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Mindset, career

and people
Meila Rosanti Restutiani H2501202028
Mochamad Azkha Rinaldhy H2501XXX
01. Positive

Positive leadership is a frame of mind where leaders:

1. look to the future, not to the past;
2. focus on action, not on analysis;
3. see possibilities, not just problems;
4. take control versus being controlled;
5. create options versus accepting the status quo.
You are responsible for
your career

Responsibility is
massively abused in
You are
management speak, it is
responsible for
rarely a positive You are
responsible for
what happens
development. your own feelings to you, even the
bad stuff
03. High
04. Have Where have you pushed
yourself beyond your

Courage comfort zone in the last

three months?
Courage is built one
step at a time, which Where do you
means taking no more want to push
What did you
than small risks to start yourself in the
learn and how
with. could you next three
improve? months?
1. Entry level: work hard, be reliable, learn your craft.
05. Be 2. Front line manager: delegate, motivate, monitor and
develop staff.
Adaptable 3. Middle manager: make things happen through people
you do not control, influence, build alliances, work
agendas, deal with ambiguity and conflicting goals.
4. Top manager: strategic vision, excellent
communications, deal with high-level external
stakeholders, good financial sense.
06. Learn Practice
The more you practise, the luckier you get. The long-shot putt
becomes a 50/50 putt; the 50/50 becomes easy. Practice converts
luck into skill.

to be Lucky The difference between failure and success is giving up.

Persistence Setbacks are great learning experiences: most leaders and
entrepreneurs have more than their share of setbacks.
All successful leaders admit to
being lucky: they create their own
If you do not know what you are looking for, you will
luck. The question is how to Preparation not find it. Know what you want; hunt it persistently.

create your own luck. Try the 5P

Look for solutions, not problems. Look for action, not
luck programme: Positive analysis. Be confident in yourself: if you are not
enthusiastic, no one else will be. Don’t get sucked into
Outlook a culture of negativity.

If you focus on all that goes wrong in the day, you

will feel you have bad luck. If you count all your
Perspective blessings, suddenly you will feel lucky. You are as
lucky as you choose to be. Choose well.
2. Compartmentalize your life. You do not have to answer
e-mails in the middle of the night or on holiday. Create
barriers and set expectations with colleagues appropriately.
07. Compartmentalizing your life is easy if you have clear goals
for the week and for each day: you will know when you have
reached a reasonable milestone and you can start to switch

Managing off.

3. Get help. Find a coach; find friends or family you can talk
to. A problem shared is a problem halved. Often the simple
Stress act of talking about a challenge resolves it.

4. Find the right role. Some roles are inherently more

stressful than others, and many people enjoy such high
octane jobs: stress junkies need stressful roles.

1. Take control. The difference between pressure and 5. Keep perspective. The sky will not fall down without you
stress is control. If you are working very hard but you are holding it up for the rest of humanity. Keep a clear sense of
in control, you may get tired but you will not get your priorities and act accordingly.
stressed. The trick is to focus on what you can control
and influence: if you can do something about it, do it. If
you cannot do anything, it is pointless worrying about it.
Don’t worry about things you cannot control.
08. Honesty
For a leader, honesty is not just about morals and ethics; it is much more important than that.

Who wants to work for you?

You trust the leaders you want to work for. And you probably only trust people who are honest with you. To
build trust with your followers, you have to be honest with them. Honesty and trust are the true currencies for
leadership. Honesty and trust build respect, which lasts longer than popularity

Honesty is Tough
failing to act promptly simply builds up bigger problems for later, and failure to act is corrosive of the trust
you need to build.
09. Self-awareness
Highly self-aware managers are acutely aware of others and see themselves through the eyes of
other people. Managers with low self-awareness only see their world through their own warped

“Effective leaders are

Developing self-awareness
keenly aware of what
Make an honest (and humble) list of what you are good at and what you are not good at in terms
they are good at and of:
what they are not good ● technical skills;

at.” ● interpersonal and leadership skills;

● personal style.

Now have someone you know and trust review the list with you. You can do the same for the other
person and make it a two-way exercise. Finally, review the strengths and weaknesses of your team.
10. Working to win
Create a team that
Think like a
Play to your strengths Visualize success compensates for Build mastery
winner your weaknesses.

Know what you are good Walk through each step Remember all the times If you are no good at you have to keep on
at and in what context of the event, seeing what you have done great accounting, for instance, learning new skills and
(occupation, company a successful outcome things. Let yourself get rest assured there are improving existing skills.
and project). looks like, feels like, back into that frame of thousands of To succeed at anything
smells like and sounds mind. When you believe accountants out there to you have to be excellent
like. Rehearse it as you will succeed, you help. at something.
vividly as possible. Then will.
make it happen.
01. Your leadership
journey: key

Leadership requires crafting an agenda

(setting goals, not just accepting them),
working in a deeply political world and
working closely with other people

In reality, you cannot be taught to lead. You

have to discover how to lead through
experience and observation.
02. Managing your leadership journey: the
● Leadership means different things to different people in different organizations.
● At each level of an organization, there are fundamentally different expectations of
what a leader should look like and do.
Discover You may not like the rules of success in

your rules your organization.

of success Selling your soul to succeed may not

be worth it. If you do not like the rules
The rules of success and
survival vary depending on your of success, do not complain about
organization and its them.
In one context you cannot Save your breath. You can adapt,
survive without risk-taking; in the leave or sulk.
other, risk-taking kills you.
04. Build
Your most important task is to
find the right role with the right
employer and the right boss. If
you have a lousy role with a
lousy employer and a lousy
boss, that is your problem and
your responsibility.
Death star organizations Death star projects Death star bosses

You take a huge gamble when Basic principles to avoiding 1. Too strong bosses. They
you join an organization. death star projects: will look after their team
1. Avoid succeeding too very protectively. But the
You can improve the odds if much at things you do not moment you fail to deliver,
you join an organization that like. you are over.
is likely to grow and succeed. 2. Make yourself very useful 2. Too weak bosses, unable
to people who have to deliver expectations
interesting assignments. 3. The wrong taste, the
3. Last and least, work the personalities did not
formal assignment match.
06. How NOT to Get Promoted
- Disloyalty.
Don’t get too political about trying to replace your boss. Bosses forgive most sins, but
disloyalty is not one of them.

- Incompetence.
If you have a gold medal in incompetence, nothing will save you.

- Values and attitude.

Most people get hired for their technical skills, but fired for their lack of values or people
skills. Every organization has informal rules of the game, which are never written down.
Work out what the real values and real rules are and play to those. If you do not like the
values or the informal rules, you may well be in the wrong organization.
When you are in a tough place, listen to your head and heart.
But make sure you ask them the right questions. Here are three
questions for you to ask:

1. What Do I Enjoy?
work out what you enjoy, and then work out what sort of work and context will meet

07. your needs. That may or may not be in your current firm.
2. Am I set up for success?
Knowing This is really a two-part question. First, do your homework on your current or
prospective employer. Are they set up for success? Are they going to be growing or

When To declining over the next 10 years? Bluntly, growth means opportunity and decline
means stress. Back a winner.

Move On 3. What will I learn?

Learning is as much about having the right experiences and being exposed to the best
sorts of managers and leaders whom you can watch and learn from.
Here is how to review effectively, and

08. Coach Yourself it need only take a few seconds of

your time. After any key event, ask
yourself two questions:
To Success 1. WWW: What went well? When
What you need is the best coach in the world: someone who things work well, step back and
understands you and your situation. You need to hire yourself. ask ‘why? what did I do that
Coach yourself by following the plan–do–review cycle on all your helped things work well?’ This is
activities: how you will build your personal

1. Plan what you want to achieve and how. success formula.

2. Do it. Planning should eliminate these wastes and help you focus on 2. EBI: Even better if. Ask what you
could have done differently, or
real work.
tried to make things work better.
3. Review it. The review stage is where you learn most and it is your
Then, next time you are in a
chance to accelerate your career. It is your secret weapon.
similar situation, you will have a
new strategy to try out.
09. Running The
Leadership Marathon 5. Sleep. Turn up to work drunk and you can
expect to be fired. Turn up tired, and it is a
Work–life balance is not code for letting people go off and start families. badge of honour. But the effects of tiredness
It is about allowing you to create and sustain the energy that will carry on decision making, reactions and self
you to the top, not to the pig farm. Here are some obvious suggestions: awareness are just the same as the effects of

1. Diet. The right foods make a big difference. You do not need to be a
crank, but a diet of greasy burgers and chips is a heart attack on a
plate: it is not worth it.
2. Exercise. Find something you enjoy. Imitating a hamster on a 6. Switch-off time. Switch off the
treadmill is not for everyone. computer, text messages, phone,
3. Enjoyment. All the leaders we researched clearly enjoyed what they e-mail and all the other technology
“Life is too short
did. If there is stress, it is in the middle of the organization, not at the that imprisons you into a 24/7 work
to do things you
style. You do not have to work at 2
top. hate, even if they am while you are meant to be on
4. Relaxation. Most leaders are not one-dimensional. They tend to
pay well.” holiday.
have active interests outside work, which may be physical (hiking,
skiing, sailing), intellectual and cultural (arts, clubs) or social.
10. Staying Employable
Keep on learning.

Never stop learning and

adapting. Never. Keep
1 looking ahead to see what
Build your track record. skills you will need for your
next role or your next
It is not enough to have promotion.
worked hard. Many people
work hard and are then laid
off. You need to show that
you have achieved Build your networks.
something over and above
what might have been If you have a good network
expected for someone in within your current firm, you
your role. will know in advance where
3 the good opportunities are.
Your external networks are
also vital. Most jobs are
filled through personal
You need some way of
understanding yourself and how
you affect others and, for better
or worse, there are many
psychological models and tools
to help you or, in some cases,
confuse and depress you. The
Myers–Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI) is very much the famous
how you affect
Delegation is the only way to create
01 more than 24 hours in a day. ●

Delegation allows you to focus on the

02 areas where you make the most


03 It shows you have trust in the team ●

It builds and stretches your team:

04 they have to learn new skills.
05. Motivating
1. instructing, telling
and solving

06. problems;

Coaching 3. giving
2. giving advice
and guidance,
and suggesting
The art of coaching is about helping people feedback to
discover their own potential and resolve people;
their own issues. It is not about telling them asking questions to
what to do or solving all their problems for
understand the
them. As the leader, you take responsibility
for the success or failure of the team, so
letting them come up with the smart ideas
2. looking for
is 100% in your interests.
3. listening,
As a manager, you have a range of possible
and reflecting.
07. Valuing Others :
Cultural Intelligent
Instead of building cultural knowledge, focus on building cultural intelligence. If you do
this well with a global team, you can do it even better with your local team. You will
appear to be a leader who naturally reads people and understands them. There is a risk
you could become a popular leader that people actually want to follow.

Here is how you can build cultural intelligence, which is also intelligence about people
and about leadership:

Seek to understand, not Use positive Communicate Learn and

judge. regard. well. adapt.

If you judge others by the Most misunderstandings The best way to Working with other
way you work, you are can be eliminated if we communicate is to listen. cultures and other
making assumptions use positive regard. The more you listen, the people you can never
about what is best. You Positive regard is about more you understand. amass enough
may know what is best in having respect for other When you really knowledge to succeed.
your area of work, but no people and starting with understand what the As a leader, your job is to
one knows everything. the assumption that they other person is thinking, observe, understand and
Be humble enough to mean then you can influence then adapt quickly to all
find out what works best well. them positively. Listening the signals that you are
elsewhere. also pays them respect. seeing and hearing.
● Play it hard. Anchor the debate

08. Managing on the most extreme case you

can justify, and then marshal as
much hard evidence as you can to

Expectation justify your position. You will be

negotiated down from the
extreme position: this will show
Expectations management is the lifeblood of flexibility on your part while still
corporate failure and success. Look at how enabling you to chase a
often profit warnings follow the appointment of reasonable goal.
a new CEO: the new CEO then makes a series ● Play it fast. Set expectations as
of exceptional charges and write-offs to early as you can. The later you
correct the failings of the previous CEO. leave things, the harder it
becomes to change. If a top down

This is not always an uplifting game to play, planning assumption of 20 per

but it is essential to survival. There are two cent growth is made, you will
find it hard to anchor the
golden rules to playing it well: play it
discussion on zero growth.
hard and play it fast.
09. Managing
Focus on the
future, not
Focus on
Focus on the
journey, not
the past. , not the event. Managing performance is not just about
performance. systems. It is about how you think: if you think
about performance management the right way
then it is easy, whatever the corporate system
may be.

Here are three ways to think differently about

managing performance:
Professionals can be high maintenance: they
10. can achieve much but they demand much. They
have ambition and ego to match their ability
and work ethic. And it’s likely that they do not
Managing respect you: your team probably thinks they
could do your job far better than you are doing.
So how do you manage egomaniacs who do not
Professionals respect you? In essence, professionals want less
management and more leadership.

Here are the basics of managing professionals:

1. Stretch them
2. Set a direction.
3. Shield your team
4. Support your team
5. Show you care.
6. Don’t surprise your team at appraisal time
7. Recognize them
8. Delegate.
9. Set expectations.
10. Manage less.
1. Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the internal factors are knowledge sharing self-efficacy, self
leadership, knowledge sharing behavior which is a determinant of innovative behavior. Innovative behavior is the variable of interest
in the company and this becomes a success and a means to sustain in the competition for very competitive industry
2. Design/methodology/approach – This research method uses a quantitative approach to structural equation model of partial least
square (PLS-SEM) as a tool to test and analyze, the respondents in this study amounted to 90 from various divisions. Internal factors
that have a role to innovative behavior.
3. Findings –This study get the result that knowledge sharing self-efficacy and self-leadership has a direct influence on knowledge
sharing behavior. Only the self- efficacy of knowledge sharing behavior does not have a direct influence on innovative behavior.
The Research Model:
Literature Review:

1. Innovative Behavior
2. Knowledge Sharing Behavior
3. Knowledge Sharing self - eficacy
4. Self Leadership

Hypotheses Development:

H1: Knowledge sharing behavior significantly influence

innovation behavior on employees of PT. Matoa Indonesia in
H2: Self-efficacy significantly influence innovation behavior on
employees of PT. Matoa Indonesia in Bandung
H3: Self-efficacy significantly influence knowledge sharing the
employees of PT. Matoa Indonesia in Bandung.
H4: Self leadership significantly influence innovation behavior
on employees of PT. Matoa Indonesia in Bandung
H5: Self leadership significant effect on knowledge sharing
the employees of PT. Matoa Indonesia in Bandung
Result and Conclusion:

The result showed that all indicators in the study variables knowledge sharing self-efficacy, self
leadership, knowledge and innovative behavior sharing have a consistent and valid measurement.

Knowledge sharing self-efficacy and self-leadership are antecedents of knowledge sharing

behavior, because both these variables have an influence. Knowledge sharing self efficacy and
self-leadership has a direct influence on innovative behavior, which means that employees at
product this classic implementing a culture of sharing both information and in a positive activity, as
well as self-leadership, someone who is embodied in the form of activity, so that with the
knowledge sharing and self leadership embodied in the form of activity, it will directly improve the
innovative behavior. Another thing with self-efficacy of knowledge sharing which can not directly
affect innovative behavior, it can be said that employees at this classic products are not confident in
the capabilities.

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