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The effect of brand In today's market, having a well thought through

extension strategies brand strategy is a key contribution to corporate
upon brand image success. Brands enable consumers to efficiently
encode their functional and emotional values in
their minds (Franzen and Bouwman, 2001).
Eva MartõÂnez and
The resulting images enable consumers to
Leslie de Chernatony recognize the points of difference between
competing brands. Keller (1993) defines brand
image as the ``perceptions about a brand as
reflected by the brand associations held in
consumer memory''. These associations refer to
any aspect that link the brand with the
The authors consumer's memory (Aaker, 1996a).
Eva MartõÂnez is Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Facultad de Relationships are then created between
Ciencias EconoÂmicas y Empresariales, The University of consumers' personalities and the perceived
Zaragoza, Spain. personalities of brands (de Chernatony and
Leslie de Chernatony is Professor of Brand Marketing at Benicio de Mello, 1995; Fournier, 1998; Hogg et
Birmingham Business School, The University of Birmingham, al., 2000). One of the challenges for marketers is
Birmingham, UK. how to determine the associations consumers
have of specific brands. Suggestions are provided
Keywords by writers such as Low and Lamb (2000) who
developed a protocol to measure brand image.
Consumer behaviour, Perception, Brand image,
Even though relating the measurement of brand
Brand extensions, Marketing strategy
image directly to the product appears a reasonable
way to determine what is in the consumer's mind,
it should be realised that often products are
The objective of this paper is to analyze the effect that a marketed under an umbrella brand strategy,
brand extension strategy has on brand image. Specifically, which could lead to a more general brand image.
the paper analyzes how variables related to the parent brand Keller (1993) argues that within multidimensional
and the extension influence brand image after the extension. brand images, direct associations are seen with
From a sample of 389 consumers the paper demonstrates both the product and aspects of the brand. It is
that the extension strategy dilutes the brand image. Through therefore appropriate to consider a method for
a regression analysis it is shown that the perceived quality of measuring the dimensions of a brand's image that
the brand and consumers' attitudes towards the extension can be used for various product categories and
positively influence both the general brand image (GBI) and various brands (Aaker, 1996b).
the product brand image (PBI) after the extension. While When studying a brand's image it should be
familiarity with the products of the brand only affect the GBI, realised that this is not static and is influenced
the perceived degree of fit affects the PBI. by the numerous decisions that the company
takes about its brand over time. A frequently
Electronic access adopted strategy is that of brand extension.
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at There are several reasons for the popularity of This paper was developed during the first author's
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is research stay at the Centre for Research in Brand
available at Marketing, Birmingham Business School, supported
by the ``Ministerio de EducacioÂn, Cultura y Deporte''
of the Government of Spain (Ref. PR2002-012). She
wishes to express her gratitude for the financial help
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . pp. 39-50
received from the CICYT (project SEC2002-
# Emerald Group Publishing Limited . ISSN 0736-3761 03949). The authors would like to thank Susan
DOI 10.1108/07363760410513950 Drury for her helpful comments.
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

brand extension strategies. For example, the received little attention. We sought to advance
cost of launching a new brand in consumer knowledge by investigating this. Starting from
markets is very high (Pitta and Katsanis, 1995), the premise that a brand's image is based on the
and the probability of the success for a new associations that consumers have with the
product is higher with a well-known parent brand, we investigated how the consumer's
brand (Aaker, 1991). perception of brand variables, and the extension
With the popularity of brand extensions, there itself, affect a brand's image. Our concern was
is notable literature on the subject exploring how to understand the extent to which certain brand
consumers behave as a result of different brand extension strategies carry more risk than others.
extensions. Specifically, attention has focused on Our objectives were to:
how different variables related to the parent . Determine the change that occurs to a
brand (e.g. brand quality, brand reputation, brand's image as a result of a brand extension
brand breadth, familiarity, etc.) and the strategy. We investigated this using two
extension considered (e.g. fit or similarity, different methods: the general brand image
consistency, difficulty) influence consumers related to the name (GBI) and the brand
(Aaker and Keller, 1990; Park et al., 1991; Dacin image related directly to the product (PBI).
and Smith, 1994; Bottomley and Holden, 2001). . Study the influence of specific variables on
The majority of studies have considered those the image after the extension using the
aspects that increase the success of a brand above two measurement methods. The
extension. However, some studies have been variables included are: the quality of the
concerned with the negative effect that the newly parent brand, knowledge or familiarity with
extended brand may have on the parent brand the brand, the fit or similarity between the
(Loken and John, 1993; GuÈrhan-Canli and brand and the extension, and attitudes
Maheswaran, 1998; John et al., 1998). towards the extended product.
The majority of studies in the literature The paper opens with a review of the literature,
consider perceptions when evaluating the after which we postulate hypotheses. We explain
variables that can have a positive or negative the methodology employed, then address the
influence on the extension, as well as attitudes analysis and empirical findings. We finish with a
towards the extended brand. Furthermore the discussion of the managerial implications from
majority of studies are based on the study and with conclusions.
experimentation with groups of students.
Exceptions to this are seen when the data has
been obtained from market survey (Dacin and
Conceptual background and hypothesis
Smith, 1994; Park and Kim, 2001; Gronhaug
et al., 2002; Hem et al., 2003), or from panel Brand image relevance
data (Reddy et al., 1994; Swaminatham et al., Within the two perspectives, corporation and
2001), or experimentation with samples consumers, from which the brand can be
reflecting specific aspects of brands being defined (de Chernatony and Dall'Olmo, 1997;
studied (Loken and John, 1993; John et al., 1998) emerge two key concepts: brand identity
1998). Some of these studies have allowed and brand image. Aaker and Joachismsthaler
researchers to investigate different kinds of (2000) define brand identity ``a set of brand
brands (real and fictitious) across a broad range associations that the brand strategist aspires to
of extensions, thereby allowing the analysis of create or maintain''. Brand identity has to
the joint effect of different variables. consider multiple aspects, such as the desired
Nevertheless, this technique has received positioning and the personality (de Chernatony,
criticism from some authors because of the 1999), which are attenuated by the
external validity problems (Kind and Smith, organizational culture and the relationships
2001) and the occasional use of hypothetical staff build with stakeholders. Facilitated by
brands or the forcing of a response in a group communication mechanisms (Kapferer, 1997),
environment (Swaminatham et al., 2001). the brand identity forms associations in the
There is a gap in the literature in so far as the consumer's mind resulting in a brand image.
effect of brand extensions on brand image has Both concepts are interrelated and through
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

assessing the congruence between brand (Mihailovic and de Chernatony, 1994; Milberg
identity and image this enables corporations to et al., 1997; Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000;
refine their brand strategy (van Rekom, 1997; Desai and Keller, 2002). Nevertheless, if they
Haynes et al., 1999). decide to launch a new product, as part of a
The extant literature shows that brand image is brand extension strategy, a change of brand
a multi-dimensional concept, but there is no image will occur with new associations created
consensus on how to empirically measure it. in consumers' minds. This may dilute feelings
Keller (1993), when posing a theoretical method and beliefs consumers hold about the parent
for measuring brand equity, observes that brand brand (Ries and Trout, 1986; Sharp, 1993).
image included associations related to the Even though the associations for the new
product (attributes, benefits and attitudes), product may be positive, negative associations
favorability of brand associations, strength of might be created that adversely affect the brand
brand associations, and uniqueness of brand image (Pitta and Katsanis, 1995; Chen and
associations. Lassar et al. (1995) developed a Chen, 2000). Loken and John (1993) found
scale for measuring consumer based brand that a dilution effect occurs in the beliefs
equity, in which they refer to the image associated with the brand family when the
dimension as the social image, which is attributes of the extension are inconsistent with
understood as ``the consumer's perception of the the prior beliefs about the brand family.
esteem in which the consumer's social group Nevertheless, in the case of a ``flagship''
holds the brand''. Within the theme of brand product, such as children's shampoo for
equity, Aaker (1996b) proposes that brand image Johnson & Johnson, beliefs may be immune to
be measured through association/differentiation change when the extension is moderately
measures regarding value, brand personality, inconsistent with the beliefs about the new
organizational associations, and differentiation. brand, and a dilution effect may occur if a line is
Aaker's approach can be used for brands in extended that is very close to the ``flagship''
different product categories, enabling us to talk product (John et al., 1998).
In summary, the literature analysing the
about a general brand image related
dilution of brand image as a result of a brand
fundamentally to the brand name.
extension strategy is limited. Furthermore, it
There is a stream of literature that regards
does not provide any clear measurement of the
brand image as being directly related to the
image construct, but rather talks about
product category within which the brand is
associations and beliefs in general. We propose
marketed. Low and Lamb (2000) argue that
the following hypothesis:
within brand associations there are three
multidimensional and interrelated concepts, i.e. H1. The brand extension strategy will have a
brand image, perceived quality and brand dilution effect (a) on the general brand
attitude. They created a protocol for measuring image and (b) on the product brand
brand image based on the product category. image.
Measuring brand image, based on product
category, has been used in different ways in Brand extension variables
recent studies (Gwinner and Eaton, 1999; Even though the variables addressed in the
Hogg et al., 2000; Faircloth et al., 2001; Hsieh, brand extension literature are very broad, we
2002). However, these always have taken into will focus on those perceptual factors that have
account that not only must the physical an influence on brand image.
attributes of the products be considered, but The perceived quality of the brand is a
also the functional, emotional and variable that has been considered in various
self-expressive benefits (Davis, 2002; VaÂzquez brand extension studies. The underlying
et al., 2002). This method of measuring brand assumption is that the beliefs or attitudes
image provides us with what we refer to as regarding the original brand will be transmitted
product brand image. to the extension, and a greater perceived quality
Not all companies have the same in the original brand will have a positive effect
opportunities to extend their brands, as it is on acceptance of the extension (Milewicz and
conditional on their historical brand strategies Herbig, 1994). Aaker and Keller (1990) and
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

Keller and Aaker (1992) did not find any direct positive effect (a) on the general brand
quality effect, given the same influences image after extension and (b) on the
through the fit. Nevertheless, Bottomley and product brand image after extension.
Holden (2001) find that the said effect occurs
When analyzing the effect of an extension on a
when a secondary analysis of the data is
brand's image, the fit or similarity between the
performed on both the Aaker and Keller (1990)
parent brand and the extended brand are likely to
study, and subsequent studies. More recent
affect the brand's image. Many studies have
studies have demonstrated a relationship
found a direct effect between the fit perceived by
between greater brand quality and the success
of an extension (Park and Kim, 2001; van Riel consumers and the acceptance of the extension
et al., 2001, Gronhaug et al., 2002). (Aaker and Keller, 1990; Boush and Loken,
Low and Lamb (2000) show, using structural 1991; Keller and Aaker, 1992; van Riel et al.,
equations modeling, that brand associations, 2001; Bottomley and Holden, 2001; Gronhaug et
which encompass the three constructs brand al., 2002; Hem et al., 2003). More recent studies
image, perceived quality and brand attitude, are have proposed variables that moderate the effect
related to each other. of the fit on the acceptance of the extension.
Given these findings, we anticipate that These include the communication strategy (Pryor
consumers' perceptions of brand quality before and Brodice, 1998; Lane, 2000; Bridges et al.,
brand extension influences brand image after 2000), the mood of the individuals (Barone et al.,
the extension. We therefore postulate: 2000), the number of products associated with
the brand (DelVecchio, 2000), exposure to the
H2. The perceived quality of the brand
extension and the information provided (Kind
will have a positive effect (a) on the general
and Smith, 2001) and the price and perceived
brand image after extension and (b) on the
quality of the extension (Taylor and Bearden,
product brand image after extension.
2002) etc. When analyzing the fit, two
The knowledge, or familiarity, that consumers components are important: the similarity between
have with the brand is likely to influence all of the new product and the typical products of the
their perceptions of the brand. Park and Kim company, and the consistency between the new
(2001), through a structural equation model, product and the parent brand (Park et al., 1991).
show that consumers' relationships with the If within fit one considers the degree of
brand affect intentions of purchasing the consistency between the brand associations and
extension, for similar or different extensions. the associations generated by the extension, we
Dawar (1996) also considered brand knowledge would expect this to affect the brand image after
together with the fit, and found different results the extension. Similarly, Sheinin (1998) finds that
according to the associations the extension had a strong fit generates strong brand positioning,
with the brand. Kind and Smith (2001) observe
measured through consumer beliefs. Based on
that consumers' reactions before a brand
this literature, we postulate the following:
extension will be affected by their familiarity
with the products related to the brand. This H4. The fit perceived by the consumer
relationship is demonstrated by Hem et al. will have a positive effect (a) on the general
(2003). Even though these authors use the brand image after extension and (b) on the
reputation of the parent brand, they measure it product brand image after extension.
through items related to the satisfaction A brand extension strategy could be conceived
provided by the brand. Swaminatham et al. as a means of optimizing relationships with
(2001) found that experience with the brand customers (Davis and Halligan, 2002). Thus,
influenced the trial of extended products. Also, knowing how a brand extension affects brand
Low and Lamb (2000) discovered that brand image is important when developing
image may change depending on consumers' relationship strategies. Some studies have
level of familiarity with the brand. As a result of analyzed how consumers' brand extension
this literature, we postulate: associations affect their attitudes towards the
H3. Consumers' brand familiarity or extension (Glynn and Brodie, 1998; Bristol,
relationship with the brand will have a 2002). However, we are interested in how the
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

attitudes towards the brand extension change Pretests

consumers' associations about the core brand Two pretests were undertaken prior to the market
(Pitta and Katsanis, 1995). Empirical work has study. In the first pretest, a group of 58
demonstrated that attitudes towards the brand undergraduate students were asked to write down
has an effect on brand image (Low and Lamb, the attributes or feelings they associated with
2000; Faircloth et al., 2001), and we anticipated sportswear products. This methodology has been
a similar effect when investigating attitude employed by other researchers, e.g. Low and
towards the extension with respect to the brand Lamb (2000), Hogg et al. (2000) and Hsieh
image after the extension. Our hypothesis is: (2002). The idea behind this was to avoid
imposing our frame of reference on the
H5. Consumers' attitudes towards the
respondents. This resulted in more than 300
extension will have a positive effect (a)
associations, albeit many referred to similar
on the general brand image after
concepts. The associations were grouped together
extension and (b) on the product brand
by two expert judges, resulting in a list of 15
image after extension.
associations that were used in the second pretest.
In summary, we postulated that brand extension The first pretest also asked respondents to
will have a dilution effect on both the general and indicate on seven-point Likert scale the level of
the product brand image. We also expected that perceived quality of eight sportswear brands
variables such as the quality of the brand, the and their level of familiarity with each brand.
consumer's brand familiarity, the fit or similarity The eight brands were selected by visiting the
between the parent brand and the extended main sportswear outlets in the city where the
brand and attitudes toward the extension will study was performed. The choice of brands
have a positive effect on both general and reflected the national market (MINTEL,
product brand image after extension. 2002). From those questions, two brands were
chosen: Nike, with the highest quality level
(QN = 6.57) and greatest familiarity
Methodology (FN = 6.81); and Puma, also with a high, but
significantly lower quality level (QP = 5.16,
We undertook a market survey involving real t = 7.41, p < 0.0001), and a high but lower
brands of relevance to consumers to avoid some familiarity level (FP = 5.55, t = 7.42,
of the external validity problems of other p < 0.0001). Those brands with scores similar to
experimental designs (Kind and Smith, 2001). Nike were rejected, because then we would be
Some of these limitations include the occasional using a similar type of brand, nor the brands
use of hypothetical brands or the forcing of a with levels below Puma, because these were less
response in a group environment (Swaminatham well-known brands, and therefore measuring
et al., 2001). Specifically we focused on the their brand image could be problematic.
sportswear market which is dominated by Nike, The second pretest was carried out with a
Adidas and Reebok (MINTEL, 2002) group of 45 undergraduate students at the same
We focused on the youth segment of the university. They indicated on a seven-point
sportswear market, for the following reasons: Likert scale the extent to which the list of 15
. The brands that operate in this market use attributes or feelings from the first pretest are
prominent communications campaigns and associated with sportswear products. In this way,
are part of a broad line of products linked with the five associations most related to sportswear
the sports category. As such they generate products were obtained, which forms the basis
associations that are not only centered on the for measuring the product brand image (PBI).
product but also with the brand. They also asked to indicate what other products
. The segments aged 15-19 and 20-24 are they thought each of the two brands supplied.
the main consumers of sports clothing and This allowed us to assess the extent to which
footwear (MINTEL, 2002). respondents have a clear idea of the broad range
. These are durable goods, of which of products that both brands market.
consumers have considerable knowledge Respondents then indicated the degree of
and familiarity. similarity on a seven-point Likert scale that a
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

series of 11 different products had with those . There is a reason to buy the brand instead
products typically offered by each of the two of others.
brands. These products have been used in other . The brand has personality.
previous studies about brand extension. All of . The brand is interesting.
the products were considered different from . I have a clear impression of the type of
those that were typically marketed by both people who consume the brand.
brands. From this result we chose two extensions . This brand is different from competing
that had the same level of fit with respect to both brands.
brands. These were: jeans (FINJ = 3.07, Respondents indicated their level of agreement
FIPJ = 3.04, p > 0.9) and a camera (FINC = 1.71, with each item. The product brand image (PBI)
FIPC = 1.78, p > 0.6). Moreover, the two was measured using the five attributes or
products had significant differences in the degree feelings associated with sportswear derived
of similarity for both brands (FINJ = 3.07, from pretest two (active, comfortable,
FINC = 1.71, t = 5.54, p < 0.0001; FIPJ = 3.04, functional, leisure and sporty). Respondents
FIPC = 1.78, t = 5.61, p < 0.0001). indicated the degree to which each word was
associated with sportswear. Both measures were
Subjects and procedure for the market survey applied before the extension (GBI1, PBI1) and
Four different questionnaires were prepared after the extension (GBI2, PBI2).
with analogous questions, such that each one The perceived quality of the brand (QUA) was
considered one brand and one extension: Nike measured via two questions. One focused on
and jeans, Nike and cameras, Puma and jeans opinions about the products (bad products/good
and Puma and cameras. The questionnaire, products) and the other directly evaluated brand
first of all, referred to the perceived quality of quality (poor quality/good quality) (Park and
the brand and to the degree of familiarity. Then Kim, 2001). For knowledge or familiarity with the
the product brand image and the general brand brand (FAM), Dawar's (1996) proposal was
image before the extension were measured, and followed, which considers the familiarity with the
questions relating to the fit and the attitude products of the brand (not at all familiar/very
towards the extension were subsequently posed. familiar), the frequency of purchase of the brand's
products (not often/very often) and knowledge of
Finally, the brand image after the extension was
the products (not very knowledgeable/very
evaluated in terms of the product brand image
knowledgeable). The fit or similarity (FIT) was
and general brand image.
measured following Park et al. (1991), assessing
Face-to-face interviews were undertaken with
the fit between the new product and the original
389 respondents in Birmingham, England,
products of the brand (very dissimilar/very similar)
resulting in a similar number of fully completed
and the fit between the new product and the
questionnaires for each of the four categories.
brand image (very inconsistent/very consistent).
To be eligible respondents had to be aged To measure attitudes towards the extension
15-24. The mean age of the sample obtained (ATT), two questions were used as recommended
was around 20.48. by Kind and Smith (2001). The first assessed
perceived favorability of the new product (not very
Measures favorable/very favorable) and the likelihood of
An exhaustive review of the literature was trying the new product (not very likely/very likely).
performed to select the most appropriate way to All the scales to measure the variables resulted
measure each variable considered. Throughout in a high level of internal consistency across the
the study seven-point Likert scales were used. four sub-samples and the total sample, as in the
The brand image was measured in two different high alpha values in Table I. Moreover, when
ways. The general brand image (GPI) was principal component analyses were undertaken
measured using the items proposed by Aaker for the total sample and the for sub-samples,
(1996b), omitting those referring to the each one of the scales with more than three items
organization, as they made no sense in this (GBI1, PBI1, GBI2, PBI2 and FAM) loaded on
context. The items used are listed below: to a factor (eigenvalue greater than 2.1 in all
. This brand provides good value for money. cases, capturing a total variance greater than 55
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

Table I Reliability analysis of the scales (Cronbach's alpha coefficients)

Nike-jeans Nike-camera Puma-jeans Puma-camera Total
Variables (n = 98) (n = 96) (n = 94) (n = 101) (n = 389)
QUA 0.87 0.89 0.86 0.88 0.88
FAM 0.76 0.84 0.85 0.92 0.92
FIT 0.93 0.80 0.91 0.73 0.87
ATT 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.87 0.87
GBI1 0.85 0.84 0.87 0.86 0.84
PBI1 0.88 0.83 0.82 0.87 0.87
GBI2 0.90 0.81 0.87 0.87 0.85
PBI2 0.82 0.82 0.79 0.82 0.80

per cent). These results confirm that we can use Figure 1 Effect of brand extension on general brand image
the mean of every scale in the statistical analysis
following generally accepted practice.


We firstly assessed whether any one of the

sub-samples had atypical characteristics. The mean
perceived quality scores of 4.80 and 4.89 in each of
the two sub-samples that evaluated the Nike
brand, were not significantly different (p > 0.65),
and the mean levels of familiarity of 4.55 and 4.44,
also showed no significant differences (p > 0.55).
Analogous results were obtained for the two
Figure 2 Effect of brand extension on product brand image
sub-samples that evaluated the Puma brand,
regarding the mean perceived quality (4.75, 4.69,
p > 0.69) and mean level of familiarity (4.89, 4.06,
p > 0.4). There were also no significant differences
regarding the two measurements of the brand
image before the extension (GBI1 and PBI1),
either between the two sub-samples that evaluated
Nike or between the two that evaluated Puma.
Thus the sub-samples showed similarities with
regards to the measurement of the variables
considered before the extension.
Below, we now compare our results to the
hypotheses postulated originally. The means
analysis related to the H1, and the regression t = 4.16, p < 0.0001) and the product brand
analysis to all other hypothesis. image (PBI1 = 5.42, PBI2 = 4.17, t = 9.34m,
To test H1 it is apparent from Figure 1 and p < 0.0001); but when the extension is a camera,
Figure 2 that the brand image after extension is significant differences do not occur in the GBI
affected by the brand extension strategy. This is (GBI1 = 4.42, GBI2 = 4.31, p > 0.1), although
seen across both image measures (i.e. GBI and they do in the PBI (PBI1 = 5.15, PBI2 = 4.34,
PBI) for all brand extensions. For the Nike t = 7.83, p < 0.0001). In the case of Puma,
brand image, significant differences occur in the significant differences occur for both the brand
case of the jeans extension, both for the general of jeans (GBI1 = 4.26, GBI2 = 3.93, t = 4.84,
brand image (GBI1 = 4.45, GBI2 = 4.05, p < 0.0001; PBI1 = 4.85, PBI2 = 4.15, t = 6.34,
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

p < 0.0001) as well as for the camera also found in the case of the product brand
(GBI1 = 4.23, GBI2 = 3.93, t = 3.44, p < 0.0001; image after the extension (PBI2), where the
PBI1 = 4.79, PBI2 = 4.05, t = 6.34, p < 0.001). coefficient takes the value of 0.325 (p < 0.01).
There is notable, albeit not unanimous, support In view of this H2 is supported and the
for H1, which postulated that the brand extension perceived quality of the brand has a positive
strategy would have a dilution effect on the effect on both the general and product brand
general brand image and on the product brand image after extension.
image. It is logical to expect this dilution effect to To test H3, as regards the level of familiarity
be greater when the brand image is measured with the brand (FAM), in the case of GBI2
through attributes or feelings related to the there is a positive significant coefficient (0.215,
product (Figure 2) than when measured through p < 0.01). Thus there is support for the notion
aspects more related to the brand per se (Figure 1). that the familiarity with the brand has a positive
To test H2 to H5, we worked with the sample effect on the general brand image after
as a whole (n = 398). The use of grouped data in extension. However for PBI2, the coefficient of
a regression analysis is common in brand the variable is not significant, leading to the
extension studies (Aaker and Keller, 1990; rejection of H3b.
Dacin and Smith, 1994; Bottomley and The perceived fit between the brand and the
Holden, 2001; etc.). With the mean of every extension (FIT) shows results contrary to that
scale, two regression analyses were performed postulated in H4. This variable has a positive
where the dependent variable was the general (0.127) and significant (p < 0.05) coefficient in
brand image after the extension and the product the case of PBI2, but not in the case of GBI2.
brand image after the extension, respectively; H4a is refuted but there is support for H4b, i.e.
and the independent variables were the the fit perceived by consumers has a positive
perceived quality of the brand, the familiarity of effect on the product brand image after extension.
the consumer with the brand, the perceived fit The results provide support for both parts of
and the attitude towards the extension H5. The attitude towards the extension (ATT)
(Table II). The correlation between the has a positive and significant effect (0.311,
independent and dependent variables in each p < 0.01) on GBI2 and also on PBI2 (0.277,
case was greater than 0.3, and the correlation p < 0.01). Thus consumers' attitudes towards the
between the independent variables never extension have a positive effect on the general
exceeded 0.7. Although the R2 value is not very and product brand image after extension.
high, it is in line with other, previous studies
that use variables from Likert scales.
Regarding H2, perceived quality of the brand Discussion and managerial implications
(QUA) has a positive effect on the general
brand image after the extension (GBI2), as This study contributes to advancing knowledge
shown by the regression coefficient (0.315), about the brand extension and brand image. It
which is significant (p < 0.01). A similar result is offers the new perspective of considering both of
these aspects. This research has demonstrated
Table II Standardized regression coefficients and t values for the effect of that brand extension has a dilution effect on a
brand extension on brand image brand's image, confusing the beliefs and
GBI2 PBI2 associations consumers hold (Ries and Trout,
Stand. coeff. (t) Stand. coeff. (t) 1986). Furthermore, this effect is greater on
brand image when measured based on the
QUA 0.315 (6.50)* 0.325 (6.22)*
attributes or feelings associated with the
FAM 0.215 (4.52)* 0.034 (0.65)
products of the brand (Low and Lamb, 2000)
FIT 0.024 (0.49) 0.127 (2.42)**
than when measured based on aspects related to
ATT 0.311 (6.34)* 0.277 (5.24)*
the brand per se (Aaker, 1996b). Moreover, in
the case of a brand leader, such as Nike, an
R2 0.425 0.333
extension that initially is not considered similar
F 70.87 * 47.96*
to the brand, such as a camera, has no significant
Notes * p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05
effect on the general brand image.
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

The implications for brand managers are that of a favourable brand image. Furthermore, these
launching a new product not related to the campaigns can help mitigate the effect on brand
typical products of the company will have a image of launching a new product different from
negative effect on consumers' perceptions of the the usual company products.
product brand image. Nevertheless, if the brand While this research has added to knowledge
name is strong, the general brand image can be about brand extensions, the findings are specific
maintained. In order to achieve this there is a to the sportswear market. To test the
strong need for communications campaigns generalisability of finding, other researchers are
that place more emphasis on the brand name encouraged to extend this research into
than on the products being marketed. different markets. We are planning to replicate
Based on the fact that brand image is affected this study in the fmcg and the services markets.
by an extension strategy, this work has shown There are limitations to this study. We focused
how the consumers' perceptions about some on only two brands and two possible extensions.
aspects of the brand and the extension may Nevertheless, the data was obtained through a
favour the brand image after the extension. The market survey, circumventing some the problems
higher the perceived quality of a brand, the of experimentation (Swaminatham et al., 2001).
better the brand image after the extension, for
both the general and product brand image. The
level of knowledge or familiarity that consumers Conclusions
have with a brand only influences the general
brand image. This could be explained by the This study has demonstrated that brand extension
fact that someone who usually buys the dilutes the brand's image, changing the beliefs and
products, and who has not yet tried the new associations in consumers' minds. The dilution
product, does not perceive any changes in the effect is greater on product brand image than on
associations with the products. Nevertheless, general brand image. Our results also show that
their relationship with the brand's products the perceived quality of the parent brand and the
leads consumers to a better appraisal of the attitudes towards the extended product have a
image, based on the name. In the brand positive effect on general and product brand
extension literature, there are occasionally image after the extension. However, familiarity
contrary findings about the impact of consumer with the parent brand's products only influences
knowledge and the evaluation of the new general brand image, and the level of fit influences
product (Gronhaug et al., 2002), which product brand image.
indirectly could also explain this result. As These results are of use to brand managers.
regards perceived fit, in spite of the fact that it Care must be taken regarding attributes or
was measured using the similarity with the feelings associated with the extended product.
usual products of the brand and the consistency Furthermore, the emphasis of communications
with the brand name (Park et al., 1991), it only campaigns should be on the parent brand name
strengthens the product brand image, when the more than on the extended product's
fit becomes greater. The fact that it does not characteristics, in order to ensure that consumers'
influence the general brand image may be attitudes toward the product are positive.
explained by the existence of other moderating
variables, such as communications campaigns
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and executives a rapid appreciation of the content of
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Milberg, S.J., Park, C.W. and McCarthy, M.S. (1997), this article. Those with a particular interest in the
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brand extensions: the impact of alternative branding take advantage of the more comprehensive
strategies'', Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 6 description of the research undertaken and its results
No. 2, pp. 119-40. to get the full benefit of the material present.
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extension decision using a model of reputation
building'', Journal of Product and Brand Management, Brand extensions and brand image ± a
Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. 39-47. tricky balance to strike
MINTEL (2002), ``Sportswear retailing", January, available A great deal has been written and said about the
at: use of brand extensions. Marketers have long
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of brand extensions: the role of product feature
considerable advantages compared to the
similarity and brand concept consistency'', Journal of
Consumer Research, Vol. 18, September, pp. 185-93. creation of an entirely new brand. Brand
Park, J.-W. and Kim, K. (2001), ``Role of consumer extension is cheaper, quicker and less risky than
relationships with a brand in brand extensions: some creating a new brand. Brand extension takes
exploratory findings'', Advances in Consumer advantage of existing brand strengths and
Research, Vol. 28, pp. 179-85. allows for greater flexibility. And brand
Pitta, D.A. and Katsanis, L.P. (1995), ``Understanding brand
equity for successful brand extension'', Journal of
extension is less of a problem when it fails than
Consumer Marketing, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 51-64. would be the case with an entirely separate
Pryor, K. and Brodice, R.J. (1998), ``How advertising can brand. However, all other things being equal,
prime evaluations of brand extensions: further brand extension hurts the parent brand.
empirical result'', Journal of Product and Brand Brand extension becomes a balancing act
Management, Vol. 7 No. 6, pp. 479-508.
between protecting the hard won brand equity
Reddy, S.K., Holak, S.L. and Bhat, S. (1994), ``To extend or
not to extend: success determinants of line of the parent brand and taking advantage of
extensions'', Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. XXXI, that brand's strength in the market. Martinez
May, pp. 243-62. and de Chernatony provide further insight into
Ries, A. and Trout, J. (1986), Positioning: The Battle for Your this dilemma by examining the way in which
Mind, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. brand extensions affect brand image and at the
Sharp, B.M. (1993), ``Managing brand extension'', Journal of
moderating factors to brand extension impact.
Consumer Marketing, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 11-17.
Sheinin, D.A. (1998), ``Positing brand extensions: implications The authors also make the distinction ±
for beliefs and attitudes'', Journal of Product and Brand drawing on past examination of the brand
Management, Vol. 7 No. 2, pp. 137-49. image concept ± between general brand image
Swaminatham, V., Fox, R.J. and Reddy, S.K. (2001), ``The (relating to the brand name and other general
impact of brand extension introduction on choice'',
associations with the brand) and product
Journal of Marketing, Vol. 65, October, pp. 1-15.
Taylor, V.A. and Bearden, W.O. (2002), ``The effects of price brand image.
on brand extensions evaluation: the moderating role Four factors that moderate brand dilution
of extension similarity'', Journal of the Academy of
Martinez and de Chernatony conclude that
Marketing Science, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 131-40.
van Rekom, J. (1997), ``Deriving an operational measure of brand extensions do dilute the core brand
corporate identity'', European Journal of Marketing, image but their findings are not (despite this
Vol. 31 No. 5-6, pp. 410-22. dilution) depressing for marketers. The
van Riel, A.C.R., Lemmink, J. and Ouwersloot, H. (2001), research identifies four factors that act to pull
``Consumer evaluation of service brand extensions'', the parent brand back from the brink:
Journal of Service Research, Vol. 3, February, pp. 220-31.
(1) The perceived quality of the parent brand
VaÂzquez, R. del RõÂo A.B. and Iglesias, V. (2002),
``Consumer-based brand equity: development and and the extension.
validation of measurement instrument'', Journal of (2) Consumer familiarity with the parent
Marketing Management, Vol. 18, pp. 27-48. brand.
The effect of brand extension strategies upon brand image Journal of Consumer Marketing
Eva MartõÂnez and Leslie de Chernatony Volume 21 . Number 1 . 2004 . 39-50

(3) The extent to which the consumer sees the more emphasis on the brand name rather than
extension as a good fit with the parent the products being marketed''.
brand. This argument returns us to one of the central
(4) The consumers' (hopefully positive) debates in brand management and brand
attitude to the new extension. strategy ± the extent to which the brand can be
made to stand alongside the product rather than
These factors provide a useful basis for the
being inextricably associated with a particular
analysis of brand strategies involving extension
product category. If brand managers are
since they give us the basis for actions that can
minded to develop strategies that encompass
establish the extent to which the damage to the brand extensions, then their development of the
parent brand from an extension is acceptable extensions needs to be matched by a brand
(or even negligible). communications strategy that develops brand
Separating general and product brand image image in isolation from the product category.
Alongside the recognition that several factors The focus needs to be on the brand name and
ameliorate the negative impact on brand image images associated with that brand name rather
that can come from a brand extension strategy, than using the name as a means of
marketers need also to note what Martinez and differentiation within a given product category.
de Chernatony have said about the difference Defining options in brand management
between general brand image (GBI) and Since brand extension will remain a valid and
product brand image (PBI). important option for brand management to
General brand image relates to non-product consider, it is important that we fully
associations with the brand and should be understand what impact extending a brand will
viewed differently from product brand image have on our business. What the research
which is firmly associated with the product presented here assists us in doing is creating a
category. It seems self evident that product set of possible options for brand extension and
brand image will be significantly affected by a the means to begin assessing which of these
brand extension into a different product options fits our objectives most closely.
category, notwithstanding the moderating Clearly issues such as the fit of the extension,
factors discussed above. GBI on the other hand the strength of the parent brand and brand
it not directly associated with the product attributes all play a part in defining how we
category being rather a less specific set of assess extension options. What is important is
feelings, associations and images in the that we make decisions that affect our brands
consumer's mind. with a clear appreciation of the potential
It is these general images that are essential to damage that may cause. Importantly, Martinez
a successful extension of the brand into and de Chernatony stress the significance
unrelated product categories. Caterpillar attributes that are not product specific in brand
successfully transferred its brand into footwear extensions. Given this importance, we should
and clothing markets using the image of look to see the extent to which our brands have
strength and robustness and the association these type of attributes ± extending a brand that
with the construction industry that the plant is too strongly wedded to a given product
manufacturing brand enjoyed. The secret lies in category would seem to be a recipe for failed
the way communications campaigns are extensions and damaged brands.
managed. Martinez and de Chernatony argue (A preÂcis of the article ``The effect of brand
that their findings indicate the need for extension strategies upon brand image''. Supplied
``. . . communications campaigns that place by Marketing Consultants for Emerald.)


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