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present continuous with future meaning

going to, will and past perfect

1. In this first exercise you have to say if the Present Continuous expresses a) an activity
happening now or b) a planned future arrangement.
a. It’s eight o’clock, Meg. Are you getting ready for school? a)
b. What time are Paul and Paula coming for dinner tonight?
c. Why are you laughing?
d. Where’s Jim? He’s taking the dog out for a walk.
e. What are you doing after school?
f. Are you enjoying the lesson?
g. She is working late next Friday?
2. Use these words to write sentences. Use the present continuous.
a. I – not – go out – tonight. I’m not going out tonight.
b. I – meet – my friends – this evening.
c. Tom – not – come – to the party on Thursday.
d. My sister – get married – next December.
e. I – not – go to London – tomorrow.
f. I – stay at home – tonight.
g. I – go to the theatre – on Monday.
h. George – go to the dentist – on Friday.
i. Alice – go on holiday – to Mexico.
j. Bob – play football – on Saturday.
3. Use these words to write sentences. Use going to.
a. I – buy – a car. I’m going to buy a car.
b. I – not – watch TV – in the morning.
c. I – ride – a bicycle – this afternoon.
d. I – buy – some books – tomorrow evening.
e. You – invite – John – to your party?
f. I – meet – my friends – this evening.
g. I – not – stay – at home.
h. He – not – have lunch – with me.
i. Tom – visit – me – again.
j. My friends – stay here – for a long time.
4. Underline the right form of the verb.
a. We’ll go / We are going to the theatre tonight. We’ve got the tickets.

b. What will you do / are you doing tomorrow evening? Nothing, I’m free.
c. I’ll go / I’m going away tomorrow morning. My train is at 8.43.
d. I’m sure he’ll lend / he’s lending you some money. He’s very rich.
e. Why are you putting on your coat? I’ll go out / I’m going out.
f. Do you think Claire will phone / is phoning us tonight?
g. She can’t meet us on Saturday. She’ll work / She’s working.

5. Choose the past perfect, or the past simple

1. We had already eaten when John ________________________ (come) home.

2. Last year Juan ________________________________ (pass) all his exams.
3. When I ________________(get) to the airport I discovered I had forgotten my passport.
4. I went to the library, then I _____________________ (buy) some milk and went home.
5. I opened my handbag to find that I _______________________ (forgot) my credit card.
6. When we _______________________ (arrive) at the station, the train had already left.
7. We got home to find that someone ________________________ (break) into the house.
8. I opened the fridge to find someone _______________________ (eat) all my chocolate.
9. I had known my husband for three years when we _______________ (get) married.
10. Julie was very pleased to see that John _____________________ (clean) the kitchen.
11. It ____________________ (not / rain) all summer, so the grass was completely dead.
12. When he __________________________ (arrive) at the party, Julie had just left.
13. After arriving home, I realized I ________________________ (not / buy) any milk.
14. The laundry was wet – it ____________________________ (rain) while I was out.
15. William felt ill last night because he ______________ (eat) too many cakes.
16. Keiko ______________________________ (meet) William last September.
17. First I tidied the flat, then I _____________ (sit) down and had a cup of coffee.
18. John ______________ (play) the piano when he was a child, but he doesn’t play now.
19. When I opened the curtains, the sun was shining but the ground was white. It
________________________________ (snow) during the night.
20. When Julie got home from her holiday, her flat was a mess. John _________________
(have) a party.

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