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Critiquing the National Health Situation (Maternal and Child Nursing)

I have ask a random people for what they can say about the maternal mortality since 2020, and
their answers are almost same. First is, why maternal mortality is increase since 2020? Base on
my survey that the first problem is Lack of knowledge, the couple or partners that living on the
same roof may begin to conduct a sexual intercourse, and without knowledge for having a safe
sexual intercourse it may indeed up to female as being pregnant. Due to Covid19 many Hospitals
are lack of facilities because they put the possible Covid patients to their available facilities and
started to declining the pregnant patients for pre-natal check-ups due to contagious disease that
may harm to pregnant. Pregnant women may develop complications during pregnancy and it
indeed up to maternal mortality cases when they begin to labour without pre-natal check-ups
before giving birth. Some pregnant women who is about to give birth may indeed up to home
labour because of fear in covid19 and because of that they may develop complications during
giving birth. Second is Lack Down. Due to Covid19 lock down is also reason to a couple or
partners for having a sexual intercourse, also lockdown will cause to someone for being
Unemployed and because of that it may also makes someone’s stress or anxiety and It aroused to
male partner for being violent to their pregnant partners.

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