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January 27, 2012

Physical Light
Normal Normal
properties yellow
Transparency Normal Normal
pH 7.0 5-9 Normal Normal
Specific Gravity 1.015 1.010-1.030 Normal Normal
Sugar Negative Negative Normal Normal
The glomerulus in the network of
capillaries in the kidneys that filters
low molecular weight solutes such
as urea, glucose, and salt, but
normally prevents passage of
protein or cells from blood into
Protein +4 (<10mg/d Abnormal
filtrate. Due increased glomerular
permeability; this permeability
allows increased amounts of
plasma protein (sometimes very
large amounts) to pass into the
Leukocytes Negative Negative Normal Normal
Nitrite Negative Negative Normal Normal
Urobilinogen Negative Normal Normal Normal
Blood Negative Negative Normal Normal
Ketone Negative Negative Normal Normal
Bilirubin Negative Negative Normal Normal
Ascorbic Acid Negative Negative Normal Normal
Due to increase in vascular
RBC 2-4/hpf Negative Abnormal permeability, it will lead to leakage
of RBC
Pus Cells Occurrence of pus cells maybe due
2-4/hpf Negative Abnormal
(WBC) to an infection of urinary system.
If they are present in large
amounts then this means there is
some underlying infection in any
part of the urinary tract. If the
Mucus threads Few Negative Abnormal mucus threads in urine are
associated with red blood cells
(blood), bacteria or yeast then this
indicates to some sort of infection,
irritation or other problems.
- - - -
Few bacteria in urine can suggest
Bacteria Few Negative Abnormal infection due to vascular
Complete Blood Count

January 25, 2021

Test Result Normal Range Interpretation Implication

WBC 3.83 4.00-10.00 Low White Blood Cells (WBC)
are the cells of the
immune system that are
involved in protecting the
body against both
infectious disease and
foreign invaders. Dengue
fever can result a drop in
both WBC and platelet
counts because of
virus-induced destruction
or inhibition of myeloid
progenitor cells.
Neutrophils 2.52 2.00-7.00 Normal Normal
Lymphocytes 0.83 0.80-4.00 Normal Normal
Monocytes 0.43 0.12-1.20 Normal Normal
Eosinophils 0.04 0.02-0.50 Normal Normal
Basophils 0.01 0.00-0.10 Normal Normal
Neu% 65.7 50.0-70.0 Normal Normal
Lym 21.8 20.0-40.0 Normal Normal
Mon 11.2 3.0-12.0 Normal Normal
Eos 1.1 0.5-5.0 Normal Normal
Bas 0.2 0.0-1.0 Normal Normal
RBC 4.43 4.00-5.50 Normal Normal
HGB 140 120-160 Normal Normal
HCT 40.0 40.0-54.0 Normal Normal
MCV 90.3 80.0-100.0 Normal Normal
MCH 31.6 27.0-34.0 Normal Normal
MCHC 350 320-360 Normal Normal
RDW-CV 10.4 11.0-16.0 Low Red cell distribution width
(RDW) and Coefficient
Variation (CV) is a
measurement of the
amount of that red blood
cells vary in size. A low
RDW means that the red
blood cells vary very little
in size.
RDW-SD 34.9 35.0-56.0 Low Red cell Distribution Width
measures variation in red
blood cell size or red blood
cell volume. A low RDW
means that red the red
blood cells vary very little
in size.
PLT 11 170-400 Very Low Dengue virus induces
bone marrow suppression.
Since bone marrow is the
manufacturing center of
blood cells its suppression
causes deficiency of blood
cells leading to low platelet
MPV 6.2 6.5-12.0 Low
PDW 18.8 9.0-17.0 High Platelet distribution Width
(PDW) is the variability in
the size of platelets.
Normally PDW increases
with MPV. The patient
shows normal MPV but a
high PDW due to the bone
marrow suppression.
PCT 0.007 0.108 - 0.282 Low Low PCT (procalcitonin)
values in patients with
clinical signs of infection
indicate a low probability
for blood culture proof of
bacterial infection. One
major advantage of PCT
cimparef to other
parameters is its early and
highly specific increase in
response to bacterial
infections and sepsis.
P-LCR 7.6 11.0-45.0 Low

January 25, 2021

Test Result Normal Range Interpretation Implication

WBC 4.86 4.00-10.00 Normal Normal
Neutrophils 1.65 2.00-7.00 Low Neutrophils are white
blood cells that protect
your body from infections.
Low level of Absolute
Neutrophil count indicates
that there's disruption of
neutrophil production
because dengue virus
induces bone marrow
Lymphocytes 2.14 0.80-4.00 Normal Normal
Monocytes 1.05 0.12-1.20 Normal Normal
Eosinophils 0.02 0.02-0.50 Normal Normal
Basophils 0.00 0.00-0.10 Normal Normal
Neu% 33.9 50.0-70.0 Low Neutrophils are white
blood cells that protect
your body from infections.
Low level of Absolute
Neutrophil count indicates
that there's disruption of
neutrophil production
because dengue virus
induces bone marrow
Lym 44.0 20.0-40.0 High It is postulated that these
lymphocytes are antibody
immune reaction to the
dengue virus, which
explains their increased
Mon 21.6 3.0-12.0 High With the presence of the
dengue virus, immune
cells like monocytes
increase in number to fight
the foreign bodies.
Eos 0.4 0.5-5.0 Low In the cases of dengue
infection, eosinophil levels
are low in the acute phase
due to the response to the
inflammatory process.
Bas 0.1 0.0-1.0 Normal Normal
RBC 2.22 4.00-5.50 Low RBCs contain
hemoglobin, which carries
oxygen throughout your
body. It is low because the
patient experienced
epistaxis and melena.
Moreover, the dengue
virus induces bone
marrow suppression.
HGB 69 120-160 Low Hemoglobim is the protein
in your blood that holds
oxygen. Since the dengue
virus induces bone
marrow suppression and
there is low level of RBC,
it follows that the
hemoglobin count is low
as well.
HCT 20.0 40.0-54.0 Low Hematocrit tells how much
of your blood is made up
of red blood cells. Since
the dengue virus induces
bone marrow suppression
and there is low level of
RBC, it follows that the
hemoglobin count is low
as well.
MCV 90.0 80.0-100.0 Normal Normal
MCH 31.1 27.0-34.0 Normal Normal
MCHC 345 320-360 Normal Normal
RDW-CV 10.6 11.0-16.0 Low Red cell distribution width
(RDW) and Coefficient
Variation (CV) is a
measurement of the
amount of that red blood
cells vary in size. A low
RDW means that the red
blood cells vary very little
in size.
RDW-SD 34.8 35.0-56.0 Low Red cell Distribution Width
measures variation in red
blood cell size or red
blood cell volume. A low
RDW means that red the
red blood cells vary very
little in size.
PLT 38 170-400 Very Low Dengue virus induces
bone marrow
suppression. Since bone
marrow is the
manufacturing center of
blood cells its suppression
causes deficiency of blood
cells leading to low
platelet count.
MPV 9.2 6.5-12.0 Normal Normal
PDW 18.9 9.0-17.0 High Platelet distribution Width
(PDW) is the variability in
the size of platelets.
Normally PDW increases
with MPV. The patient
shows normal MPV but a
high PDW due to the bone
marrow suppression.
PCT 0.035 0.108 - 0.282 Low Low PCT (procalcitonin)
values in patients with
clinical signs of infection
indicate a low probability
for blood culture proof of
bacterial infection. One
major advantage of PCT
cimparef to other
parameters is its early and
highly specific increase in
response to bacterial
infections and sepsis.
P-LCR 34.2 11.0-45.0 Normal Normal

January 27, 2021

Test Result Interpretation Implication
WBC 5.91 4.00-10.00 Normal Normal
Neutrophils 2.92 2.00-7.00 Normal Normal
Lymphocytes 2.00 0.80-4.00 Normal Normal
Monocytes 0.96 0.12-1.20 Normal Normal
Eosinophils 0.02 0.02-0.50 Normal Normal
Basophils 0.01 0.00-0.10 Normal Normal
Neu% 49.5 50.0-70.0 Low Neutrophils are white
blood cells that protect
your body from infections.
Low level of Absolute
Neutrophil count indicates
that there's disruption of
neutrophil production
because dengue virus
induces bone marrow
Lym 33.8 20.0-40.0 Normal Normal
Mon 16.3 3.0-12.0 High Monocytes are a type of
white blood cell that fight
certain infections and help
other white blood cells
remove dead or damaged
tissues, destroy cancer
cells, and regulate
immunity against foreign
High Monocytes
happened because the
patient experienced fever
and infection due to
dengue virus.
Eos 0.3 0.5-5.0 Low Eosinophils are a kind of
white blood cell that helps
fight disease. They're
made in your bone
marrow and then travel to
different tissues.
Low Eos level is usually
not a cause for concern
and is actually quite
common. They are very
helpful in depending the
Bas 0.1 0.0-1.0 Normal Normal
RBC 2.69 4.00-5.50 Low RBCs contain
hemoglobin, which carries
oxygen throughout your
body. They are produced
in the bone marrow and
then released into the
bloodstream as they
mature. Dengue viris
damage the bone marrow
that results to low RBC
HGB 86 120-160 Low Hemoglobim is the protein
in your blood that holds
oxygen. There is low level
of HGB because of bone
marrow suppression
caused by dengue virus.
HCT 23.9 40.0-54.0 Low Hematocrit tells how much
of your blood is made up
of red blood cells. A low
score is a sign that you
don’t have enough iron,
the mineral that helps your
body make red blood cells
due to bone marrow
suppression caused by
dengue virus.
MCV 88.9 80.0-100.0 Normal Normal
MCH 32.0 27.0-34.0 Normal Normal
MCHC 360 320-360 Normal Normal
RDW-CV 10.7 11.0-16.0 Low A low RDW means that
the red blood cells vary
very little in size.
Red cell distribution width
(RDW) and Coefficient
Variation (CV) is a
measurement of the
amount of that red blood
cells vary in size.
RDW-SD 35.0 35.0-56.0 Normal Normal
PLT 51 170-400 Low Dengue virus induces
bone marrow suppression.
Since bone marrow is the
manufacturing center of
blood cells its suppression
causes deficiency of blood
cells leading to low
platelet count.
MPV 9.1 6.5-12.0 Normal Normal
PDW 18.0 9.0-17.0 High Platelet distribution Width
(PDW) is the variability in
the size of platelets.
Normally PDW increases
with MPV. The patient
shows normal MPV but a
high PDW due to the bone
marrow suppression.
PCT 0.046 0.108 - 0.282 Low Low PCT (procalcitonin)
values in patients with
clinical signs of infection
indicate a low probability
for blood culture proof of
bacterial infection. One
major advantage of PCT
cimparef to other
parameters is its early and
highly specific increase in
response to bacterial
infections and sepsis.
P-LCR 34.7 11.0-45.0 Normal Normal


January 25, 2021

Test Result Normal Range Interpretation Implication

Hemoglobin 16.4 13-17 Normal Normal
Hematocrit 50.2 40-52% Normal Normal
RBC 5.45 4.7-6.1ml/mm3 Normal Normal
WBC 2500 4800-10000/mm3 Abnormal With a low white blood
cell count higher risk of
Differential Count
Neutrophils 77 40-74% Abnormal A low level of
neutrophils higher risk
of developing an
Lymphocytes 21 20-40% Normal Normal
Eosinophils - - - -
Monocytes 2 3-7% Abnormal Low levels of
monocytes tend to
develop as a result of
medical conditions that
lower your overall wbc.
Platelet count 24000 130-500000 Normal Normal
Bleeding time - - - -
Clotting time - - - -
MCV 92.2 80-96FL Normal Normal
MCH 30.1 27-33PG Normal Normal
MCHC 32.7 32-36% Normal Normal


January 26, 2021

Test Result Interpretation Implication
Hemoglobin - 11.5-14.8 - -
Hematocrit 37.1 38-44% Normal Normal

Platelet count 18 250-510x10/L Low Dengue virus induces

bone marrow
suppression. Since bone
marrow is the
manufacturing center of
blood cells its
suppression causes
deficiency of blood cells
leading to low platelet.

January 27, 2021

Test Result Interpretation Implication
Hemoglobin - 11.5-14.8 - -
Hematocrit 41.6 38-44% Normal Normal
Platelet count 12 250-510x10/L Low Dengue virus induces
bone marrow
suppression. Since bone
marrow is the
manufacturing center of
blood cells its
suppression causes
deficiency of blood cells
leading to low platelet.

January 28, 2021

Test Result Interpretation Implication
Hemoglobin - 11.5-14.8 - -
Hematocrit 21% 38-44% Low The hematocrit is routinely
ordered as part of the
complete blood count
(CBC). It may also ordered
by itself or with hemoglobin
level as part of a general
health examination. The low
level of hematocrit is the
result of bone marrow
suppression due to dengue
Platelet count 19 250-510x10/L Low Dengue virus induces
bone marrow
suppression. Since bone
marrow is the
manufacturing center of
blood cells its
suppression causes
deficiency of blood cells
leading to low platelet.

January 29, 2021

Test Result Normal values Interpretatio Implication

Hemoglobin 98 115-148 Abnormal Low hemoglobin levels
lead to anemia.
Hematocrit 29% 38-44 Abnormal Low hematocrit indicates
insufficient supply of
healthy rbc.
RBC 3.35 38-54 Abnormal Low RBC indicates
Platelet 88 250-510 Abnormal A low platelet count your
body can’t form clots.
WBC 7-9 4-11 Normal Normal
Segmented 52 45-55 Normal Normal
Lymphocytes 40.3 38-45 Normal Normal
Monocytes 7-5 3-6 Abnormal Low levels of monocytes
tend to develop as a result
of medical conditions that
lower your overall wbc.

Typhi DOT

January 25, 2021

Test Result Interpretation Implication

Salmonella IgB Negative Negative 100% Probability that
has no typhoid fever.
Salmonella IgM Negative Negative 100% Probability that
has no typhoid fever.

Dengue NS1 IgA/IgG/IgM

Test Result Indication Implication

Dengue NS1 Positive Dengue NSI A positive NS1 test result confirms
Antigen is dengue virus infection and useful as
detected. a tool for the diagnosis of Dengue
Hemorrhagic Fever.
Dengue IgA Negative Negative IgA It's found in the linings of the
detected. respiratory tract and digestive
system, as well as in saliva (spit),
tears, and breast milk.
Dengue IgG Positive There is This is the most common antibody.
activation of It's in blood and other body fluids,
IgG detected. and protects against bacterial and
viral infections. IgG can take time to
form after an infection or
immunization. This means the
immune system of the patient has
majorly responded to dengue virus.
The IgG is positive but the IgM is low
or negative, then it is likely that the
patient had an infection sometime in
the past.
Dengue IgM Negative Negative IgM Found mainly in blood and lymph
detected. fluid, this is the first antibody the body
makes when it fights a new infection.
The IgG is positive but the IgM is low
or negative, then it is likely that the
patient had an infection sometime in
the past.


January 25, 2021

ABO Rhesus D
*O* Positive(+)

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