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Experiment 2


Pages: 17

This particular lab is intended to experiment with the thermochemistry, and

explore the use of calorimetry in thermochemistry. The lab is intended to determine the

molar enthalpy of fusion of ice, the heat capacity of a coffee cup calorimeter, as well as

determine the identity of an unknown salt, sample number 718, from the molar heat of

solution. In part A, is was determined that the molar heat of fusion was 5.642 Kj/mol, a

value that was off by approximately 6.02% from the literature value given in the

textbook. In the second part of the lab, the heat capacity of the calorimeter was

determined to be 7.474 Kj/mol, which is almost double the heat capacity of water. In the

final section, Part C, the enthalpy of solution was determined to be -21.45Kj/mol, which

is extremely close to the value of potassium fluoride. In addition, the flame test

indicated the presence potassium with a violet flame.


Thermochemistry is the science dealing with the transfer of heat and energy.

This is measured in Kelvin, where one Kelvin equals 1/273.16 of the triple point of

water. Zero Kelvin is also known as negative 273.16C, and as absolute zero. At this

point, particles are stationary, as all energy in the particles has been removed 1.

Heat capacity is a proportionality constant refers to the amount of energy

required to increase the temperature of one gram of a substance by one degree, and is

calculated by the formula:


Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. "A temperature below absolute zero: Atoms at negative absolute temperature
are the hottest systems in the world." ScienceDaily, 4 Jan. 2013. Web. 17 Jan. 2014.
< >
Where q is the amount of energy transferred in Joules, and T is the change in

temperature, measured either in Kelvins or degrees Celsius. C represents the heat

capacity, and is measured in Joules per Kelvin, or Joules per degrees Celsius

depending on which unit was used in the equation. 2

The apparatus used in this lab was the coffee cup calorimeter. A calorimeter is an

insulated container with a medium inside to support a chemical reaction and facilitate

the transfer of heat. In addition a thermometer is inserted into the calorimeter to

measure the change in temperature over time. In this particular lab, the calorimeter was

made by stacking two Styrofoam coffee cups within each other, and a third placed

inverted over the top to form a lid. This prevents the majority of the heat of the reaction

to escape, as well as prevents energy from the surrounding to enter the system,

distorting the results.

Enthalpy of fusion refers to the energy required to overcome the lattice structure in

a solid, converting it into a liquid form. This occurs when ice melts for example.

Enthalpy of neutralization is the energy released when an acid and base react. Finally,

enthalpy of solution is the energy absorbed when an ionic solid dissolves in water. This

occurs in three distinct steps, first the ionic lattice disintegrates by overcoming the lattice

energy, second, the water molecules separate the ions into the solution, and finally the

cations, anion and water molecules diffuse to form the solution 3.

Blauch, David. “Calorimetry” Chemistry@Davidson; Davidson College Chemistry Resources. Web. 18
Jan 2014. <>
Kinrade, S.D. Chemistry 1130: Modern Chemistry II Laboratory Manual. Winter, 2014 Edition. 2014.

The method is identical to the one outlined in the manual. All the wastes were

disposed of down the sink, as they consisted of minute concentrations of ionic salt,

neutralized acids and bases, as well as simple water.


Part A

Table 1: The Enthalpy of Fusion

Time (s) Temperature (C)
Temperature before reaction 40.43C
0:15s 31.12C
0:30s 26.34C
0:45s 25.56C
1:00 min 25.52C
1:15 min 25.51C
1:30 min 25.50C
1:45 min 25.50C
2:00 min 25.49C
2:30 min 25.47C
3:00 min 25.42C
3:30 min 25.39C
4:00 min 25.36C
4:30 min 25.31C
5:00 min 25.28C
See Appendix for the calculations graph of time vs. temperature

Mass of Dry Calorimeter – 5.87g

Mass of Calorimeter + water – 105.05g

Mass of Calorimeter + water and ice – 118.76g

Part B

Table 2: The Enthalpy of Neutralization

Time (s) Temperature (C)

Temperature before reaction Acid: 20.87C Base: 20.18C
0:15s 27.82C
0:30s 27.72C
0:45s 27.69C
1:00 min 27.63C
1:15 min 27.63C
1:30 min 27.60C
1:45 min 27.58C
2:00 min 27.52C
2:30 min 27.50C
3:00 min 27.44C
3:30 min 27.39C
4:00 min 27.34C
4:30 min 27.29C
5:00 min 27.22C
See Appendix for the calculations graph of time vs. temperature

Mass of Calorimeter – 5.72g

Mass of Calorimeter + HCl – 56.43g

Mass of Calorimeter + HCl and NaOH – 107.67g

Concentration of acid: 1.0499 molKg-1 0.0002

Concentration of base: 1.0132 molKg-1 0.0002

pH of Solution: 2 pH

Part C

Table 3: The Enthalpy of Solution

Time (s) Temperature (C)
Temperature before reaction 21.43C
0:15s 18.43C
0:30s 18.40C
0:45s 18.40C
1:00 min 18.41C
1:15 min 18.42C
1:30 min 18.43C
1:45 min 18.45C
2:00 min 18.45C
2:30 min 18.47C
3:00 min 18.49C
3:30 min 18.50C
4:00 min 18.51C
4:30 min 18.51C
5:00 min 18.52C
See Appendix for the calculations graph of time vs. temperature

Mass of Calorimeter – 5.88g

Mass of Calorimeter + water – 105.41g

Mass of Calorimeter + water and salt – 107.97g

Flame test: Violet flame, indicating presence of Potassium

Sample Number: 718


In part A, the molar enthalpy of fusion signifies the amount of energy to

overcome the lattice energy of a solid to convert it into a liquid form. In comparison to

the literature values for the molar enthalpy of fusion for ice, 6.02 Kj/mols, is different

from the experimentally derived value of 5.64 Kj/mols by approximately 6.26%. This is

easily accounted for by the uncertainty of measurement, and that the calorimeter is not

a perfectly closed system, allowing heat transfer between the system and surroundings.

For part B, the heat capacity of the calorimeter was calculated from the molar

enthalpy of neutralization, resulting in a value that was off from the heat capacity of

water by approximately 45 %. This partially disproved the assumption that the heat of

the heat capacity of the calorimeter can be assumed to the heat capacity of water. The

assumption in part A does not take into account the heat capacity of the remaining HCl,
nor the heat capacity of the Styrofoam cup. However, the heat capacity of water is large

part of the heat capacity of the calorimeter,

In part C, the heat capacity of the calorimeter was used to determine the molar

enthalpy of solution of an unknown salt, sample #718. The value calculated was

-21.45Kj/g, and since this is extremely close to the value for KF, and the flame test

indicated the presence of potassium, the ionic salt, potassium fluoride, is the most likely

candidate. Some of the discrepancies between this, and the literature values would

originate from heat transfer between the calorimeter and the surrounding systems, as

well as equipment uncertainty.

Molar enthalpy of solution varies with the concentration of the solution, as the

amount of solute increases, it requires more, or less energy to separate the ions, and

allow them to disassociate in water. Thus, a sample ten grams in mass would have a

much greater impact, as it would release, or absorb more energy per gram to


Blauch, David. “Calorimetry” Chemistry@Davidson; Davidson College Chemistry

Resources. Web. 18 Jan 2014.

“Standard Thermodynamic Properties of Chemical Substances”. CRC Handbook of

Chemistry and Physics. Web PDF. 12 Jan 2014.

Kinrade, S.D. Chemistry 1130: Modern Chemistry II Laboratory Manual. Winter 2014
Edition. 2014. Print.

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. "A temperature below absolute zero: Atoms at negative

absolute temperature are the hottest systems in the world." ScienceDaily, 4 Jan.
2013. Web. 17 Jan. 2014.
< >

Zumdahl, Zumdahl. Chemistry. 9th. 1. Belmont: 2013. Print.

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