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According to the previous text, it can be concluded that what the author wants is to
express the importance of the means and transportation of the products so that
they are in optimal conditions when they are delivered to their customers, taking
into account their characteristics, time and cost. thereof.

The most important aspects that must be taken into account are its characteristics,
if the merchandise is expensive or valuable, if it is perishable food, dangerous
substances, what is the quantity of the product, and what available means of
transport will be used to make the boat. The use of this will be agreed under the
conditions that were stipulated with the client, in this way the importance of insuring
the merchandise must be taken into account and the responsibility that the supplier
and client would have.

The means of transport are highways, these are characterized by their flexibility,
however, they are not so friendly with the environment, therefore several
companies around the world have changed the way or form of shipping their
products, it is part of their policies preserving the environment and this is what
differentiates it from the competition.

The railroad, this is not so flexible and apart is a bit expensive, this is only
recommended for trips that are very long, however, in some countries they say that
it is less expensive since this is a transport where coal is used as its power source.

Air is one of the most expensive since it implies payment of tariffs, apart from taxes
and the merchandise is measured by Kg. The advantage is that because it is air it
can reach destinations where there is long distance much faster.

The sea compared to the air is a little less expensive, although it has its limitations
such as the availability of the ports where the unloadings will be made, but it is
more useful for the transport of machinery, vehicles, solid merchandise and
To conclude, the means of transport that will be used to make the shipment will
depend on the characteristics of the product and what has been agreed to choose
the means of transport and the logistics platform for better negotiation.


• Presupuesto: Budget

• Transporte: Transportation

• Medio: Medium

• Ambiente: Environment

• Negociación: Negotiation

• Costoso: Expensive

• Empaque: Packaging

• Puerto: Port

• Contenedor: Container

• Productos: Products

• Proveedor: Provider

• Perecederos: Perishable

• Sustancias: Substances

• Peligrosas: Dangerous

• Aéreo: Aerial

• Clientes: Customers

• Embarcación: Boat
• Mercancía: Merchandise

• Flexible: Flexible

• Características: Characteristics

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