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Task 2

Tutor: Yennifer Vanessa Murcia

student: Laura Yiseth Gomez

group: 33


School of Education Sciences

Foreign languages with an emphasis on English

English phonetics

Pitalito Huila

March 2021.
Video Link

Task 2_Practical Exercises

Consonant sounds

1. Name the manner and the place of articulation of each

consonant sound

a) /t/ has a dental articulation point, that is, it

occurs when the tip of the tongue meets
the upper incisor teeth
b) /d/ has a dental articulation point, that is, it is
produced when the tip of the tongue
meets the upper incisor teeth
c) /k/ has a point of articulation Interdental:
tongue between the teeth
d) /z / It has an interdental articulation point,
that is, it occurs when the tip of the
tongue is located between the upper and
lower incisor teeth.
e) /b/ has a bilabial articulation point, that is, it
occurs at the junction of the two lips.

2. Write only the symbols of the consonant sounds contained in

the following words, remember to write each symbol in
slashes (//).
 The first one is done for you.

Word Symbols of the consonant sounds

English /ŋ/ - /g/ - /l/ - /ʃ/
Alphabet /æ/- /l/- /f/- /b/ -/t/
Phonetic /f/ -/n/- /t/- /k/-
transcriptio /t/-/r/- /n/-/s/- /k/- /r/- /p/- /ʃ/- /n/
Think /θ/- /ɪ/- /ŋ/-k/

3. Classify the following words according to the place of

articulation of the underlined letter in the box below
 The first one is done for you.

peak, deep, leap, cat, boat, enter, border, shoulder, singer,

longing, chick, take, chirp, buzz, then, horse, voice, jam

Bilabia Dent Labio alveola velar Palat Palate- glotta Retrofle

l al - r al alveolar l x
Peak Deep Voic Leap Cap Take shoulde Ente
Boat e Singe Longin chick r r
borde r g Hors
r chirp Take e

4. Pronounce: Which word is different? Focus on the final

consonant sound. Mark an X in front of the different word.

a) walks
b) visits
c) helps
d) watches x

5. Write a word that includes each symbol.

 The first one is done for you.

Symbol Word
a) /ʃ/ show

b) /ʒ/ television

c) /ð/ other

d) /v/ voice

e) /ŋ/ thing

6. Circle the
right phonetic transcription (IPA) of each word.
The first one is done for you.

 One /ˈwʌn/ /’wʌŋ/ /’gon/

 Crock /crɒk/ /krɒk/ /krɒc/
 Those /ðəʊz/ /θəʊz/ /ðəʊs/
 Horse /ˈhɔːrs/ /ˈjɔːrs/ /ˈhɔːrz/
 Training /treɪnɪn/ /treɪnɪŋ/ /treɪŋɪn/
 Church /tʃɜːtʃ/ / ʃɜːtʃ/ /tʃɜːʃ/
 Worship /ˈgɜːʃɪp/ /ˈwɜːtʃɪp/ /ˈwɜːʃɪp/
 Shrine /ˈtʃraɪn/ /ˈʃraɪn/ /ˈʃraɪŋ/

bibliographic references

Daniel, I. O. (2011). Chapter Two: The Mechanism of Speech Sounds. In Introductory

Phonetics and Phonology of English. (pp. 5-12). Cambridge Scholars

Daniel, I. O. (2011). Chapter Three: Articulation of English Sounds. In Introductory

Phonetics and Phonology of English. (pp. 15-20). Cambridge Scholars

IPA alphabet consonant sounds:

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