LOF Vocab Sheet CH 4-6

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P.S./I.S. 102Q Name:

Class: Date:

Lord of the Flies Chapters 4-6 Vocabulary

Word and Rating Meaning Sample Sentence Example sentence #1
Jeer (v) To shout insulting words Before the assembly, the
at someone: to laugh at or principal told the student body
criticize someone in a that anyone who chose to jeer
1 2 3 4 loud and angry way. the speaker would be
suspended for three days.

Malevolent (adj) Having or showing a With a malevolent look on the

desire to cause harm to man's face, Leah knew she was
another person. in danger.
1 2 3 4

Word Family
Malevolence (n)
Malevolently (adv)
Inarticulate (adj) Not able to express ideas Sadly, a number of high school
clearly or be easily students are inarticulate when
understood. they graduate and cannot
1 2 3 4
properly word a sentence.

Word Family
Inarticulately (adv)
Ineffectual (adj) Not producing or able to It appears the insecticide is
produce the effect you ineffectual because ants are still in
want. the kitchen.
1 2 3 4

Word Family
Ineffectually (adv)
Clamor (n) 1. loud cry or commotion.
Production companies release
movie trailers so people will be
intrigued and clamor to watch the
1 2 3 4 2. a loud continuous entire film.
noise (such as the noise
made when many people
are talking or shouting)

3. a loud or strong
demand for something by
many people

Lament (v) to express sorrow, regret, All I could do for months was
or unhappiness about lament and cry for not saying
something farewell to Grandma.
1 2 3 4

Word Family
Lamentation (n)

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