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102Q Name:
Class: Date:

Short Response- Lord of the Flies Chapter 12 Part 2

Short Response Question:

In the final chapter, Golding refers to the boys differently before and after the soldier arrives. How
does Golding’s description of the boys’ capture the boys’ perception of society? Use at least two
details from the chapter to support your response.
In your response, be sure to:
 Always use the RACE strategy when writing a short response. Click here for help
with RACE.
 Weave your evidence (include the context of the scene that your quote comes from) ,
 include parenthetical citations
 Try to include class vocabulary words.
 In your explanation/elaboration, make sure you use the What if or the Opposite

Write your response right below. Please use a different color ink for your writing and double space.:

Please make note- all short responses are graded on a
two-point scale. Rubrics are a great tool for letting you
know what is expected in your work and how you
will be graded. Use them as a kind of checklist to
make sure you’re including everything you should!

*Circle the score

2 Points 1.7 points 1 Point 1 Point 1 Point
 Has a claim (restates and answers the  Has a claim (restates and answers the My response has a My response has a My response has a claim
question) question) claim with only 1 claim with no and 2 pieces of evidence
 2 relevant pieces of evidence to support  2 relevant pieces of evidence to support piece of evidence evidence BUT the claim and/or
your claim your claim some of the evidence is
 Insightful analysis using a variety of  Shows deep thought (inference, incorrect.
elaboration strategies. Deeply connects elaboration, etc)
evidence to claim.  Weaves indirect and direct quotes
 Weaves indirect and direct quotes  MISSING CITATIONS and/or needs some
 Includes citations further elaboration
1.8 Points 1.5 points 1 Point 1 Point 0 Points

Same as 2 but the analysis is brief. Need to work Has a claim (restates and answers the question) My response doesn’t My response doesn’t My response is:
on going deeper. 2 relevant pieces of evidence to support your have a claim but has have a claim but has *Inaccurate
claim 2 pieces of evidence one piece of evidence *Blank

What could be done to improve the response?

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