Common Sense Pamplet

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Alex Stavrou The declaration of The colonists had no popular

1/21/21 independence was written by sovereignty or say in the

Ms. Dillard the colonists to declare British government. They
A Modern Twist to Common independence from the used the declaration of
Sense British monarchy. The independence to show that
document was to outline the the government should serve
problems the colonists were the people and not
experiencing due the reign of themselves, as well as the
Great Britain. It was need to be able to elect who
structured by first saying the they want in charge that can
colonist’s beliefs and why properly represent them in the
they deserved independence government. The document
from them, the list of was the foundation describing
problems stemming from the the colonists need to have
British government, and a popular sovereignty as they
formal declaration declaring had no say in the British
independence in the end. The parliament.
document was an outline of
why the colonists deserved it, “…That to secure these
and how the monarchy was rights, Governments are
making it hard for them to instituted among men,
live in the colonies. deriving their just powers
from the consent of the
governed.” This quote
explains that the power of the
government should be
derived from the people.
The colonists used the idea of Natural rights are prevalent Americans values that exist
a social contract to explain everywhere or at least should today still stem from the
that the government should be. In the case of the declaration of independence.
rule justly by the people and colonists, they felt they were The political ideas of having
should not be able to violate entitled to certain rights that a ruler that represents the
their rights for the sake of they felt were natural to all. people, elected by the people,
power for people existing in The drafting of the and the ruler providing them
the leading of the declaration of independence natural rights is important in
government. They used the served as a way to let Great society today. I would have
declaration of independence Britain know there were supported the Declaration of
to show that they should get specific rights everyone Independence because It
protection from the living should have, and to embodies all things that were
government in exchange of highlight how Britain necessary to break off from
certain rights they give up. deprived the colonists of the monarchy taking away
The British government was them. A few mentioned freedom. Freedom was the
taking most of the rights if specifically were the right to start of this country and
not all from the colonists, so a life, liberty, property, and the should also last until the end.
social contract was necessary. pursuit of happiness; all of I would have liked and
which Britain did a good job preferred to be free instead of
“When a long train of abuses at taking away. constantly under an
and usurpations, pursuing oppressive ruling.
invariably the same Object “We hold these truths to be
evinces a design to reduce self-evident, that all men are
them under absolute created equal, that they are
Despotism, it is their right, it endowed by their Creator
is their duty, to throw off with certain unalienable
such Government” This quote Rights, that among these are
explains that after long abuse Life, Liberty, and the pursuit
from the British government, of Happiness.” This quote
the people have the right to was one of the times where
usurp the British government the colonists presented their
because they were not believed natural rights, and it
properly exchanging the was important as this was in
freedoms a social contract the beginning of the
highlights. document.

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