2 Dimensional Geometric Shapes: Subject: Math and PE Grade: 1st Date: 1/29/2021

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2 Dimensional Geometric Shapes

Kaitlynn Meyer and Laura Covarrubias

Subject: Math and PE Grade: 1st Date: 1/29/2021

Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.G.A.1
Distinguish between defining attributes (e.g., triangles are
closed and three-sided) versus non-defining attributes (e.g.,
color, orientation, overall size); build and draw shapes to
possess defining attributes.
P.E. Standard:
1.3 Change speeds in response to tempos, rhythms, and signals
while traveling in straight,curved, and zigzag pathways, using
the following locomotor movements: walking, running, leaping,
hopping, jumping, galloping, sliding, and skipping.

Learning -Students will be able to identify different attributes of 2-D

Targets: shapes.
-Students will perform locomotor skills such as: running,
hopping, skipping, sliding, etc.

Materials Vocabulary
-Open Space Sides
-Tape (to create the lines)/chalk Vertices
-2D shape cut outs (different colored Triangles
construction paper) Closed

Warm-Up: For a warm-up, the students will play a quick game of red light,
green light. This is a great warm up because it involves walking,
running, and stopping. These things will get the blood pumping
throughout the body and changes in speed will stretch their
1. Have all the students start at one end of the basketball
court. You can stand on the other side.
2. Have the kids run fast when you shout “green light”
3. Have the kids run slow when you shout “yellow light”
4. Have kids stop when you shout “red light”
5. You can change between green, red, and yellow as they
make their way towards you.
6. Do this for about 5 minutes. You can have them run
towards you and then back to where they started. You can
now move onto the lesson for the day.

Procedure: *Go over safety procedures first! Some type of tennis shoe is
needed, quiet when listening to the rules/when the teacher is
talking, when the whistle blows ​STOP​ and ​LISTEN, ​play by the rules
and be a good sport, have a good attitude and ​HAVE FUN!*
1. Have students line up in a horizontal line facing the middle of
the middle of the room/basketball court (depending on
where this activity will take place you will make these lines
with tape or chalk)
2. Each student will receive 1 2D shape cutout
3. The teacher will state an attribute that *some* of the
shapes have
4. The students with a shape that has given attribute will race
to the other side of the room/basketball court to the
opposite line.
5. The teacher will also state the action the student must do to
race to the other line (Locomotor Skill Themes: run, hop,
skip, crawl, crab walk, gallop, zigzag, etc.)
6. The students with shapes that don’t have the attribute
stated by the teacher will stay in place
EXTRA: To add a component into the game, the teacher can
choose a student (or 2 students) to be the shape catcher. They
will be placed in the middle of the room/basketball court. They will
try to tag students who are racing to the other line. If the shape
catcher tags a student, the student must freeze. The student
must state an additional attribute of their shape before being able
to proceed to the other line.
7. Students will race back and forth between the lines each
time an attribute is stated for the shape they were given.
8. The students want to be the last person standing with their
given shape

Modifications: - Provide times for rest.

- Slow the pace of the activity (no running/walking only).
- Know the students (not every student can do every
locomotor skill, make sure to give ones you know all the
students can do).
- Modify the activity area/make the space smaller.
- Have students work in teams.

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