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Civilians At War Video Notes:

1. ___________________ is a painting by Picasso, in response to the bombing of Guernica,

during the Spanish Civil War.

2. Hitler over-ran ___________________ in 25 days

3. The belief of ________________________________ was important part of the Nazi

philosophy is support of the territorial expansion to gain “living space” for all healthy and
vigorous peoples of superior races and displace people of inferior races.

4. Hitler’s goal was to enslave the Slavs who were ___________________. He executed priests,
nobility, and teachers.

5. Jews were made to wear the ______________________________________on the front and

back of their clothing.

6. Five million people were put in this area where 50,000 had once lived. This was the

7. June, 1941, Hitler turns toward the ___________________.

8. His two reasons were: a. b. .

9. ___________________ did not surrender, even with no light, heat, fuel, or food. Half of the
people perished, but they never gave up during the 900 day attack.

10. The Einsatzgruppen were responsible for the murders of over 1,000,000 people, and were
known as the “___________________”.

11. Because the Einsatzgruppen was becoming demoralized, ___________________ said that a
new method for mass killing has to be created. 1941

12. One of the solutions called for the rounding up of the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto and then
send them by ___________________ to ___________________. 1942

13. In April, 1943, the ___________________ fought back, holding back the Germans for 1
month, until the Germans burned the Ghetto ___________________. Then the survivors were
___________________ on the spot or sent to concentration camps.

14. The largest killing center was ___________________. Here medical experiments were run,
including how long it takes to starve a body which was ___________________.
15. In the gas chambers, Zyklon B, an ___________________, was used to anesthetize people.
American History II Chapter 16/17 2

16. The Nazis killed ___________________women & children.

17. In Japan, 100,000,000 are asked to mobilize and defend against the ___________________.

18. The leader of Japan was looked upon as a ___________________

19. The Nazis and the Japanese were alike in their philosophy of the ___________________ of
their race.

20. The Japanese were led to believe that the US was too much ___________________ and must
be beaten.

21. 1943, Britain bombs ___________________ for four nights killing 45,000 people and
leaving 1 million homeless.

22. The bombing created __________________of wind with hurricane force and
___________________currents, sucking people into the fire. Temperatures became as high as

23. Feb 3, 1945, the US attacks ___________________ using 1,000 planes and killing 25,000.

24. Feb. 14, 1945, the US & RAF bomb ___________________, the cultural centre of Germany
where 50,000 are killed.

25. “___________________” is a term used to falsify data. This was done

by___________________and some Americans to change what really happened in the bombings
of Germany.

26. March, 1945. US planes carry ___________________bomb loads to Tokyo having been
stripped of their guns to carry such a heavy load. They bomb at night, again creating
___________________and killing 80,000 civilians. ___________________ more cities are
bombed like this.

27. 8/6/1945 ___________________ was bombed with “Little Boy” atomic bomb.

28. 8/9/1945 ___________________ was bombed by “Fat Boy” atomic bomb

29. 8/15/1945 ___________________ surrenders unconditionally.

30. At the ___________________, the National leaders were held responsible for their
aggression and war crimes. This was the first time that leaders had been held accountable for the
31. The Nuremberg Trials was a series of military tribunals, held by the
___________________for the prosecution of prominent members of the
___________________for their political, military, and economic leadership of war crimes.
These peoples’ sentence was hanging until dead.

32. In Tokyo, Japanese leaders were also tried for war crimes and ___________________were

33. ___________________people perished in Germany and Japan from the Allied bombings

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