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Name: Lailah Jane Lucena

Year/Section: 3-A
Date submitted: 02/18/2021


Question#1. Identify three major characteristics that Mary should have if she hopes to
succeed in this new venture. Defend your choices

Answer here: a.) Flexibility - As the world is developing and transforming, it seeks to have a
mechanical progression. Subsequently, Mary ought to adjust to the quick changes so she will
actually want to continue with her arrangements productively and adequately.
b.) Knowledge - The amount of information do Mary have identified with the
various exercises that she need to oversee at her own level. On the off chance that she needs to
begin her own venture, at that point she needs not only her computer knowledge but as well as
the information identified with the Administration and alike, how to begin her own venture,
Lawful Prerequisites related to that, Promoting and Monetary Necessities and some more.
c.) Passion - this is vital when you begin dealing with your arrangement. Mary
should in any event furnish with energy so she could work effectively and a desire that can get
her to do astonishing things. If she has the desire to do what she want, it will permit her to take
part in her work and feel roused. If she plans to start her own business, at that point she should
have passion to do it.

Question#2. How can Mary decide if she is sufficiently entrepreneurial to succeed in this new

Answer here:
Mary can start by having a comparison of advantages and the disadvantages of
creating her own business and to stay on her job.
She needs to acknowledge what she will need; of how much will be the expense
of the startup, and to investigate the components while making new business. Likewise, choose
to where will be the area for the business that will stand out enough to be noticed to the clients,
particularly the items also, administrations to give. To put it plainly, she should do some
examination first.
Mary ought not simply be going into business without appropriate trainings and
classes of being specialist. It isn't sufficient to simply stay in contact with fundamental
information. This will help her in offering types of assistance to her customers.
Mary needs to dissect and survey between what will profit to her own business.
On the off chance that she will going to pick to make on her own business, at that point she
should prepared for a few difficulties and dangers that may go along her route and to have the
responsibility in her objectives and goals in her business.
Once she knows what decision will she choose, then she must continue to thrive for the
success in having her own business.

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