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The internet and the World Wide Web

The internet and the world wide web are not the same thing. The internet is a global wide area
network used daily by billions of people, and the world wide web is a service which can be accessed when
using the internet.
The internet is a global wide area network (WAN) used by billions of people every day. As with any
other WAN, it consists of a number of local area networks (LANs) connected together. For example, your home
probably has a LAN, as do many businesses and each of these can be linked to the internet.

Most homes and businesses connect to the internet using an internet service provider (ISP). An ISP is a
business that provides a connection to the internet. An ISP may also provide other services such as email
addresses or web space.

An ISP usually provides the connection to the internet through copper cable - often using existing
phone lines - or fibre optic cable. The ISP provides a router that connects to the ISP’s network and then
provides a wired and/or wireless connection. A router is a device that forwards packets between different

Devices connected to the internet need an IP address.

The world wide web

The world wide web (WWW) is a service that is made available via the internet. Many people use the
terms 'internet' and 'WWW' interchangeably but they do have different meanings. The internet is
the network while the WWW is one service that is made available via the internet. The internet also provides
access to many other services, ranging from file transfer to email.

The WWW provides access to webpages linked together using hyperlinks that allow users to easily
open other webpages or resources. Webpages are documents which may contain text or other media. The
WWW works on the client-server model. Webpages are stored on web servers and each page has an address
known as a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

Web servers and URLs

A web server is specifically designed for hosting websites and associated media. To access a website,
the user types the URL into the address bar of a web browser or finds the URL using a search engine.

A URL contains - running from left to right:

1. http(s)
2. the domain name - the name of the website
3. an area within that website - like a folder or directory
4. the webpage name - the page that is being viewed
For example:

In this example:

1. https is the protocol

2. is the domain name stored on a DNS
3. /bitesize/ is the folder structure leading to where the webpage is located
4. support is the name of the requested webpage
A domain name service (DNS) is used to convert the domain name into an IP address.

When an URL is used, the ISP looks up the domain name using DNS, finds the matching IP address
and sends it back to the client.

The web browser sends a request straight to that IP address for the page or file that the user is looking

The webpage is sent from the web server to a web browser using the http or https protocol. When you
log in to an online bank or retailer, the Web page addresses use a prefix of "https" in place of "http." The
HTTPS protocol ensures that the session is private and secure

The webpage is stored in a format known as HTML.

HTML stands for hypertext markup language. A markup language allows the style and formatting of the
content to be described using predefined tags. All webpages use HTML and may include scripting languages to
interact with users. A web browser interprets the tags and displays the HTML file with the associated style and

This example HTML code displays a message on a webpage:

<h1>Hello world</h1>
<p>This is my first webpage</p>

The code uses tags to describe the appearance of the information:

 <html> states that the document is a HTML document

 <body> states that the information appears in the body of the page
 <h1> states that the following text appears as a prominent heading
 <p> states that this is the beginning of a new paragraph

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