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Extent of Theory

The theoretically declaration of project management does not contribute to the research politics,
especially in relation to research funding. Even the exact theory he will paint will leave some key
questions that cannot be answered. There is a similar problem in the general field of management
research - one theory cannot explain all the behaviors in a complex organizational environment.
Creates and tests management researchers that correspond to specific problems and integrates
them into the future. We believe that different types of theory have different properties, and we
should clearly understand another for Turner's method. Many of his theories appear to work
more or less in the areas where they are involved, but they have little relevance to many other
theories. The advantage of limited development theory is that they are not confused and merged
by dealing with many variables. It is easier to study phenomena and theories in a restricted area.

The empirical theory has added benefits based on actual behavior rather than ideal behavior. It
encourages cumulative research that promotes and extends the development of our knowledge
and modifies the original theory. Therefore, in the case of group performance, the group target of
additional research is the group process. Clear research questions include the type of process that
allows the best members to identify and accept, and the processes that hinder this. We believe
that when we hear researchers about the lack of theory in project management, they require to
some extent develop and use the explanatory and projected theories we have set out (Bolooki and
Bridge 2007).

Some of the advantages to are as follows:

 Firstly, we can study whether the theory or hypothesis of the theory was invalid or
incomplete by other theories, and we must accept its validity. Here, we compare different
theories and work primarily in the theoretical area.
 Secondly, we can look at anomalies observed by students or unexpected results by
exploring methods based on this theory. In this case, our source of evidence is the contact
between theory and life of experience. Please note that these tests have different
advantages and disadvantages.

The comparison of theories depends on the existence of alternative theories. If the problem is a
real scientific experiment, the test of empirical validity is a powerful test. In management
science, it must often be met from the case. However, these tests (notably their combined results)
indicate that there is a certain degree of adequacy.

Therefore, I fully agree with Turner's theoretical importance. However, it is believed that the
types of theory are different, and the experience of management research often indicates that
positive research rather than normative research is unlikely to develop one theory. Instead, it will
be easier to develop some of the more restrictive theories. Moreover, practice has mechanisms to
deal with the limited guidance obtained from positive theory.

Differences between Project Management Discipline and Project Management Scientific

Body of Knowledge

As the Project Management Scientific Body (PMBOK) is a high level document designed to
cover all possibilities, the risk analysis methods discussed in PMBOK may be applicable to
penetration test indicators or may not be applicable to \ t with penetration test indicators,
depending on tests during the project.

(Bolooki and Bridge 2007) declared only 38% of respondents used the PMBOK Guide as the
basis for their company's PM program, the majority of respondents (over 90%) are familiar with
the process outlined in the guidance. In addition, no rare processes or peripheral processes (Class
B) or excessive processes (Class D) were identified. Specifically, each process is recognized as
the main (Class A) or main selection process (Class C). On this basis, the guidance process
appears to have broad applicability, and at least there is a clear and positive relationship between
these processes and the success level of the project .

However, the results show that understanding the scope and value of these guidelines and
incorporating these processes into the project itself is insufficient to ensure the success of the
project. This involves a further seven major determinants of the success of the project (the
company's project handling process, the leadership of project managers; teamwork; the project
manager's technical background; senior management; understanding; 'the project environment,
and the lessons learned data, facilitated the development of previous projects, which are key
determinants of the implementation of the project process and are therefore key determinants of
the success of the project. In addition, the recommendation for accurate and timely
communication is the basis for the other seven major factors identified in the literature (Wells

It cannot be considered any peripheral process to be eliminated from the guide. Specifically, all
processes are identified as critical day-to-day processes or as key selection processes and are
directly aligned with the success of the project. However, the results also show that other major
factors of causal knowledge (knowing why) are equally important determinants of the success of
the project. The conclusion is that assurance information, procedure and causation are valuable,
and because of the advantages of the first two types of information, there is an urgent need to
ensure that fair information is sought fairly. The positive theory of production and economics
appears to be a good starting point in the development of causal knowledge (Koskela and Howell

Theory of Planning

One of the key failures in application network technology is the inability to exploit the dynamic
potential of these processes. However, the original plans and plan details are usually generated
only. After obsolescence, they continue to cover the walls of the office, with little similarity to
current work schedules.

Theory of Execution

The practices recommended have a secondary and varied role to project management methods in
practice compared to prescriptions. Among the projects studied is the basis for the main part of
the decision. Financial performance data has complementary capabilities, such as confirmation
that work is done by other means and providing statistics on completed work that can be used for
future projects. This reflects the lack of learning in the thermostat model: it is easier, quicker,
and more pilgrim to reflect directly on trends in the execution of tasks and understand why it is
compared to performance metrics (Rose 2013).

Theory of Control

Controls advanced by project management agencies in relation to body of scientific knowledge

have a secondary and different role to the actual management of the project (Koskela and Howell
2002). Among the projects studied is the basis for the main part of the decision. Financial
performance data has complementary capabilities, such as confirmation that work is done by
other means and providing statistics on completed work that can be used for future projects. This
reflects the lack of learning in the thermostat model: it is easier, quicker, and more pilgrim to
reflect directly on trends in the execution of tasks and understand why it is compared to
performance metrics.

Theory of Project

The main difference between the perspective of the transformation of scientific knowledge on
project management and the real outlook on value management of project management is that the
second concept involves the customer. The transformational view assumes that the needs of
customers are from the outset and can be broken down into work, and value generation ideas
recognize that customer needs are not always available or difficult to understand, and it is a
challenge to assign requirements to parts of different products.

The opinion on value generation explains the third goal of project management and achieves
business goals. For example, principles of rigorous analysis of demand and systemic demand
streams are recommended. Again, the recipe is very different compared to the conversion view,
which assumes more or less demand.


It is no debate to declare that there is a crisis in project management and that it must implement
paradigm changes that should be made long ago. The focus of this paper is to propose a new
project management theory. However, novel theories are more powerful or complementary to
basic implied theories, they provide instructions for new theoretical foundations, and can be used
to update project management methodologies. There are two ways of making progress. Initially
based on new operational management theory, new project management methods can be
developed and piloted. Secondly, high practices can be consolidated and theoretically explained
(discouraging current teaching), leading to a new understanding of practice and which can be
further refined.

We present empirical evidence and theoretical explanations, demonstrating that the current
theory of project management has serious flaws in theory. Firstly, it is based on a misconception
about the nature of the project's work and a lack of definition of planning, execution and control.
Secondly, the theoretical base is understandable. These shortcomings can be attributed to three
types of problems.

Firstly, the target set by project management is not yet: its implementation is unsatisfactory. In
small, simple and slow projects, questions relating to theory can be resolved informally without
further penalties. However, in today's large and complex projects, traditional project
management cannot be counter-productive. It can create problems that are of interest to itself,
which can have a significant impact on performance.

The lack of theory secondly, makes it more difficult in education and training and hinders
effective project management specialization. Lack of theory, project management cannot be
proposed, and there will be no permanent and respectful position in higher education institutions.
In addition, the lack of explanation of project management providing the theory delays the
dissemination of project management methods.

The lack of theory inhibits the renewal of project management is the third in list. The
management of the project has seen anomalies, that is, trends from the theoretical projections,
but a misconception of the reasons, and the project management community has not taken any
action against it. From a research or practical point of view, the important functions of the
ongoing validation test and the theory of the way for further development have not yet been


1. Bolooki, F. and A. Bridge (2007). "The guide to the project management body of knowledge
(PMBOK Guide): applicability and contribution to project success in Australia."

2. Koskela, L. and G. Howell (2002). The underlying theory of project management is obsolete.
Proceedings of the PMI Research Conference, PMI.

3. Rose, K. H. (2013). "A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®
Guide)—Fifth Edition." Project management journal 44(3): e1-e1.
4. Wells, H. (2012). "How effective are project management methodologies? An explorative
evaluation of their benefits in practice." Project management journal 43(6): 43-58.

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