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The following are the steps and stages of the WALLEX application transfer procedures


1. Wallex is a provider of international / inter-country fund transfer platforms, is an official

company headquartered in Singapore and has received an official license from the monetary
authority in Singapore, besides that Wallex also has an operating license from Bank Indonesia &
has a branch office in Jakarta
PT Wallex Teknologi Berkat
Grand Indonesia
Menara BCA 45th Floor
Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1
Central Jakarta 10310

2. Before using, you must do registration / account registration. Registration for the WALLEX
Account, made by the Recipient Team, namely the party entrusted and assigned by the Al Aqsho
Foundation. Registration is done by inputting the data of the institution / foundation and the
bank account data of the beneficiary foundation. Wallex Account Registration is free and free of

3. Before the transfer, the recipient (through a wallex account creates IINVOICE) which will be sent
to the sender / sender. In making the invoice data must be inputted:
1. The name who received the transfer of funds
2. The name who transferred the funds
3. Transaction amount and
4. Bank details (Account number, SWIFTCODE)
5. Attachment of basic / basic transaction documents (sale and purchase of goods, projects, etc.)
4. There is no limit for transfers using Wallex, each transaction is subject to a fee of IDR 100,000 by
Wallex, while cancellation of a transaction when an invoice has been made will be subject to a
fee / fine of IDR 200,000

5. One invoice is only valid and is used only for one transaction
6. In the Wallex menu, there is a request / change setting for the desired currency by following the
prevailing exchange rate, for example the sender sends funds in USD, when the incoming funds
have been automatically converted into IDR / rupiahs.

7. In the invoice that is made, the Wallex Virtual account number is listed, so the sender will
transfer to the account number, so it is not directly to the recipient's bank account number. So
after the transfer to the Wallex virtual account it will go directly to the recipient's account

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