Answer: Both of These Illness Are Caused by Viruses and Share Many Signs and

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Reflective Essay (WW2)

In dealing with at risk/high risk or sick children or adolescents, flu (Influenza) is one of the most
common illnesses that a pediatric client acquired specially in rainy season. Flu passes from
person to person through the coughs and sneezes. It can cause mild to severe illness, and some
complications like pneumonia. During COVID-19 pandemic;

1) How do you differentiate influenza from COVID-19? Explain your answer in not less
than 50 words.
Answer: Both of these illness are caused by viruses and share many signs and
symptoms, but the difference between them is the person who were infected by the
Covid19 may experience loss of taste (ageusia) or smell (anosmia) and symptoms can
appear 14-15 days, while the influenza suddenly cause of mild to severe symptoms that
can typically develop 1 to 4 days.

2) What are these 2 contagious diseases shared in common as manifested by the client?
Answer in not less than 50 words.
Answer: Both of these contagious disease are sharing common signs and symptoms that
can result to pneumonia the secondary infections that inflames air sacs of each lungs,
the signs and symptoms may include are sore throat, difficulty of breathing, cough, fever
or chills, headache, and fatigue (Tiredness), these contagious disease are spreading via
droplets and sneezing.

3) How can you protect your client from having Influenza and COVID-19? Explain your
answer in at least 100 words.
Answer: Ways to prevent the client from having Influenza and COVID-19 are instruct the
client to wash their hands time to time after having a contact from possible infected
person or simply use and bring alcohol with 70% solution to kill the possible
microorganism after touching any of things somewhere when they are outside of their
home, and always wear a facemask when they are outside of their home because they
might encounter someone sneeze in front of them, because the contagious disease are
spreading via droplets and sneezing, also instruct the client to eat vegetables and fruits
with high minerals and Vitamin C to boost their immune system.

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