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Planet Hunters: masterMind 1 and masterMind 2

Discuss these questions.
1 Look at these words with a partner. Write down a definition in your own words.
alien      space      planet      star      hunt
2 Would you want to meet an alien? Why/why not?

Planet Hunters
Captain James T. Kirk was born in the year everybody to hunt for new exoplanets, and just
2233. Though he had a troubled childhood, he maybe the aliens who live there.
would eventually have a long and successful The data used by is from
career as captain of the USS Enterprise, tasked NASA’s Kepler mission, started in 2009.
with “going where no one has gone before.” Since its inception, the mission has led to the
This credo drove Captain Kirk and his fearless discovery of over 1,200 new possible exoplanets.
crew to be pioneers of the universe, exploring Of those, 684 have been verified. Finding
outer space while saving the lives of humans Earth-like planets was unimaginable even
and extraterrestrials alike. twenty years ago, as, at that time, no one was
Although Captain Kirk’s voyages, told of even certain if planets existed outside our solar
in numerous Star Trek movies, TV shows and system, let alone planets that could possibly
books, fall under the umbrella of science-fiction, support life. Last year, in fact, an exoplanet
recent news brings hope that his adventures was found with an atmosphere of mostly
may not be so fictitious anymore. carbon. Scientists said that diamonds may be as
In a record-breaking month, two new planets ordinary as rocks on this world.
have been discovered that could possibly have a Of course, there is still a need for scientists
similar atmosphere to Earth’s and, thus, be able and researchers if we hope to launch humans
to support life. Scientists call these exoplanets, farther into space, perhaps to investigate one
which are worlds that orbit around stars, just as of the new exoplanets. CERN, the European
Earth revolves around the sun. However, these Organization for Nuclear Research, announced
two new planets whip around their suns at recently that they had measured particles,
incredible speeds- a mere 10 days for one, and called neutrinos, travelling 0.0025 percent faster
50 days for the other, compared to our leisurely than the speed of light. This means that not only
365 day route. do we now have destinations to explore light
Another amazing fact about these exoplanets years away in outer space, but we may someday
is that they were not found by NASA scientists, be able to get there.
but by ordinary people like you and me. By It seems tales of space travel and alien races
visiting, anybody can be are no longer such a stretch of the imagination.
Captain Kirk, but instead of looking at stars We are really going where no one has gone
from the prestige of the captain’s chair aboard before. Are you ready?
the Enterprise, they are exploring space from
the comfort of the sofa at home. planethunters.
org is a NASA website, inviting anybody and

Student | Planet Hunters e-Lesson

Written by Jessica Beck    Design:    Photocopiable: © Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2011   

Planet Hunters: masterMind 1 and masterMind 2

Comprehension Questions 3 is organized by…

Circle the correct letter a, b or c. a) NASA.
1 Captain Kirk… b) the Kepler mission.
a) had a difficult time as a child. c) CERN.
b) had an easy time as a child. 4 In 2010, scientists found…
c) Explored space as a child. a) a planet that might be covered in
2 An exoplanet is…
b) 1,200 new planets.
a) a planet that revolves around the sun.
c) 684 new planets.
b) a planet that orbits a star.
c) a planet that has alien life. 5 CERN researchers discovered …
a) neutrinos.
b) particles faster than light.
c) destinations to explore.

A Read the text again. Focus on the words in bold. Think about what the words mean.
B Match the words with similar meaning.
1 extraterrestrials a) send into space
2 pioneer b) go around something
3 exoplanets c) find that something is true or real
4 orbit d) an extremely small thing
5 whip e) move really fast
6 aboard f) beings from another planet
7 launch g) journey; long trip
8 verify h) one of the first people to do something
9 particle i) on a ship or plane
10 voyage j) worlds like the Earth

C Use six of the new words to write a paragraph about visiting another planet. Work with a partner.

Suggested discussion questions

Discuss these questions with your partner.
1 What five things would you bring with you to space? Why?
2 When do you think humans will live on another planet? How will life be different there?

Student | Planet Hunters e-Lesson

Written by Jessica Beck    Design:    Photocopiable: © Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2011   

Planet Hunters: masterMind 1 and masterMind 2

Comprehension Questions Vocabulary

1 a 1 f
2 b 2 h
3 a 3 j
4 a 4 b
5 b 5 e
6 i
7 a
8 c
9 d
10 g

masterMind 2 Unit 1
Society and culture: building communities
1 Tell students that they are going to organize the first space colony. Brainstorm as a class what
they’ll need to think about. You can put two columns on the board- People and Materials.
2 On the side of the board, write Name of community, Description of colony, People wanted, Special
space activities available, Why colony is better than Earth
3 Allow students time to discuss these points in groups and write down their ideas.
4 Have students prepare a poster advertising their new space colony.
5 Put the posters up on the walls of the classroom. Have students walk around and read the
posters, and then report back about which colony they would like to join and why.

Teacher | Planet Hunters e-Lesson

Written by Jessica Beck    Design:    Photocopiable: © Macmillan Publishers Ltd. 2011   

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