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Dear Mr.

I have been reading up on your past and have really seen the impact your life so far has
had on society. Your civil right efforts were important for the freedoms of all discriminated
against, especially African Americans in the past who never deserved how they were treated. We
are all people, we share the same civic and political responsibilities, so I’m glad you fought for
such a great cause. I personally believe that civic participation is important really because I feel
laws should always be followed, the nation always deserves and needs defense in times of need
and attending government activities helps create a greater society in all. I am glad you fought for
people to be able to obtain such rights because we are all Americans and deserve equal rights.
Your work in Europe as well is another thing I admire. You really showed that getting involved
and fighting for what is right is a great way to incite change. Issues such as the civil rights and
suffrage of African Americans, the freedom from South American apartheid and representation
of Palestine deserved recognition and attention, and it is amazing that you helped these problems
fade away to create a nice society for many. Not all issues can be completely solved, but your
efforts helped certain communities gain what they deserved. The African American community
would not be In the same place as they are now without your efforts with Mr. King. As I said,
everyone deserves the same rights regardless of skin color or background, so I’m glad you fought
for such a cause. The rewards you obtained were much justified due to what you accomplished.
Democracy and representation in government for all in all places was something you focused on,
and accomplished many with. A national holiday should even be given because many people in
society could be in a much different place without your efforts. The people held captive that you
saved through your negotiations, the civil rights gained for African Americans, and freedom
gained in South Africa are just many of the accomplishments that really highlight why you
deserve a holiday. Your values embody what every American should be. Sadly, there is still
discrimination in this world, but you certainly did the most to help the communities out being
discriminated against, and I’m sure you will continue to fight until all of it is gone, as we all
should. These are all civic responsibilities of all Americans, so I hope there are many after you to
follow in your footsteps. Thank you for all you have done.
Sincerely, Alex Stavrou, an admirer of your work.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Jesse Jackson.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 12 Jan. 2000,
Jackson. “International Civil Rights: Walk of Fame.” National Parks Service, U.S. Department
of the Interior,

Rainbow PUSH Coalition. “Rev Jesse Jackson Bio.” Welcome to Rainbow PUSH | Rainbow
PUSH, 14 Aug. 2020,

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