible hypothesis for the relationship between the enthalpy change of the reaction and the reactivity of the metal. The moe nective the reet=/, fe rive exotherrmye thre ettyat, vee Lee exothenpne yer $9 Clerval 4S a o a Menten (cont.) (ii) Sketch a graph on the diagram below to illustrate your hypothesis, “17 Eth ; at ee! ‘ il \—T 3 shore Mg U Zn Fe (Gu A! Meta weed bo A710 cureu thy Wo Any w ¥% rently wo Ax 2 marks) Hydrazine is a valuable rocket fuel *, eee Ht the Ay haren ‘The equation for the reaction between hydrazine and oxygen is given below.| £ag / fateh cua Ay N:Ha(g) + O2(g) + Nog) +2H,0(8) + Ou Wo stxer / Use the bond enthalpy values fom Table 10 ofthe Data Booklet to determine the enthalphange fr this reaction. rin} jin OF0 > NEN FA HO-H rota mars) oi Ost) + C79) + G2 rary lve) =)- 587) WH WN" O20" ;Wew”__ 0", Bye - = In some countries, ethanol is bee with gasoline (petrol) to produce a fuel for cars called gasohol. (i) Use the information from Table 10 of the Data Booklet to determine the standard enthalpy change for the complete combustion of ethanol. Jey ONAN We g-0- -H# + 30=0> AZo0=C=0};3h-0-H 5 an st aces (AH=- Aecetrate (A4>*) ete Ne sis) (a7Ae brent HC) +4 ° Cw ae 498, =)-7040K: +3(¢70) “oA : ) (cont) ; rents * ) (ii) The standard enthalpy change for thScgmplete combustion of octane, CyHis, is 0 94 5 ~5471 KI mol" Calculate the amount anergy produced)n WI whe TE C3 m isbumed compietely nai. Vou, omy Eyal aap esas ® Lotel y L272 /a3 57, a O* wee83 x Dero aa SIH; Do the Badbl cote’ 9 fie Seay = TET] | eke! ii) Ethanol can be oxidized using acidified potassium dichromate, KCrjO7, to form two different organic products. 10+ x,0-+ CH;CH;0H 7 a B State the structural formulas of the organic products as and B and describe the confitions required to ‘obtain a high yield gen of them. A: cngen | & Ch -é-o gistilént | Reflux (iv) Deduce and explain whether ethanol or A has the higher boiling point. Etheo/) has the haper bovine pont due fo hyorege7 l, Ethene can be Converted into ethanol by direct hydration in the presence of a catalfst according to the following equation. wy) CyHa(g) + H20(g) > CH;CH,OH(g) For this reaction oe and state one use of the ethanol formed pther than as a fuel WySdiy (or Concentrated Ht P0y ) USES: - Dyes - orgs = Cosmebres e) - So/ven (Total 12 marks) = Deoinfectent 4 HL ‘Some words used in chemistry can have a specific meaning which is different to their meaning in everyday English, State what the term spontaneous means when used in a chemistry context. Linen eg OOCuAS Wi (Total 1 mark) Propene can be hydrogenated in the presence of a nickel catalyst to form propane. Use the data below to answer the questions that follow. Compound Formula | AH°r/kS mor! | $°/ 5K! mor! hydrogen Hag) 0 +131 propane CHs(e) = 104 | +270 ‘propene CsHo(e) +204 +267 © Outtne why the value forthe standard enthalpy change of formation of hydrogen is zero. By Mefoai tied, Ate the er befag astocratec! wit Che forrafies ef e7e raofe of & Componnd, Alj) is ab a Compete’. (ii) Calculate the standard enthalpy change for heh A ie of propene. OAD). FAG) >.< 4 ape [cuMee)) [40 a ED wine sobegete/ @ (iv) Determine the value of AG? for the pe fre at 298 K. ey —/ Hs ds - aPC (- = ee37g] o (cont.) (v) A298 K the hydrogenation of propene is a spontaneous process. Determine the temperatun(Ghove> which propane will spontaneously decompose into propene and hydrogen WY AE =O. Oa peg re cl BE Saye 9 FAST, @ (Total 9 marks) 3. The lattice enthalpy of magnesium chloride can be calculated from the Born-Haber cycle shown below. re Mg*(g) + ML =+738 + 1451 ki Mg(g) + 2CK(g) MgCh(s) (i) Identify the enthalpy changes labelled by I and V in the cycle. ° ° =z: AH = AY, Alorizchias “=A forrn foo (ii) Use the ionization energies given inthe cycle above(Snd uber data fom the Date BOORfepio calcu- late a value for the lattice enthalpy of magnesium chToride. a4 = SF2AtIYE PAK AIBI- CIE S|R Sarl ene ee o A G On=+ Ape - 6 @ (cont.) (iii) The theoretically calculated value for the lattice enthalpy of magnesium chloride is +2326 kJ. Explain the difference between the theoretically calculated value and the experimental value. aT Beene tree VatKes 4 ssurae per fecs phere] reas WP only eJecrereetse forces better Lherr, There 19, Aowtver Serre. Covese (Ae $e read. P/E ee. SP yeu? COLL) oy (iv) The experimental lattice enthalpy of magnesium oxide is given in Table 13 of the Data Booklet. Ex- plain why magnesium oxide has a higher lattice enthalpy than magnesium chloride. oxide has botfe & grecter chege (+2) and & orej/y fadius Shan Aloridé (-/ @ (Fotal 10 marks) Consider the following reaction: Ni(g) + 3H2(e) S 2NHx(e) (i) Suggest why this reaction is important for humanity. (ii) Using the average bond enthalpy values in Table 10 of the Data Booklet, calculate the standard en- thalpy change for this eaction. yay y 3 BHPR oy— © Al = (974) +30788) +6(-8eD=2 / = FkOKD / (iii) ‘The absolute entropy values, S, at 238 K for No(e), Ha(g) and NHs(g) are 192, 131 and 193 JK"! mot respectively. Calculate AS* for the reaction and explain the sign gf AS*. 48= [a(s93)]—[0%) +331) ]J=[-/7? ape ] there 13 & decreare +n entropy Te Ht) a, (-as) because four mosesof g CBA) neack 22 Farry LwWo rides oF ns (am). 7 (cont) (iv) Calculate AG* for the reaction at 238 K. State and explain whether the reaction is spontaneous. AG= AH-TAS = -7b.0K9- -a5EH(- 0/99 Y pe) = =|-16.24; AG is negative, so the reatiius +3 Spontaneous, ()__ Ifammonia was produced as a liquid and not as a gas, state and explain the effect this would have on the value of AA? for the reaction. eneryy 1s neh ited or te Pervert oF A Ws enue beoelo Saye as, $o an Fhe ,(£) 1 Soe « orale gsove ala 7 Mh, G), rerefere AX, wowld Ie 77 ae: (Total 12 marke 5) Thestandard enthalpy change of three combustion reactions is given below in kJ: 85) EGenge+70@)-1co4e)+6H,00 a --s120) BH = AE 66 Pee! eG) + 0x0 — 220%) ih =-sn') AH = +286 ” 2 Cate) + 30218) + 2C0x4g) + 211,000) aiP=-1411) A As #2) Based on the above information, calculate the standard change in enthalpy, AF, for the following re~ action. CHa) > CHY@) + He) Ais Liste) 3 (aBe)o aE = /¥132K97 (ii) Predict, stating a reason, whether the sign of AS® for the above reaction would be positive or negative. © AS woukl be ponrre, Jrrol oF ges > Arin/ oF gas (iii) Discuss why the above reaction is non-spontaneous at low temperature but becomes spontaneous at high temperatures. BE Low, terpesturer Ar> Tas, Phere fore AG will be Mosizsve, BE bigh Leripentoves Ang ras. and AE Wl be 7 heactive . *N62 (4)-TH) @ (iv) Using bond enthalpy values, calculate AH° for the following reaction. ‘CaHe(g) > CoHa(g) + Hae) CM-L > CH=CH He ® Atte er ep" tp GOTT (v) Suggest with a reason, why the values obtained in parts (i) and (iv) are different. bored oltstors art avesee Ya/Ues and dees nok Ae rave aout obser betdiin on 677 acorz, cr 12 mal)

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