Appendix 10: Base Slab Crack Width Calculation (As Per IS 456: ANNEX: F)

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Base Slab Crack Width calculation(As per IS 456 : ANNEX : F)

D provided at critical section = 700.00 mm

Ast provided at critical section on water side(Top of Base slab = 1869.00
Factored Moment at critical section on water side = 387.00 kN-m
Asc provided at critical section on bottom Face = 3434.00
C/C spacing of Ast = 250.00 mm c/c
Dia of bar in tension zone (Water face) = 25.00 mm
Permissible Bending Compressive Stress in Concrete = 7.00 N/
(Ref: IS 456:2000, table 21, page 81 For M-25)
Since we are considering stresses due to Earthquake , the stresses specified above has been
exceeded upto a limit of 33.333 percent.
(Ref: IS 456:2000, Section B-2.3, page 80)
b m = 13.33 (modular ratio)
D = 700.00 mm
b = 1000.00 mm
x d = 612.50 mm
Neutral axis Ast = 1869.00 width
d Asc = 3434.00 width
D d' = 87.50 mm.
Clear Cover = 75.00 mm
As Spacing = 250.00 mm
d' pt = 0.31 %
acr Cmin
pc = 0.56 %

Taking moments of areas of the cracked-transformed section about NA

Depth of neutral axis x = 133.61 1.49E-08 Use Goal Seek

=> kd = x = 133.61 mm
Elastic modulus of steel Es = 200000.00 N/mm2
Tensile Stress in Steel Under Service Load
fst = m * M(d-kd) / Icr
=> fst = 247.77 Mpa.
(Which is less than σst = 0.55fy = 275 Mpa for Fe 500 as per IS: 456 : 2000 Table 22)
Moment due to service Load(Un-factored) M = 258.00 KN.m
Icr = 6.65E+09 mm4

Crck width Calculation

Єm = Average strain at level where cracking is being considerd
Єm = (1/Es) * [(D-kd)/(d-kd)]*[ fst - {bt (D-kd)/(3*Ast)}]
Єm = 0.00086785
Cmin. = 75.00 mm
acr = distance from the point considered to the surface of nearest longitudinal bar
=> acr = 140.08 mm
wcr = crack width wcr = (3*acr*Єm) / [1+{2*(acr-cmin) / (D-kd)}]
wcr = 0.2 mm.
As per IS 456:2000 Clause No. 35.3.2 Permissible Limit for cracking is 0.2 mm.
Disfor() Example:

x= 0.5
y= 12
z= 23

a= #NAME? Formul in B7 is
= 13.42 =disfor(B8)

b = #NAME? Formul in B10 is

= 309.5 =disfor(B11)

c = #NAME? Formul in B13 is

= #NAME? =disfor(B8)&" + "&disfor(B11)
= 322.9
Formul in B14 is

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