Case Study Analysis On Nanotechnology STS

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Conduct a brief  Case Study Analysis about the Applications of Nanotechnology in Different
Industries and be able to address the following questions:

1. What is nanotechnology? What products and developments are made through

nanotechnology? How can it influence our life?
Nanotechnology is defined as the study and use of structures between 1
nanometer and 100 nanometers in size. Nanotechnology is being use for an advancement
of technology, it is a matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale that is use
for an industrial purposes. According to Anderson at Microscope Master (2010-2020)
Advancements in nanotechnology have resulted in the technology being widely used in
various industries and fields from medicine to energy where it is used to help improve
our day to day lives. There’s an example of development products that made through
nanotechnology. Medical Application that is use for Medical purposes, Energy and
Electronic Applications that is use for creating electricity, Transportation that is also use
for enhancing efficiency and safety of the passengers and so on.

B. Choose only one industry from the list below, where nanotechnology is being used then,
proceed to a documentation.
1. Nanobiomimicry

2. Nanoelectronics

3. Nanotech on Medicine

4. Nanotech on Sports Equipment

C. Present all the information using the Case Study Analysis Report template with the following
1. Topic: Nanotech on Medicine
2. Background/Introduction

Nanotech on Medicine or Nanomedicine refers to advancement of

nanotechnology that is mainly used to medical intervention at the molecular scale for
curing disease, repairing destroyed/crush bones, or damage tissue and treatment of
disease in living organisms. Nanoparticles can be describe as the smallest particle of
matter that is between 1-100 nanometer in diameter.

3. Purpose
The purpose of Nanomedicine will reserve and improving the human’s life by
using molecular tools and molecular knowledge of the humans body. Through
Nanomedicine early detection and prevention, can easily improve the diagnosis and
proper treatment of all healthcare workers for the patient. As now a days with the help of
advancement nanotechnology, any crush bones or damaged tissue can be easily
reproduced or repaired and these are so called artificial stimulated cells that is used in
tissue engineering, which can be revolutionize the artificial implants.

4. Examples
There are several applications for nanomedicine that can be used to treat diseases,
such as cancer therapeutics that can be described as chemotherapy, Chemotherapy uses
nanoparticles that are an important method for transmitting treatments, carrying drug
molecules and targeting individual cells. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an
imaging tool used to identify illnesses, like problems in nerve or brain in the human
body. It is possible to describe nanoparticles as special and the smallest unit that can
nevertheless act when it comes to property and transport as a whole body. Having this
kind of capabilities is extremely flexible which can be able to do many different kinds of

5. Conclusion
Nanomedicine is a new nanotechnology that has a huge impact for humans life
and can also brought a huge benefits for human lives. Every health care workers around
the world is using a widespread Nanomedicine that is purposely used for medical field in
treating human’s disease, it assist the healthcare providers to promote healthcare and
treatments for the patient. The thing is that involve for improving and curing the disease
for human is a small and versatile Nanoparticles, it is widely use through technology
making foods, or even making a different medical products.

D. Student Feedback - State your personal view after conducting the case study and answer the
following questions:
5.1 What consequences may result in the application of nanotechnology for human
health/environment/ or in the society?

There’s a good and bad consequences that may result in the application of
nanotechnology, first is it can bring a huge benefits for human lives, just like for
example, in medical treatment, it can help for early detection of disease and easily
diagnose the patient, and for the environment, it can help for detection of impurities
found in water for removing contaminants and to make a clean drinkable water. Last is
the continues use of nanoparticle that can result in toxic side effects for human lives, just
like for example the pollution, the application of nanotechnology is not only used for
making good products, but it can also use to improve transportation that will also cause of

5.2 What is your personal view about the use of Nanotechnology?

My personal view for using nanotechnology is that it is extremely versatile
nanoparticles that can easily use for making different kinds of technology and products,
but also continuously use of nanotechnology like improving transportation can result to
consequences when it comes to environment or human’s health.

Nanotechnology in Medicine & Smart Healthcare. (2020, September 16). Inonations Limelight
of The Digital Knowledge.


Hayley, A. (2020). Nanotechnology Products In Medicine, Sports, Transportation and

Environment. Retrieved 2021 February 06, from Microscope Master,

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