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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Week 4

Laws of Exponent
Multiplication and
Division of

Mark Anthony C. Castro

Teacher III
Jane P. Valencia EdD
EPS I- Mathematics
Beyond being recognized as the gastronomic epicenter and
culinary capital of the Philippines, Pampanga is a multifaceted
place. Although the province is mostly known for their servings of
delicious Kapampangan food, it has a certain depth to it that goes
beyond gustatory sensations.


1. It was once the capital of the Philippines
2. It is the first province created by the Spaniards.
3. The province has its language
4. Kapampangans are deeply religious.
5. The province has seventeen festivals in total.

As you have read, I will be guiding you in some of the famous

and enchanting festivals of Pampanga. Are you excited to your
adventure? Come and explore the culture of Pampanga and
learn on how to evaluate expressions with the use of laws of

Laws of Exponents
Exponents are also called Powers or Indices

The exponent of a number says how many times to use the

number in a multiplication.

In this example: 82 = 8 × 8 = 64 exponent or

index or
Examples: power

1. a7 = a x a x a x a x a x a = base

8 2
2. x6 = x· x · x · x · x · x
3. b5 = b x b x b x b x b =

In words: 82 could be called "8 to

the second power", "8 to the
power 2" or simply "8 squared"
In solving expressions with
exponents you need to follow the
(when there is numerical
Laws of Exponent coefficient involve, it follows the
same rule, which is you will multiply
1. 𝑎𝑚 ∙ 𝑎𝑛 = 𝑎𝑚+𝑛
the exponent to the exponent of
When you are multiplying same the numerical coefficient. The
variable with an exponent, first exponent of 2 is 1, so 2x1=2. That is
multiply their numerical why, it becomes 22 . This means you
coefficient, second copy the will multiply the number 2 twice by
variable and third add their itself)
exponents. 𝑎 𝑚 𝑎𝑚
4. (𝑏 ) = 𝑏𝑚 , 𝑏 ≠ 0
a. 𝑥 6 ∙ 𝑥 2 = 𝑥 6+2 = 𝑥 8 (the This law is same with rule in Law #
numerical coefficient of the two 3, the only difference is you will
variables x is 1) multiply the exponent outside the
b. 3 2
4𝑎 ∙ 3𝑎 = (4)(3)𝑎 3+2
= 12𝑎5 parenthesis to the exponent inside
(the numerical coefficient of the of the parenthesis both numerator
two variables are 4 and 3 and denominator
2. (𝑎 𝑚 )𝑛
=𝑎 𝑚𝑛
𝑎 2 𝑎2
a. (𝑏 ) = 𝑏2
This law is called power of a power.
In here, you will multiply the 𝑛3
b. ( 4) =
exponent outside the parenthesis 𝑚 𝑚12

to the exponent inside the 𝑎𝑚

5. = 𝑎𝑚−𝑛 , 𝑖𝑓 𝑚 > 𝑛, 𝑎 ≠ 0
parenthesis. 𝑎𝑛

Examples: When you are dividing same

a. (𝑎6 )2 = 𝑎12 variable with an exponent, first
divide the numerical coefficient,
b. (𝑎3 )5 = 𝑎15 second copy the variable and
third subtract the exponents.
3. (𝑎𝑏)𝑚 = 𝑎𝑚 𝑏𝑚
When it comes to this law, follow
the rule in the Law # 2 but the only 𝑏6
a. (𝑏2 ) = 𝑏6−2 = 𝑏4
difference is you will multiply the
exponent outside to all the 10𝑎10 10 10−2
b. ( )= 𝑎 = 5𝑎8
exponent inside the parenthesis. 2

(when it involves numerical

coefficent, since it is division,
a. (𝑚2 𝑛)3 = 𝑚6 𝑛3 (the exponent of divide the numerical coefficient)
n is 1. So, 1x3 = 3)
b. (2𝑎 𝑏 ) = 2 𝑎 𝑏 = 4𝑎 𝑏
5 3 2 2 10 6 10 6
𝑎𝑚 1
6. = 𝑎𝑛−𝑚 , 𝑖𝑓 𝑚 < 𝑛, 𝑎 ≠ 0

This law has same rule with Law #5. The only difference is the exponent
in the denominator is bigger that the numerator. In this case, you will get
the reciprocal of the negative exponent.

𝑎6 𝑎−4
a. = 𝑎6−10 = 𝑎−4 = (the denominator of a number/variable is
𝑎10 1
always 1)
= 𝑎4 (To make the negative exponent into positive, get the reciprocal.
When you are finding the reciprocal, interchange the numerator and
25𝑏7 25 5𝑏 −4
b. 5𝑏11
= 5
𝑏7−11 = 5𝑏−4 = 1
(the 5 is remained on its position because
it doesn’t have negative exponent)

5(1) 5
= 4
= 4
𝑏 𝑏
7. = 𝑎𝑚−𝑚 = 𝑎0 , 𝑎 ≠ 0

In here, you will follow the rule in Law #5. If the variable has an exponent
of 0, that variable is equal to 1.

a. 𝑎6 = 𝑎6−6 = 𝑎0 = 1

b. 𝑥3 = 𝑥 3−3 = 𝑥 0 = 1

The "Laws of Exponents" (also called "Rules of Exponents") come

from three ideas:

The exponent says how many times to use the number in a


A negative exponent means divide, because the opposite of

multiplying is dividing

A fractional exponent like 1/n means to take

the nth root:

Are the information clear? Do you understand?


This is a Kapampangan festival which is being held during the

last month of the year. It may sometimes hit a November start
date but the main event usually falls on the month of
December. This is only just one of the many festivals held in
Pampanga in the prosperous city of San Fernando.

For your first activity, you just need to get it

perfect for you to help Mariang Sinukwan
pick her perfect headdresses. Good luck
and enjoy learning!

Expanded and Exponent Form

A. Write the exponent form in expanded form.

1. 57
= ______________________
2. 18
= ______________________
3. 134
= ______________________
4. 86
= ______________________
5. 159
= ______________________
B. Rewrite the expanded form in exponent form.

6. 6 x 6 x 6 x 6
= ______________________
7. 11 x 11 x 11
= ______________________
8. 14 x 14 x 14 x 14
= ______________________
9. 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8
= ______________________
10. 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5
= ______________________

Are you having fun? At this point, I

hope you know the basics of
exponents. We have to move on for
us learn more. Enjoy!

Performs operations on polynomials (Multiplication)

Hello kids! I am Sir Polynom. Today, I

will take you with me as we enjoy the
thrilling rides and attractions of Sky
Ranch while learning how to multiply
polynomials. Isn’t that exciting? Come
on! Let’s have some fun and learn at
the same time, kiddos.

Guide Card

Wow! That looks

awesome and fun, Sir. Welcome to Sky Ranch, kiddos. For
We can’t wait to try all today’s adventure, you will be receiving
the exciting activities. 4 tickets that you can use to experience
the thrilling rides and fun attractions of
this theme park. These tickets will be torn
in half and will serve as proof that you
successfully completed each activity
along your way. Good luck! Little

How to multiply polynomials? EXAMPLES:

1. (x3)(x5) = x8
MONOMIAL BY 2. (3x2)(-5x10) = -15x2
A MONOMIAL 3. (-3a)(4b) = -12ab
4. (6m2)(-4mn) = -24m3n
To multiply a monomial by 5. (-8x2y3)(-9xy8) = 72x3y11
another monomial, simply 6. (2p4r)(-8p6r2) = -16p10r3
multiply the numerical 7. (2a2b5)(-3ab-4) = -6a3b
coefficients then multiply 8. (-11xy2)(-4x3y) = 44x4y3
the literal coefficients by 9. (5x4y)(-6x-6y2) = -30y3
applying the basic laws of x2
exponent. 10. (-3a-2b3)(2a-3b) = -6b4
1. 7x(4x – 2) = 28x2 – 14x
2. 3x(x2 – 5x + 7)
= 3x3 – 15x2 + 21x
To multiply monomial by a
3. -8a2(a – 2b)
polynomial, simply apply
= -8a3 + 16a2b
the distributive property and
4. 5p4(-p + 2p2q3)
follow the rule in multiplying
=-5p5 + 10p6q3
monomial by a monomial.
5. -5x2y3(2x2y – 3x +4y5)
=-10x4y4 + 15x3y3 – 20x2y8

You see kids, multiplying
polynomials is quite easy if
that, Sir. We
you think about it for as long
will recall
as you clearly know and
them. Thank
understand the laws of
you for the

To multiply binomial by
another binomial, simply
distribute the first term of
the first binomial to each Listen up, kids. This
term of the other binomial procedure is here is
then distribute the second what we call FOIL
term to each term of the Method. This is only
other binomial and applicable when
simplify the results by multiplying a binomial
combining similar terms. by another binomial.

By the way kids, make sure to write your solution in an organized

manner. In this way, you can easily spot the similar terms that need
to be combined. Also, remember the rule in multiplying integers.
We are almost done with the TICKET BOOTH.
You have gained three tickets already,
kiddos. There is only one ticket left. Kindly
remember all these for they will be of great
help with you as we go on our adventure in
this theme park. Conquer the last ticket booth
and all 4 tickets will be yours. You can do it,
little fighters.

In this case, we POLYNOMIAL BY

can multiply the A POLYNOMIAL
usual way by
distributive or
To multiply a polynomial with more
we can multiply
vertically as than one term by a polynomial with
shown by the three or more terms, simply
examples distribute the first term of the first
polynomial to each term of the
other polynomial. Repeat the
procedure up to the last term and
simplify the results by combining
similar terms.
These are quite
complicated, Sir but we
will learn them. Just
because something
looks hard doesn’t mean
it can’t be learned. We
will do our best, Sir.

Multiplication can be quite confusing Thank you for the tip, Sir
especially if it involves polynomials, Polynom. We will keep that in
kids. Make sure you are solving it mind for us to be guided
slowly but surely. Be mindful of the properly. This is very
signs and exponents. challenging, but we can do it.


Excellent job, kiddos. We made

it through the TICKET BOOTH. You
have successfully obtained the
4 tickets needed to grant you an
access to the theme park’s
exciting rides and activities. Do
not forget everything you’ve just
learned. Good luck, little
fighters. I believe in you. ☺

Activity Card

Welcome to Mini Viking, kids.

This ride is very intense. Once
you have hopped in, the only
way to stop the ride is to
answer the riddle below. Are
you ready for it? Good luck

RIDDLE: I am a 10 – letter word. The first four

letters has the power to rule. Next four letters
can be eaten. The last three letters represent
a lady. I can fly as well. What am i?
Assessment Card INSTRUCTION: Solve the following
problems. Write the letter of the
correct answer on a separate
sheet of paper.


1. Simplify the expression: -3x2(7x2 – x + 4)

a. 21x4 + 3x3 – 12x2 c. -21x4 + 3x3 – 12x2
b. 21x4 + 3x3 + 12x2 d. -21x4 – 3x3 – 12x2

2. Find the product of (2x + 3) and (x + 5)

a. 2x2 + 13x – 15 c. 2x2 – 13x – 15
b. 2x2 + 13x + 15 d. 2x2 – 13x + 15

3. Simplify the given expression: (x – 7)2

a. x2 + 14x – 14 c. x2 – 14x – 14
b. x2 – 14x – 49 d. x2 – 14x + 49

4. What is the product of x3(2x2 + 3x)?

a. 2x5 – 3x4 c. 2x5 + 3x3
b. 2x6 + 3x3 d. 2x5 + 3x4

5. (b2 + 2b + 1) multiplied by (b + 3) is equal to _____________.

a. b3 + 5b2 + 7b + 3 c. b3 + 6b2 + 5b + 3
b. b3 + 6b2 + 6b + 3 d. b3 + 7b2 + 5b + 3

6. Multiply: (5y – 7)(-y)

a. -5y2 – 7 b. 4y2 – 7 c. -5y2 + 7y d. 4y2 + 7y

7. Determine the product: 4x(10 – 8x + 4x).

a. -16x2 + 40x c. -32x2 + 16x2 + 40x
b. 40x – 32x2 + 16x2 d. 40x + 16x2

8. The product of (7x – 6) and (5x + 6) is _________________.

a. 35x2 – 12x – 36 c. 35x2 + 12x + 36
b. 35x2 + 12x – 36 d. 35x + 12x2 – 36

9. Simplify: (8x – 2)(6x – 9)

a. 48x2 – 84x – 18 c. 48x2 + 84x + 18
b. 48x2 – 84x + 18 d. 48x2 + 84x – 18

10. What is the product of (x2 + 6x – 4) and (2x – 3)?

a. 2x3 – 9x2 – 26x + 12 c. 2x3 + 9x2 – 26x – 12
b. 2x3 + 9x2 + 26x + 12 d. 2x3 + 9x2 – 26x + 12

Performs operations on polynomials (Division)

4a2 – 9a + 12 8m – 10n + 6p
3x + 2y - 8
Hello kids! I am Sir Polynom. Today, I am going
back home after all the exciting adventures
we had. This time, I am challenging you with
one last task. I live at XY Subdivision. You are
very much welcome to go to my house. But
my question is, CAN YOU? If you think you can;
then let the challenge begin.

Guide Card

Alright! That looks Welcome to XY Subdivision, kiddos.

exciting and fun. We For today’s task, I am challenging
can’t wait to visit your you to find my house in this place.
house and learn Once you found it, you are very
something along the much welcome to go inside. But a
way, Sir. Let’s do this. password consisting of 4 numbers is
needed to open the gates in my
house. Complete the activities along
your way and my 4 trusted neighbors
will give you what you need. Good
luck, my brave visitors.

How to divide polynomials?
To divide polynomial by a monomial, simply divide each
term of the polynomial by the given divisor.

Divide 12x4 – 16x3 + 8x2 by 4x2
Aside from the first solution, you
can also the usual method of
dividing two numbers (divide,
multiply, subtract, repeat) to get
the answer as shown on the right
side. Just be careful and
remember the rules in
subtracting and multiplying

Divide 15x4y3 + 25x3y3 – 20x2y4
by –5x2y3

EXAMPLE 3. Do not forget this, kids. In

Divide 9a4b – 7a3b2 + 3a2b by dividing polynomials, you
– 3a2b should subtract the
exponents. Unlike in
multiplying polynomials,
we add the exponents
= together.

By the way, do not forget

to simplify your answers as

To divide polynomial by a polynomial with more than

one term (by long division), simply follow the procedure
in dividing numbers by long division.

These are some suggested steps to follow:

1) Check the dividend and the divisor if it is in standard


2) Set-up the long division by writing the division symbol

where the divisor is outside the division symbol and the
dividend inside it.

3) You may now start the Division, Multiplication,

Subtraction and Bring Down cycle.

4) You can stop the cycle when:

a) the quotient (answer) has reached the constant term.

b) the exponent of the divisor is greater than the
exponent of the dividend.
1) divide x2 by x and put EXAMPLE 1.
the result on top Divide x2 – 3x – 10 by x + 2
2) multiply that result to
3) subtract the product to
the dividend
4) bring down the remaining
5) repeat the procedure
from 1.

Find the quotient when x3 – 6x2 + Divide x3 – 6x2 + 11x – 6 by x – 3
11x – 6 is divided by x – 3.

NOTE: When there is

a remainder, write
the remainder and
divisor as a fraction
and then attach it to
the quotient as
shown on Examples
#3 and #4.

What is the quotient of x4 – 3x2 + 2 when divided by x2 – 2x + 3?

NOTE: When there

are missing terms
in the given
dividend, just
insert zeros
between the
given terms as
shown on
Example #4. This
will help you
divide the given
problem more

Now, that you have made past the security, I advised to bring with you all
the things you have learned. They will be your guide to overcome the
challenges along the way. Good luck, ahead.
Activity Card
Congratulations, kids.
You made it pass the
security. Welcome to
my store. I am Miss
Quotient. I am one of
the trusted neighbors
of Sir Polynom. I need
your help, kiddos. I
need to unbox these
new items. Can you
help me?

ACITIITY #1: Perform the indicated operation below. Write your answer
on the box provided. Do not forget to simplify your answer.

1. (6x3 + 8x2 + 4x) ÷ 2x =

2. (4a3 + 20a2 + 16a) ÷ 4a =

3. (38m3 – 19m2 + 57m) ÷ 19m =

4. (-5z6 + 6z4 + z2 + 4) ÷ 2z2 =

5. (10m2n – 15mn – 25mn2)

÷ (-2/5)m

6. 21a3b3 + 35a4b2 – 56a2b4


7. 7x3 – 35x2 + 49x


8. 18u2v2 – 3uv2 + 9uv3


9. 8m2n – 5mn2 – 20mn


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