Week 7 Study Questions

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Week 7 Study Questions

1. List three advantages and three disadvantages of terminal sedation identified by Brock
good: enable the self determination of patients
major Americans agree
relives suffering
relives the psychological pain
promote a swift rather slow dying process
bad: patients will fear the physician
could weaken society optimal care for a limited time.
Having a choice sometimes makes one worse off sometimes the burden of choice can
weigh heavy on some ppl.
Might weaken the general prohibition of suicide.
Slippery slope argument of legalization of involuntary terminal sedation.

2. What is Lindsay, Beauchamp, and Dick’s justification for their claim that a regulatory
“scheme that allows physicians to provide legal assistance in hastening death is
preferable to a total ban on that assistance” (383)?

3. Why does Brock see no significant moral difference between physician-assisted suicide
and euthanasia (386R)?
4. What are the two components of Brock’s central ethical argument for voluntary active
euthanasia (387L)?
5. Explain the point of Brock’s “greedy son” thought experiment (388L).
6. Explain David Velleman’s “subtle point” that Brock identifies as a further bad
consequence of permitting euthanasia. Hint: read the whole paragraph before forming
your answer (391L).
7. What does Brock identify as the lesson to be taken from the Dutch experience of
voluntary euthanasia, where it has been legal for many years (393R)?
8. How can the Doctrine of Double Effect be used to support Gert, Culver, et al’s claim that
honoring a patient’s refusal of treatment is not killing the patient (408L), (417)?

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