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[By a ARTE / Goverment nla safer RT | Deparment of Space fama arma siafter x / VIKRAM SARABHAI SPACE CENTRE ‘vara Thiwanantaparam 685 022 poem eaee Re ehh ms on oA ee ARF te WRITTEN TEST FOR SELECTION TO THE POST OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANT {COMPLTER SCIENCE "ZENGINEERING, ADVT, NO. 304) 1G H.1386 / Post No 1386, fale: 09.06 2018 gator aieiMaximum Maks: 320 weralTine 2 eZ hows ae aTzIName of he candidate Ageia aR no. Lo - saffat & few araa2r /Instructions to the Candidates 4. as qgrar rarer ef ae ier Ber tr a Rh Fe it fear wer 1 af ase dx A re wa A an oe aT a re at ce E at tea tela TAL You have been clk for The wien fest based on the online data hished by youin the web application you hav in the web any information or you do not possess the required _auliaton as perouradverSsament, your candidature will ba rejected 2 RAT SOME Meyer Ta ate sha A ra 02 cE The Qeston papers he fam of Gueston Bec wi 80 questions athe aon of te esis 2 aus 3. re Reenter wages wee & ser ht Bt a AR ow rae ae a a eT The questions wi be cbecive type wih four options out of which anyone willbe unanbiguousy cect, 4 ete one AR 94 ae gb atte ein are eae ART or 3b ET IAT Each question cas O4 mars and one mark wil be deduced foreach wrong answer. 8. Rats et a fae aa stemome seae gear eT A separate MR answer sheet wth carbon coat copy wl be provided to mak the arswer opens, 8 sve, serena ee rei sega, Arter ean a afr oe Ba rT Se fear data staat aif ee aft sare aT TUT TE You have to select he raht answer by maring the corresponding oval en the OMR answer sheet by tvetiack bal poten as per he instructions gen nthe answer sheet. 7. emma Re ante seat aaa TATE Nubile answers fora question wilbe regarded as wong answer. SEAL Pro 1 n 4. 16. sxartattdtafta magnets steeure seme Rar ier Eat eo RCL Ceston bok code printed en he to Hoh come shout be win inthe OVR answer shea nthe space mowses sre rer oerar er aaa EF «yor Hare and Roll Number coect in he question booklet shoo see far wat Rea tea eae ater eter 8 A a aC Allene in the OMR answer sheet should be with bluefback ball pint pen onl ater ge ter sear eh Rane NT TNT AA HRC "You shoud sign the hal ticket onlin the presence of he Inigiatoin he examination hal ‘aft ote aarti & lee eae, reece aha SNe at ee Sec TS goth ate a a ep Ase ‘Computers, calculators, maile phones and other. sex books, nots ete, wil not be ‘lowed inside the wate teat al. On come the OME sheet lon fop and hand inal OMR answor sheet tothe invigltor and retain the duplicate copy wth vou, wen. gfe san rac are carat ‘The question books can be tained by te candidate ‘tr ei ra ate afr eA a Candidates are not permite to leave te exarnation hall dung he fst hour ofthe examination. -WeH.1 SCUNICAL ASSIST SCIENCE) = 1386 1, faeeiafte wren aig av anseye ea ger? ‘What wil be the ouput ofthe following program segment? int intsum-0; forGrlisthirs) ( ) print (sum), @s & 6 © 4% os 2. fieeeh amend aretha rag FAR er ett In Object Oriented Programming Concepts, what i an abstract method? Co) eo A rer tg RT ‘Armethod which doesn’t have any method body (wR SA RR Ra sige aT UH aT a ATE ‘A method with only a return statement inside the method body (o) Cem PRR aera fate Be iat a ww traf Af WS Ofer wT aE ‘A meod which has method body with ove statement inside it but no retum statement (©) see ew a AFNone ofthe above 3. frafefta 8 ater wore gw Re Uw de aeeteerttoon 7 ‘Which ofthe folowing is a valid contractor declaration for he class Baok? (2) public Sting Book) (8) public Moat Book« ) (6) protected String Book( ) (@) public Book() 4. steiar amewomget ergs aihgr tenor a Fae wear a Seabee AT? Whict RAID type doesn’t use parity for (a) Sareea RAID 1 fe) sreeamgd RAID 6 8. Baer a a tan frat gener fea ah #7 Whicd of the allowing isnot apart of UML? (@) WedesrraTAUsecae diagram (b) | FTA SMATAIClass diagram (©) free Reaerfire srearst/Entty Relationship diagram (@) Ste sraMATSequence diagram 6. yerqua a fre vga ae at gee Chaos the method used for enor detection (a) WaaT fABParity Method (©) whra sacar HaCyclic Redundaney Check (© BP ETIHamming code (@) SUG RAAll of the above 7. Retoto1010 frat & Fre AXOR ABT a SATET For inputs, A-TO1OI010 Find AXOR A {@) cioi0101 (©) 00000000 @ mui (© 10101010 8, aA Gera aimee TEA TR scones RAR RT HT Duty eye of the falling repesive waveforms given by om o mT © Warn @ wR 9, fat ottyg angt et aet aff ree eu aft & afte dam RAR Ese are: - ae tl ‘A pure abstract cass wher all methods are without method body is genealy called as (@) aiseatener cass (tora inal abst class (©) saersinerace (package Jo. sor) aaa ent wt Rat Rew & aiid te aw & ont Be oa wee st Fe fi “The tme required to move the reat head tothe desired wack of disks called (@) sgPLateney aire aaTAcoes time Co) _sfreeor aTeSeck ime (@ TaeTipage ful 2 ‘ 1386 1. 12, 13. 14 18, fresifafinet C++ sarer ox Rear fife) ge stars ar asege Pca 87 Sonar the allowing C++ Prosam, Whitisthe ouput ofthis progean? inc main +2015, ‘outa return 0; ) @ 35 ) 34 © % @ 3 sre chron at fafa A ata ifr Bi? ‘Which ofthe following stare mandatory in funtion declaration? (a) ofeeramr ergs, wart a aTaetun ype, fanction name only Cb) aftirater eg, waar, rer zrveetum type, function name, parameters only (©) Sate, wa aT aTHparameters,funston name only (@) sare aera tunetion name only Cosat Aarcte ftom a & Re Rar Hee eee a ear Rar Tet bP ‘Which keyword suse to define the macros in C+? (@) macro (0) define (6) define (a) -sieafirer #3 a strarftinone ofthe mentioned Pree ant Ha tar Eeehgeh air ar eR a 7 Which of the following layer is NOT part of TCP/IP model (a) Transport Layer (b) Session Layer (c)_Application Layer (d) Network Layer safcitae thee idee at eae wat Fata aot Bi? ‘Which ofthe folowing statements ivare FALSE with respect to software testing? ‘ea: angers har FOr see 1: Whitebox ex ae base on specifications; ean: abe af aero RE ETRE 2: Black-box ess are based on ode eas: rar ange ce Coa hae fen Sra 3 Alpha testing is conducted a the developer's site (a) $a WHI TU Ta AeA EOnly $1 and $2 are FALSE, (baer ca area aE Only Sand $3 are FALSE. (e) ae wa? Te aS aA BOnly 82 and $3 are FALSE. (@) Wa, Ce TUT eR BAHT TATE ofSI, $2 and S3 ae FALSE. s 1386 16. sfteqe wieder aftacra & deat 4, fener saaat #8 steer aioe t7 Inthe context of modular software design, which oe ofthe following combinations is desirable? (@) Fewster rer see geaTrHigh cohesion and hgh coupling (oy sea aiaraa er fos aPHEigh cokesion and lov coupling (e)_ Breer sere se eu IzATLow cohesion and high coupling (@ frase secre ae Fee Garrow cohesion and low coupling 17, ee ame wm Serta aroh oe Fran Afar, fret feet wer & ort care aire ee fle ore sir afer Fr eSB Gear aT Ta EP ‘Consider database table named siden, which stores the marks obtained by students for rratherais ina elas, What does the following query do? DELETE FROM stent WHERE marks <(SELECT avg(arks) FROM student); @ POAT wld wh sea TeTt “Te query deletes all the records rom the student table oy ae geen gare ara ON Ra TAN ART era wel Ree TEA sh ae aent “The query deletes lhe rows fiom student table wher the value ofthe atbute marks is tes than the average mark (Be gen gare arr Ng saratre ere & et rar a 3k ates HAE “The query deletes he column mork fom student table where the value ofthe atebute marks isless than the average marke @ Te yoraree anf cite daeat ahead eT “The query is syntactically wrong and des not execu 18, Seat A tac Bex reer ere FAT aT Sea eB? Which ofthe following ess Simplex mode of Data transfer? (0) SeueCa Rie erent frm Computer to Printer (o) wememaAeatemet Browsing (orate staraTekphone Communication (o) SuGeaA a aig selon ofthe above 19, awaee Het A seers a eT In RSS Feeds, RSS stan for (@ Really Synchronous Syndication _—(&)_Rational Synchronous Service (©) Really Simple Syeication (@) Rational Simple Syndication 8 6 1385 20, 21 2, 24 25, Sihor ar sntr eck ay dact a agate far ator 81 a sche ta 100 aryerdtis star & at sa wg A Fe at & Four channels are multipleved using TDM. Ifeach channel sends 100 byes/second then the bitrate forthe linkis G@) 400 bps 1) 800 bps (©) 1600 bps (3200 bps fret Fer & 2 wor aan ait ge 9 aa RT au BL et sane aT GE MTU 3 wet: 2 Fr aneeamat hy festa aa ater a 8? [A system has 2 processes and 3 shared identical resources. Each process needs maximum 2 of those resourees, Which ofthe following is TRUE? (a) sreftere Geet et aaaTEDeadlock may occur () aire feane dee waht ang tetDeadlock NEVER occurs (©) BAT aT wah There will be starvation always (6) Beef a aNE a ae RNone ofthe above ar tae |G we Fear ew araleact TAT WA process executes the folowing code sxeie9 fork ) atari saa Age sie ‘Total number of hil process crested @1 © Pp © Pa @ 2 HES eer wom H Rafa # a wa de aaaee ab? In base-3 number system, which ofthe following is NOT valid representation: @ O11 (0202 © ma © 0303 ty Qa wn at co th ‘The value of ./ @e oe © « ‘arvana Rae AAFRTCL/Consider the folowing statement: nt Datal2}$] =(10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80}; Valve 30 A eeA ofa ee El AT AAAAT ow major order) Value 30 can be accessed 3s ~ (ssume row-major ordet) (@) Data[olis] (6) Datalt}2) Data} #)_— Data (01) 7 1386 27 ae 3 fw sat BVA stack is useful for (a) Batre eTiBreadth Frst Search 1b) GrTecARecusion fe) Reme arder A aR Queve ina tcket counter a) eee er sche ach aa aH TG Accessing elements wsing index aE anh athe Stora ak ercdt after Pret afafte aph arr ow de at arcifeat ‘Bran arer & ay fret onera & Paar aver tora Pah eh? Ia Queue is implemented with inked list with ¢wo pointers from” and rear, what willbe the ime :omplesty to insert an element? a) Oflogn) () O(n log n) © Oy @® Oly com gitar der a dareor wee Tatar Pehl soar ah ww sits ett A agrees soar Pret 8? What isthe minimum numberof fields in anode ofa double linked list which ean store one integer saa ®t © 2 © 3 @ 4 stsittes serereonait a, or a ange aT a Aone ware AY eis AAR ee wt wea g? In OOPS concepts, how cen you acess protected method of clas 4 fram class Bouts the package? (0) apiece wet can't be accessed (bo) ercware dt ware c% ait &, dr agt gE HATE wean be aceesed ony ifelasB inherits lass 6 Webra tis siee a aEaraT aT, META AE Itean be accessed only wit the same package not from outside @ A BGT 8 Ste aT St HT CY STANS BT Terex ny ea Bovetotan A srr womelt 3 srefirar aT In operating sytem, Response time's: (a) eagtrer ear 8 of hare Re er ge TT “The total tine taken for the submission tne il he eompletion time oy swemaren eae se aera See eh a Fea ar “The tme taken om the submission tine til the fst response is produced (oy weapon sed afar arege sett Roe ae ae FRET TG AAT “The otal time taken fom submission time il nal ouput is produce. (FRAG a AiNone oF hese el 31 2. 33, ‘exe, rape, caer atte ser sae 1 Panther, aguse, Pama and Checah are examples of? (a) Sarat sitter Fteem Windows Operating Systems (o) AapaiaRRer FreeA Mac Operating Systems (o) Wega ateta FaeerT Android Operating Systems (8) BANE arene of these ‘irate a ata ara 7Mnich ofthe folowing is FALSE? (0) aBrt satertia UDP is connectinles 0) tet aiduata t onpt adurteape ‘TCPis eomextinless, IPs connecton-rented fo) Tara até 25 atte oeneteh ate 21 ar seater aa SSMIP uses port 25 and FTP ses por 21 @) abe arreare GHTTP is stateless gaat wart (4 FAS AT BVINSERT operation is fastest in (a) Bardeen after dren fle organisation () Qrcafrer sree ile organisation (te aesife dremel orgaistion (afer aiter aeEAClustered file organization ‘Prat fairer welts & fare Pret fafaitee oataror & sine feet fatefeec aerarafey & fewwa ita wares # Sarerat a aed th Probability of failure fee operation ofa system over a speified time wihina specified environment fora specified purpose is called (@)_TaMRobustness (©) eaAUEfficiency (6) frearehaer Reliability @) PafieaDunbilty dente A faeataftna & & wtaar wer we BP In database, which ofthe following statement is TRUE (0) eke a gerrata frar a aee S B Gerreth Pe S aeT TRUNCATE can be rolled back; but DROP cannot be rolled beck (>) Beret gpa fram wear &: Ar eke at errata Pra ar aT DROP canbe rolled back ; but TRUNCATE cannot be rolled back (© Gade mae dat at Grats Prat sTeeTEL BothTRUNCATE and DROP cannot be rolled back @ cake am ge chat wt grata aE Pat oT ewATE Both TRUNCATE and BROP can be rolled back 9 1386 36, fet wauate ate fee adh wet aro teat 87 ‘Which is the correct truth tle for XNOR gate? x [v= x = [ele efit et epi @ (b) TICES caloal 71 [ thie = °{e[e © fo fe (a) Saale A was aA Rone of the above Ee fe thf 7. Ree ae as fer ar wea BH GFCT Choose the simplified form of given ogi eeut © o =)» : 7 ; —>—* * r 38, feet dear shafiar 16 fee aefeeer quiet earer famere ar ware gutta wa ta a wet The range of integers tht can be handled by a computer processing 16 bit unsigned integers is from @ v2" ©) 0102-1 © 002" (8) Shea ME aMAANone ofthe sbove 39 ai xear, yezattat 27 exe at, y=2at then? wt @ 2" on @® 2 40, Rah wAteor sharor , set aM tga a ster araer harer rar ara tS fag aa aot ggg a weg Arar ster Fae emARE stteror Fear ora &, Se ~ weet Ei ‘An integration testing approach, where all modules ae individually tested; then all those modules are integrated and tested as a whole is called (@) aefamersandwich wxing (0) Re AeetTorBig bang testing (o) WMATA THITOTBatom Up testing (1) MATE TTP Top Down testing 41, tara emer after fait mgt 7 Which is NOT a performance testing method (@)_AreebeToTLoad testing (&) Bem eherorPenciration esting Co) sitar atarnsiess testing (sree gTOIVolume testing 42, te Rea & at A aaa wer gee] Choose WRONG sateen about packet steing (a) ae stare rem ardor srareor st Sehr TATE eases store an forward ansmission &) BASRC UR EAT TARE ‘All pacets follow these route o) eae Feree gaer a i Rreee at aerere aft aT Bandwith isnot wasted compared to ici switching @ teamed srarat Packets may aie out of erder 48, FSS BeaE A MOT, eon AT AIT TH EL In Cloud computing, the acronym PAAS stands for (@) Peipherals.As A Service (©) Platform As A Service (6) Paes As A Service (©) Same aE AM AINone ofthe above B " 1386 4, Fe ek ea sae ome fet Ge oer Ee ep after A ot & at sa Ee at, os EA BL ‘When an attempt i tomake a machine or network service unavailable to its intended users, the atack is ealed (a) ar ferro EHTeANenial-OF Service stash (&) Heme ETAUSIoW Read Attack (6) Rie arge PBR erATICross-sie si (@) Yea Rae GHeNZero Day attack 45, fosifers gptayet staat # & steer are & eeeha & fet ea thay waa 87 Which ofthe following malicious program can spread by islf without any human intervention? (@ 2yWorm () AsrATrojan (©) RAR AESpyware © ARVs 46, ffafins coge ferote ay Ptor sar aa? Whatisthe ouput ofthe following C code snippet? inelude ‘void main(){ har s}>"1SRO*, sr2[J"ISRO"; if (strl—=str2) { prin both are same" Jelset rintboth are NOT same); y y (@) atat ear tboth ae same () Seton ito are NOT same (9) SET ytcompiler enor (©) Beha ta eH aM Alnone ofthe above 47. Reh anata ar nr Rutter wat bg Raffa Ag eta war sae Pra ret 8? ‘Which of the ftlowing addres is used to determine the process on a host system? (2) Logical adress (6) Physical address (c) MACaddess (4) Port adress ing attack 48. UB ncn =ncatan=7 HnC=nC, then n=? @ 092320) © 225 @ 3 B 2 1386 43 51 82, cc & arid Sheree ae tl Uniniatized pointer in i cae as (@) Dangling pointer (©) Nall pointer (©) Void piner (@) Wid poiner feaeaa Reaectacr achat & eer Ret aieedar A saat Reet 7 siafieerar antar arr (radtdto) = 25 far are atta ae (ere) = 6aE What is the availability of «software with the following reliability figures? Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) = 25 days, Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) *6 hours @ 1% 24% © 9% (@) 99.009% ardrdrenres & feast wat ox fare Afr ras A a ataer wet b? Consider the following staements of RDBMS. Which ofthe following are corect? 1 sera wr gx ate ateheeTOs Ht Bevery relation in 3NF is also in BCNF. 1, eee amr ge iets seat aM BrEvery elation in BCNF is also in 3NF (@) Rae LAE B/Only Lis correct (b) Later ate Ber Kibo I and Mare correct (©) Lararit ate rre Both {and 1 are wrong () Baer 11 BE BOnly Mis comect. wade AER 255.255.2100 8 ger Pre dead fae deer anfade semi A weft sie & Maximum number of best addresses that is possible for a network with a subset mask 255:285.240.0's (a) 256 (1024 © 4094 4096 aw ahr Bradt sits yf 128 eardh & ate arene war Sener 92 Fe Bae a sr anger 8 dh Bat pw ao Pet fae ete? ‘A machine is wth 128 MB physical memory and 32 bit virtual address space. I the page size is '8 KB how many entries will be therein the page table? (@) 2power 19 (©) 2power32 (©) 2power 12 (@)2power 13 1B 1386 84, tam A aah gure A mie BA bg Gisw ge A Rr ERT eet ater ‘To guarantee correction of yptot eros, the minimum Hamming distance in a block code must be @ nm ® © 1 © mw 98, CsteneT a Refer ais war ara 8? ‘What does te following fragment of C-program prin? char el] ~"LAKEVIEW"; cher *p Print("65", pept3}pI0D) (@) LAKEVIEW ) EVIEW ©) VIEW @ EW 56. de awe a ag arta fawedt ay afc Choose the comely matched ptons (a) Wares F3f31cat TATUTT/Authentication- Digital Certificate ata Reafreers Stare area Non-repuciation- Digital Signing arivetrarar apEarariConfidentiality- Encryption (bo) SABER are Ahentication - Digital Signing ‘ala Ree BAe eMUTIANon-epadition- Digital Create arene agETUContdentility- Encryption (6) Sara Bea area Authentication Digital Signing ‘aie eae TC MATETTANon-repudiation- Digital Certificate _sreigaT-7geMaterity- Encryption (@ saber 8 at at afore ofthe above 97. Bet ete BY aPC! Choose the CORRECT statement @ Atapea ) AtAB=At8 © Waa+8 (8) Sefer RAMA ofthe above B 4 1386 6 6a, are (14 Sp eet a The dee of EB) (14+ Bis? @ 3 &) 2 © 4 @iol shor hf or aan Ry TT TI os NE Technique used to evaluate the qu (a) seated aherormMuation Testing (b)_ SeueTaETUttaTo/Repression Testing (©) Wear seroTAlpha testing (a) SafPieeDebugging iy of testcase is called af eam at aI ‘Choose the comet statement (ey eer thor a er afar ferme haere gree ar Bl Stubs are essential in Tp down testing Test Drivers are essential in Bottom vp testing (by einb sg atten at tee erga iar Ewart enor er ard #1 Test Drivers ate essential in Tp dawn testing: Stubs are essential in Bottom up testing (© these shar eer ata bez arpa ward gL Stubs and est drivers ar essential in Top down esting (Sader aeret A stats ot were [None ofthe above statement is correct Heats ome A agieath By AE GGT cee AME BEL ‘Server replication for network performance enhancement is through (3) HRimICoching (&) Breftainoring (©) WAgeUCompression (@) Babee H Ras aH aPINone of te above sealing Aa & aati bq feafafeas a a fra crate dae stebatat at scat fear ara #7 Which fhe following tranport layer protocols is used to support electone mail? (@ WRemértisMTP (bared (© terce @® amor ‘apres state sitetter FRecat creed at Pre ee A diate ace 87 UNIX based operating sytem stores password in which form, (@) aRiraRartashod (0) ABARRVEDeryated (© HETTEMsin text (@)RrafBerDecryped 8 1386 67. ait ofa arcane ofaftat Gay a scat ard gv Reniafad a Ate ase) ‘Simplify the following using thee variable Karnaugh maps (K-map) F(X.¥.2) = (023,46) xe © Z+Fr @ Tear @ xeZ+y faeafaftns Cee stan adie a ater war 82 ‘What isthe output ofthe following C++ program Segment? void check(ine arg) a ) int ain) { argl = 550; intarg= 10; ‘check(arg); ‘cout<< "New value of arg is" < © @ <> 73, Cesta Te Ht areraT MCAT Iga H Sea a aT farTerfaaa A B ate -aT 2 Which ofthe following is an advantage of wing a seperate CSS file in HTML? (a) Recreate Yat The content becomes easy to manage (args ef fra Fre ange arereve fe aaTo t Easier to design sites for diferent devices like motile (©) theeree aga tga a ach ake me ahs ae bf oe aE C85 Files re cached and decease server load and network tae (@) SefRaFBIVAL ofthe above 74, Brea a a tocar coreg ar Raoe-ga Ya wa Et BP Which of the following is nt a built in aggregate function in SQL? (a) witches) FeRimax (6) eHow =) ERHCount 75, ween Fata aa fated Hy atest eer Raa BP Which ofthe following scheduling algorithm i always pre-emptive? (@) wee mm UTR WebiFist Come First Served (0) steee ata neiShones ob First (© etaar Pts nPriory scheduling (@ TsdtentatarTARound Robin Scheduling 76. mre are Fs ame veh ha arse a Soar a as gs Be ar aR a EE athe de wR aw ue ater wee EL sy Re oT eee ATE ae whe dear att 87 ‘Suppose you are browsing the World Wide Web using a web browser and trying to access the web servers. What iste underlying protocol and port number that are being used? (@) upp, 0 &) TcP,80 (© TCP, 25 (@ uDP,25 B 18 1386 77. eee rar shes oe Fae ART Consider the following Java program class TEST public stati void in(Strng ares) { public it ote int 7-6; private int 2-9; Systemoutpitin(xy+2) } ) ‘ge sha epee ae ren rere TROT eT ET? ‘What wil be esl of attempting to compile and ran he program’? (2) prins 369 (©) prin 18 (o) _ SeTWCT Te YP eA TAT Blproduces compile time eor () a aeaee area ete er eer sree Ra Ir compiles fine bt gives runtime exception 78, phy 6H te ae sizer wa a OTT t ‘The sizeof source and destination addresses in IPV6 is () 6afeerix —(&)safemin, «(2 Reb (4) 56 FRR 79, Uw Yang, St 60 Pratt A aie Bue wee, 9A A ow ste Te ae A oe oerdt cing Pract A tani running atthe speed of 60knvr cress a pole in see. What isthe length of the tain? fe) 202m — 1807 (324m @)_15098m 80. RRM wan aT a a RE HoT aT aA AN A AEH ATA AY cn EE EL ‘The switching ofthe CPU fiom one processor thread to another sealed (9) sop FRetiprocess siteh () wrt RRattask switch (@) Beat FReraicontext switch (@) Saderas ang ah aftNone ofthe above sea at face /Space for rough work,

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