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Eco-LCA of Biological Wastewater Treatments Focused on Energy Recovery

Chapter · January 2020

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-13068-8_87


0 45

2 authors:

Alexander Meneses Jácome Adriana Ruiz-Colorado

Autonomous University of Bucaramanga National University of Colombia


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Eco-LCA of Biological Wastewater
Treatments Focused on Energy Recovery

Alexander Meneses-Jácome and Adriana Ruiz-Colorado

Abstract capacity to quantify impacts due to ancillary sustainability

This work presents a novel methodology for sustainability goals and have limitations to incorporate economic aspects
assessment of biological wastewater treatment systems in its appraisal. “Eco-LCA” is an alternative approach that
(Bio-WWTs) promoting the energy valorization of their combines LCA with eco-economics methods such as EmA
by-products (e.g. biogas). The methodology combines (Raugei et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2010), offering a promising
analytical identification of principles-criteria of sustain- route towards a more complete sustainability analysis of
ability (PCS), life cycle assessment (LCA) and energy WWTs (Zhang et al. 2014). This work presents a method-
analysis (EmA) to obtain a set of sustainable development ology for sustainability assessment of agro-industrial
indicators (SDIs). Synergy among single SDIs is required Bio-WWTs, where LCA, EmA and PCS are merged to
to confirm an overall sustainable condition. obtain SDIs made up of an environmental and an
“eco-economic” term. The latter is related to changes in the
supply of ecosystem services as Bio-WWTs enforce energy
recovery. A “proof of concept” of this methodology is pre-

Agro-industrial wastewater Biogas Eco-LCA
Energy Life cycle assessment (LCA) sented through two case studies in Colombia.
Sustainability indicators

2 Materials and Methods

1 Introduction LCA stage. A consequential LCA approach was applied for

Bio-WWTs taken on the role of waste-to-energy system
LCA has been used to study environmental compatibility of (Meneses-Jácome et al. 2015). Thus, Bio-WWTs got a
domestic WWTs undertaking higher treatment standards productive connotation and LCA can be combined with
(Ontiveros and Campanella 2013), as well as agro-industrial EmA to appraise ecosystem service changes linked to this
WWTs promoting biogas valorization (Papong et al. 2014). energy function. Study case #1: Anaerobic-EGSB unit
Improved methodologies based on LCA have been also coupled to an activated sludge process (ASP) to treat
applied for WWTs implementing both, more stringent dis- poultry-viscera processing effluents. Biogas valorization
charge standards and resource recovery activities (Wang (120 m3 day−1) was evaluated for two scenarios: (i) biogas
et al. 2012). However, LCA is even lacking of the full mixed with natural gas for self generation in a micro-turbine;
(ii) biogas fuelled in an industrial boiler while ASP ran on
A. Meneses-Jácome (&)  A. Ruiz-Colorado
national electricity. Study case #2: Former EGSB unit
Grupo de Investigación en Bioprocesos y Flujos Reactivos, treating beer industry effluents, time later coupled to an
Universidad Nacional de Colombia—Sede Medellín, Carrera 80 aerobic-MBBR. Biogas for exclusive industrial use
No. 65-223, Núcleo Robledo, Medellín, Colombia (1600 m3 day−1). Unit function: 1 m3 of raw biogas.
e-mail: amenesesj@unal.edu.co
Inventory: available elsewhere (Meneses-Jácome 2017), it
A. Ruiz-Colorado includes conventional energy sources shifted in the system
e-mail: aaruiz@unal.edu.co
borders. Environmental assessment: based on five
A. Meneses-Jácome mid-point impact categories (Table 1) considered as equally
Programa de Ingeniería Ambiental, Unidades Tecnológicas de
Santander—UTS, Calle de los Estudiantes # 9-82, Ciudadela Real
relevant for bio-energy production (Dressler et al. 2012) and
de Minas, Bucaramanga, Colombia WWTs (Corominas et al. 2013). This reduced number of

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 349

V. Naddeo et al. (eds.), Frontiers in Water-Energy-Nexus—Nature-Based Solutions, Advanced Technologies
and Best Practices for Environmental Sustainability, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation,

Table 1 Statement of PCS and SDIs for Bio-WWTs focused on energy recovery

PCS Environmental impact term (LCA) Eco-economic term (Energy) SDIS

Mid-point impact categories Indicators (NEB Indirect impacts Physical flows AVIi NAVIi Ecoefficiency pairs Description
approach) or environmental accounted as
pressure energyc
Descrip. Indicator Method NEBi AEIi
Use of the Discharge of EP (kg CML2001 NEBEP AEIEP Ecosystem Water masses AVIwd NAVIwd ¼ AVIwd =Emef SDIHY: (AEIEP, NAVIwd) Hydric
environment organic PO4-eq/ services for for liquid resources
as a sink pollutants and UF) dilution of pollutants quality
nutrients in the discharged dilution
effluent pollution in water
Local airborne AP (kg CML2001 NEBAP AEIbATM Ecosystem Air masses for AVIATM NAVIATM ¼ AVIATM =Emef SDIAIR: (AEIATM, Local air
emissions SO2-eq/ services for diluting airborne NAVIATM) quality
UF) dilution of emissions
pollution in local
Rel (kg Impact NEBRel Potential to DALVs(d>
PMeq/ 2002+ promote
UF) respiratory
Greenhouse GWP100 IPCC100a NEBQWP Changes in the Biologically AVICO2 NAVICO2 ¼ AVICO2 =Emef SDICC : ðAEIGWP ; NAVICO2 Þ Capacity la
gases (kg capacity to productive area control or
emissions CO2-e/ capture CO^. required for reduce
UF) emissions CO2 emissions climate
capture charge

Sustainable Renewable NRE Impact NEBNRE AEINRE Shifting of Consumption of AVITE NAVITE = AVITE/EMef SDIRES: (AEINRE, NAVITE) Sustainable
use of energy, fossil (MJPE/ 2002+ conventional hydroelectricity use of
renewable and energy and UF) renewable energy resources
nonrenewable mineral sources
resources resources
EP eutrophication potential; AP acidification potential; ReI respiratory inorganics; GWP100 global warming potential 100 year.; NRE non-renewable energy; UF unit function
AEIATM computes acid emissions and inorganic emissions promoting respiratory diseases
Procedures to estimate energy fluxes in (Meneses-Jácome 2017)
DALYs, disability-adjusted life years
Raw-effluent energy (Emef = 2.54 * 1016 seJ day−1), it includes contributions from chemical potential and from COD, N and P loads (Meneses-Jácome 2017)
A. Meneses-Jácome and A. Ruiz-Colorado
Eco-LCA of Biological Wastewater Treatments Focused … 351

indicators was reached by means of analytical identification NAVI i

of PCS (Grunwald and Rosch 2011). Mid-points were pro- 1

gressively transformed into Net Environmental Benefit

Indicators (NEBs) (Godin et al. 2012) and then into Average
Environmental Influence Indicators (AEIs). IV. Unlikely I. Confirmed
EmA and SDIs. The environmental character embedded condition “additionality”
inside the PCS aims to identify co-benefits, as well as detri-
mental changes in the supply or quality of some ecosystem AEI i
-1 1
services due to the changes in the Bio-WWTs’ life cycle.
Thereby, some environmental pressure indicators can be used
to assess the environmental economic dimension as “sense of II. Weakly
fulfilment” of the PCS. Conveniently, co-benefits and detri- III . Non - additional
non- additional
ments are referred as to “add-value” indicators (AVIs)
making sense with the economic notion of “additionality” -1

(Müller 2009). AVIs, firstly accounted as energy flows, are

afterwards divided by the raw-effluent’s energy flux to obtain Fig. 1 Standard plot for SDIs interpretation
normalized add-value indicators (NAVIs). Table 1 summa-
rizes the relationships among PCS, mid-points, NNEBs, non-additional condition results from both terms being neg-
AEIs and the pressure indicators acting as a bridge in the ative scores (quadrant III); a weak non-additional condition
NAVIs setting up. Each AEI coupled to an NAVI gives a occurs when NAVI is negative, but the AEI is not (quadrant
single SDI (SDICC, SDIRES, SDIHY, and SDIAIR). Aggre- II); a positive NAVI due to a negative AEI is an unlikely and
gated environmental (AEIP) and eco-economic terms ethically unacceptable scenario (quadrant IV).
(NAVIT) were tailored to obtain an overall SDI (SDIAg).
Since AEIs and NAVIs are normalized dimensionless values 3 Results and Discussion
ranging from −1 to 1, SDIs were interpreted by representing
them as ordered pairs (AEIi and NAVIi) on an Cartesian Study Case #1: Table 2 summarizes intermediate indicators
plane (Fig. 1) as follows: Positive values of both terms serving as a pathway for AEIs. In turn, Table 3 presents
confirm a co-benefit or “additionality” (quadrant I); a strong AEIs and NAVIs estimated for different data sets. According

Table 2 Primary LCA results for study case #1

Mid-point impact category Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Null optiona NNEBi;n b
NNEBi,1 NNEBi,2 NNEBi,null
AP (kg SO2-eq/UF) 0.00558 0.00363 0 −1 −0.65062 0
ReI (kg PM2.5-eq/UF) 0.00079 0.00059 0 −1 −0.73994 0
EP (kg PO4-eq/UF) −0.08459 −0.09017 0.11651 0.97302 1 −0.56372
GWP100 (kg CO2-eq/UF) 0.337 0.334 1.828 0.8156 0.8173 −1
NRE (MJ/UF) −3.75 −18.81 0 0.19940 1 0
Null option: untreated effluent
NNEBi,n: Normalized net environmental benefit indicator assessed for the “i” mid-point impact category at the “n” scenario

Table 3 SDIs for the study case #1

SDIai Environmental termb Eco-economic term
AEIi (i) (ii) (iii) NAVIi (i) (ii) (iii)
SDIHY AEIEP 0.7819 0.0135 0.7819 NAVIwd 5.27E−2 0.0 5.27E−2
SDIAIR AEIATM −0.3476 0.1524 0.1524 NAVIATM −6.69E-5 2.27E−5 2.27E−5
SDICC AEIGWP 0.9087 0.0009 0.0009 NAVICO2 1.07E−2 2.16E−5 2.16E−5
SDIRES AEINRE 0.5 0.4003 0.4003 NAVITE −2.02E−3 −0.81E−3 −0.81E−3
SDIAg AEIcP 0.4608 0.1418 0.3339 NAVIdT 0.0613 −0,0008 0.05196
Data sets for SDIs evaluation: (i) scenario 1 versus null option as baseline; (ii) scenario 2 versus scenario 1 as baseline; (iii) scenario 2 versus null
option as baseline, but conserving NEB for the EP category
i,n − NNEBi,b)/2, subindex “b” of baseline
AEIP = P (wi * AEIi); weighting factors, wi = 0.25

352 A. Meneses-Jácome and A. Ruiz-Colorado

to these results, scenario 2 is non-additional as regards high-quality effluent get worse scores in most of SDIs,
scenario 1, since NAVIT is a negative score (−0.0008). because external energy consumption and sludge production
NAVIT can be fairly improved by taking the SDIHY referred are increased. The end disposal site for sludge requires to be
to data set (I), since the end-effluent quality is equal for both changed in order to reduce transportation and offset this
scenarios (1 and 2). Then NAVIT would become a positive trend, as shown by the respective SDIAg (hole-blue rhom-
value (0.05196). Figure 2 shows as the single SDICC mostly bus). The ESGB + MBBR process could claim a better
determines a better NAVIT for scenario 1 (solid black tri- environmental performance if the aggregated AEIP was
angle) as regards scenario 2 (solid red spot). Study Case #2: estimated by using weighting factors giving priority to local
Fig. 3 sums up the most important results for this case. Solid SDIs (solid blue rhombus).
black arrows show how SDIs are shifted as Bio-WWTs is
upgraded from EGSB (triangles) to ESGB + MBBR process
(red spots), indicating that the exclusive pursuits of a 4 Conclusion

A methodology unique that combines LCA, EmA and PCS

NAVI i x 100 has been developed for sustainability assessment of
Bio-WWTs focused on energy recovery. It introduces a set of
four single SDIs and the notion of “additionality” to elucidate
5,0 overall sustainability conditions. This “proof of concept”
points out that the additionality depends on synergy among
SDIAIR,(iii) different SDIs and is not only reliant on climate change
0,0 AEIi
-1 -0,75 -0,5 -0,25 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1
control, so far the most accepted sustainability criterium for
WWTs. Likewise, Bio-WWTs committed with energy
SDIAIR,(i) SDIRES,(iii) -5,0 recovery activities or improved treatment practices foster a
negative score for the NAVITE. This “emergy cost” is a
single non-additional condition required to improve other
SDIs in order to reach overall “additionality”. In the study
Fig. 2 Plot for SDIs interpretation: study case #1 (a, b). a Single (open context, Bio-WWTs would operate with national electricity
triangle) and aggregated (filled traingle) SDIs based on data set (i) from (  67% hydro.) allocating biogas to shift natural gas use.
Table 3. b Single (open circle) and aggregated (filled circle) SDIs based
on data set (iii) from Table 3
NAVI i x 100
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& Technology, 65(9), 1624–1631.
SDIAIR SDIHY Grunwald, A., & Rosch, C. (2011). Energy, Sustainability and Society,
0,0 AEI i 1(1), 3.
-1 -0,75 -0,5 -0,25 0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1
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Fig. 3 Plot for SDIs interpretation: study case #2 (a–d). a Single (open ogy, 150, 506–512.
triangle) and aggregated (filled triangle) SDIs for the former EGSB Papong, S., et al. (2014). Renewable Energy, 65, 64–69.
unit; b Single (open circle) and aggregated (filled circle) SDIs for the Raugei, M., et al. (2014). Ecological Modelling, 271, 4–9.
upgraded EGSB + MBBR process; c Aggregated SDIs for the Wang, X., et al. (2012). Environmental Science and Technology, 46
upgraded EGSB + MBBR process with a new sludge disposal route, (10), 5542–5549.
calculated with all weighting factors, wi = 0.25, (open diamond); Zhang, Y., Baral, A., & Bakshi, B. R. (2010). Environmental Science
d Idem to c, calculated with the following set of weighting factors: and Technology, 44(7), 2624–2631.
wEP = 0.558, wAtm = 0.122, wGWP = 0.057 and wNRE = 0.263 (filled Zhang, X., et al. (2014). Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 92,
diamond) 95–107.

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