Vocab Sheet GC - MDMS

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P.S./I.S. 102Q Name:

Class: Date:

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street Vocabulary

Word and Rating Word Meaning Sample Sentence My example Sentence #1 My example Sentence #2
Antagonism (n) Hostility; a strong There is a long history
feeling of dislike or of antagonism
hatred: a desire to between the two
Word Family oppose something nations.
Antagonistic (adj) you dislike or
disagree with
Intimidate (v) To make someone He was intimidated
afraid; to frighten or by the crowd, but he
Word Family threaten. continued to speak.
Intimidated (adj)
Intimidation (n) You shouldn't allow
his reputation to
intimidate you.
Defiant (adj) Showing bold He was defiant and
resistance to refused to cooperate.
Word Family authority or an
Defiance (n) opponent. He was jailed for
Defiantly (adv) his defiance of the
Idiosyncrasy (n) Peculiarity; an An idiosyncrasy of
unusual personality Fred’s is that he
Word Family trait. doesn’t like chocolate.
Idiosyncratic (adj)
Converging (v) To be closing in. As the crowd became
a mob, they began
Word Family converging on Sam,
Convergence (n) surrounding him.

During the fashion

show, a convergence
of music and fashion
held the audience’s
attention for over two
Sluggish (adj) Moving slowly or The game picked up
lazily. after a sluggish start.
Word Family
Sluggishly (adv)
Sluggishness (n)

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