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Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (University of Mindanao)

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Saranillo, Marjorie C.
Course Code: 11822

1. The following are the major characteristics that Mary should possess:
a. Passion – this is very important when you start working on your plan. Mary
must at least equip with passion so she could work efficiently and a desire
that can get her to do amazing things. If she has the desire to do what she
want, it will allow her to engage in her work and feel inspired. If she plans to
start her own business, then she must have passion to do it.

b. Strong sense of self – As I read her case, it seems that she has self-doubt in
herself. Therefore, I encourage her to believe in herself for it will increase her
confidence and motivated enough to start her own business.

c. Flexibility - As the world is evolving and changing, it seeks to have a

technological advancement. Thus, Mary should conform to the rapid changes
so that she will be able to proceed with her plans efficiently and effectively.

2. General: Mary wants to determine what career she wants to pursue.

Specific: Mary is undecided whether if she has to stay on her job or create her own

SWOT Analysis:
1. Ability to make assessment plan. 1. Mary did some assessment on herself,
thus she has to implement it by writing it
down on her list, analyzing them
whenever there are decisions to be
2. Has knowledge on particular field. 2. Mary have already the knowledge on
her field, particularly with computer
system, thus, she needs to join on
trainings and seminar so she could
improve more of her knowledge on
computer system.
3. Ability to communicate with 3. She worked for seven years as a sales
customers. representative, thus, she has to be
accessible to different channels like
emails, phone calls, etc. to be able to
maintain good communication skills.

4. She is conscious of what will be the

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4. She is conscious and mindful about consequences of her decision. She could
the conditions of the market for strong maintain it by keeping up on a trend by
and weak points. finding out on what will be the new
methods to do it.
5. This is important for the business
5. She established an early plan if she which is to make a good plan first. In
will ever run a business of her own. order to maintain it, adjust and when
there are changes, then recreate plan for
better results of your business.


1. Lack of experience being a consultant. 1. Since she already has a degree for
computer science, through trainings and
seminars, she can learn from it.
2. She did not plan of where she will get 2. She has to deal with investors and
her resources for her own business. plan everything out so she could have
enough resources to get.
3. She did not estimate the possible 3. This must be a difficult decision
profit when creating her own business because if she ever incurs losses, then
and on her salary from current job. maybe she has to continue working. But
if the possible profit is higher than of that
salary, then she can proceed to creating
her own business.
4. The locations of her potential 4. Before starting up, she must conduct a
customers are from the East to West research specifically strategic location
Coast. which will be her target market. If the
outcome is good, then why not make an
expansion for farther areas.
5. The time for her product services to 5. This will make the customers
the customers is slow-moving. unsatisfied with her services if she is
going to create her own business, thus
she have to improve by shortening the
time needed for the services.


1. There is less competition in the market 1. These companies are not focusing on
for medium-sized businesses. the computer system installation; Mary
could introduce it to them and can easily
make her name in the business. If she
keeps improving, many people will come
to her.
2. Some of the companies, especially the 2. Of course as a buyer, they prefer lower
medium-sized companies would want to price. Mary can offer various products
have less cost to incur. and services with a less price than the
large computer companies but of course,
maintaining the quality of such product.

3. The large computer companies are 3. This will be the time for Mary to lead

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more interested on selling hardware the business about installing the system
parts than helping in installing the to the clients if she keeps on providing
computer-wide computer systems to the satisfactory services and meeting the
clients. demands of the medium-sized
4. The increasing demand of computer 4. Of course, many companies would
system software. want to have their own computer system
for their better operations particularly the
medium-sized companies. Mary could
accommodate them for those who were
not given opportunities from it. By that,
she can make her own name in the
computer system industry.
5. If these customers are satisfied with
5. Ten potential customers. the service provided by Mary, then they
will be loyal to her business. Mary will be
benefitted when customers will have a
good word to spread to others.


1. Competition arises. 1. Competition is always there. She will
have to keep on improving the quality of
her products and maintain a good
relationship with the customers
2. Technicalities in creating of own 2. When starting up business, expected
business. that there will be cost for startups, and
factors. Thus, she must research for the
taxes, price, laws and regulations, etc.
3. Existing computer-consultant 3. She has to make attraction to the
companies in the market. customers and have the desire to push
through regardless of the challenges.
4. Change in market trend. 4. She has to keep up with the changes
with the new products, and must also
achieve development.
5. A significant increase in consumer's 5. People nowadays are literate enough.
knowledge of computer technology. Mary will have to still satisfy the
customers and encourage them to seek
for a professional consultant on their
computer systems.


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1. She has to realize what she will need; of how much will be the cost of the startup, and
to look into the factors when creating a new business. Also, decide to where will be the
location for the business that will get attention to the customers, especially the products
and services to provide. In short, she must do some research first.
2. Mary should not just be starting her own business without proper trainings and
seminars of being consultant. It is not enough to just keep in touch with basic knowledge.
This will help her in providing services to her clients.
3. Mary needs to analyze and assess between what will benefit to her own business. If
she will going to pick to create on her own business, then she must ready for some
challenges and risks that may come along her way and to have the commitment in her
goals and objectives in her business.

Mary Gunther is a sales representative in a large computer firm for seven years.
However, she has also the desire to start her own business. She has already an
experiences and understanding in computer system. The downside is that she lacks
research. Doing some analysis and research about the possible outcomes of running
her business will make sure that the business will be fine. Deciding to whom is her
target market, and doing market research, will allow her to come up with a better plan
and strategy.

Mary can start by having a comparison of advantages and the disadvantages of
creating her own business and to stay on her job. Once she knows what decision will
she choose, then she must continue to thrive for the success in having her own

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