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Grand Forks County Jail has been properly managing the sanitariness of Do you believe the uunty Jail as to prevent the spread of COVID-19? the Grand Forks Cot cYes {No Unsure if you answered no, please describe how you believe the Grand Forks County Jail’s response to COVID-19 has been inadequate Mo proper Jer lad ros ‘Alo When w< mete vant xh wort rad Cou NF trey Sevck ne th Work Please had Cough-!t except ome person = they Avint re woe ne From work (ocl ex dhe per tn_ here torth -the Sf aherk tect p : , i YOUR STORY On this page, please provide any information you would like to convey about the COVID-19 response of the Grand Forks County Jail to Wynne Law Firm P.L.L.C.: There 35 0 arpa . No 5 ih Far soo ta\ \ by proper cleaniha sui We were old 4 hex we \ f ca tttract Cou il 1 é eS a the \ pl. a Le YOUR STORY On this page, please provide any information you would like to convey about the COVID-19 response of the Grand Forks County Jail to Wynne Law Firm P.L.L.C.: (Fociooult MIN prison, v yelenseA fen MN-D0C + beled neastive Do you believe the Grand Forks County Jail has been properly managing the sanitariness of the Grand Forks County Jail as to prevent the spread of COVID-19? O Yes No C Unsure If you answered no, please describe how you believe the Grand Forks County Jail’s response to COVID-19 has been inadequate YOUR STORY On this page, please provide any information you would like to convey about the COVID-19 response of the Grand Forks County Jail to Wynne Law Firm P.L.L.C.: Cv \ S 7 Id af \ nave 4 \ ) du Neu w A& \ eae neaalye Fl ) Vac a Seok \ {4 \ ne 3 0 _ v ‘ \ a Caulstess\ & \ \ \ , \ \\ 7 zy oye eB \ f “okey 4 < \ co Woh } x > A Do you believe the Grand Forks County Jail has been properly managing the sanitariness of the Grand Forks County Jail as to prevent the spread of COVID-19? O Yes 4 No O Unsure N\ If you answered no, please describe how you believe the Grand Forks County Jail's response to COVID-19 has been inadequate Decne rredico lure ) tv Woe \ S\S} ‘ Ps \ 5. \ cls yc 5 Pi \we ice, AFR rea \iod Du aM s ‘ \ ~ 2 USE Su \2 x Nx of \ = \ u Wass 4 WV MY \ as ou yi i Ke Se >. a vs d fs ( ( 2 4 C < YOUR STORY On this page, please provide an COVID-19 response of the Gran ould like to convey about the Law Firm P.L.L.C.: y information you Ww‘ \d Forks County Jail to Wynne 6 Do you believe the Grand Forks County Jail has been properly managing the sanitariness of the Grand Forks County Jail as to prevent the spread of COVID-197 OYes No © Unsure J If you answered no, please describe how you believe the Grand Forks County Jail’s response to COVID-19 has been inadequate i d “wo A, Po you believe the Grand Forks County Jail has been properly managing the sanitariness of the Grand Forks County Jail as to prevent the spread of COVID-19? O Yes Wiio O Unsure If you answered no, please describe how you believe the Grand Forks County Jail’s response to COVID-19 has been inadequate Bows ARR Ah nendten Vs . they chnt ds ayiity ss WFFecent Cae Haws Do you believe the Grand Forks County Jail has been properly managing the sanitariness of the Grand Forks County Jail as to prevent the spread of COVID-19? O Yes No O Unsure If you answered no, please describe how you believe the Grand Forks County Jail's response to COVID-19 has been inadequate D » yp HL YOUR STORY On this page, please provi COVID-19 response of the like to convey about the ide any information you would | lynne Law Firm P.L.L.C.: Grand Forks County Jail to W) Do you believe the Grand Forks County Jail has been properly managing the sanitariness of the Grand Forks County Jail as to prevent the spread of COVID-19? 0 Yes io 0 Unsure If you answered no, please describe how you believe the Grand Forks County Jail’s response to COVID-19 has been inadequate a ( t J 1 \ l . \ _\q Jt O\ \ ¢ v we Jen , ‘ F 4 , rock \ ne ( 2 ia AY yn YOUR STORY On this page, please provide any information you would like to convey about the COVID-19 response of the Grand Forks County Jail to Wynne Law Firm P.L. L.C.:

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