SIP Sample Report Writer-2020

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Sample Report SIP 2020

A Project Report


“ Title of the Project ”


“ Name of the Company ”


Anupam Kumar

Roll No. 19005

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of

Summer Internship Programme

Under the Guidance of


Plant Manager, Ford India Ltd, Chennai

This format should be used
for outer and inner cover

SDMIMD, Mysore

SDM Institute for Management Development

Mysore, Karnataka, India

June 2020

Company Letter Head


This is to certify that Mr/Ms ________________________________

currently studying Post Graduate Diploma in Management at SDM Institute

for Management Development, Mysore, has satisfactorily

completed Summer Internship project titled


related to stream of Management from to


Signature: Date:

Name: Place:


Name of the Organization and Address:

Organizational Stamp


This is to certify that Roll No_ Mr/Ms _

of PGDM Batch 2019-21 has satisfactorily completed Summer Internship

Project titled

at M/S

located at _ from _ to to

partially fulfil the requirements of the PGDM program under my guidance.

Signature: Date:



SDM Institute for Management Development, Mysore

Institutional Stamp
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (maximum 2 pages)

Should include situation analysis, objectives, methodology/ methods, activities undertaken,

key results and learnings acquired and recommendations made.

Chapter Particulars Page No.

1. Introduction

2. Situation Analysis

3. Research Methodology (for a research project)

Project Methodology (for an assignment based

4. Key results/ key learnings

5. Recommendations

6. Conclusion


Indicative coverage of chapters:
(The coverage/ structure is only indicative and you are expected to take the advice/
guidance of the respective faculty guide before finalisng the same)

1. Introduction
- Industry Overview
- About the company
o Company history and background
o Description of the main activities, functions and processes
o Products/Services
o Role and importance of the function(s) that you have worked in.

2. Situation Analysis
- Detailed context (why and what) of the project
o Problem Identification
o Analysis of external factors/drivers
o Analysis of internal factors/drivers
o Analysis of technology factors
o Market factors
o Competitive factors
o Other Environmental factors (SWOT, Porter’s 5 Force Model etc.)

3. Research Methodology (for a research based project)

- Literature Review
- Background of the Study
- Objectives of the Study
- Hypotheses (if any)
- Research Design
- Source/s of Data
- Data Collection Method
- Sampling Method
- Date Collection Instrument
- Data Analysis & Interpretation


3. Project Methodolgy (for an assignment based project)

- Objectives
- What are the alternative ways of tackling the problem/ objectives that you considered
- Which problem solving approach did you select
- Rationale and motivation for selecting this approach
- Description of the approach
- Steps of Execution (how did you go about executing the assigned work)
4. Key results/ Learnings
- Results related to your area of work – could be strategy, organisational structure,
business processes, human resources, market, product, technology etc.
- Analysis of the results obtained/ achieved
- Gaps in the results vis a vis your initial plan of action
- Learnings realized with the appropriate conceptual framework

5. Recommendations
- Your recommendations to the company
o Recommendations should be supported with data (qualitative and/or
o Should be linked to strategy, organisational structure, business processes,
human resources, market, product, technology etc. … as appropriate
depending on the project
o Bring out innovative aspects in your recommendation
o Can also include implementable action plan for the recommendations
o Can include models, frameworks, if applicable..

6. Conclusion
- Brief overview of results and recommendations.
- Areas for further study/ improvement
- Core learnings and other "strong" aspects that the internship provided.
- Overall perspective with respect to the situation analysis vis a vis results and



Please follow APA style of referencing

Style/ Specifications for SIP Report

1 Paper Size A4
2 Printing Only one side
3 Margins Left – 2.5 cm
Right – 1.5 cm
Top – 2.5 cm
Bottom – 1.5 cm

4 Line Spacing 1.5 lines

5 Paragraph Spacing Double lines
6 Page Numbers At bottom – Centre
7 Font type Times New Roman for the entire report
8 Font Size For normal running text – 12
9 Heading Upper case, Bold, Centre, Font Size – 14
10 Sub-heading Bold, left aligned, Font size – 12 (no colon, hyphen etc)
11 Bold/ italics/ Underline Should be used for specific purpose only
12 Alignment Page Justify
13 Tables/ Graphs/ Diagram No., Title, Source (if any)
14 Borders/ Shades/ Header/ Not to be used (except page number in the footer)
Footer/ Water mark
15 Chapter Name On Separate Page – Before the start of the Chapter
Centre Aligned on the Page
No page Numbers on it
Next page start the Chapter – Title should not be
repeated on the next page
16 References Follow APA style of referencing – both ‘in-text’ and at
the end.
17 Report Binding Spiral Bound
18 No. of pages in report Minimum 50; Maximum 150
19 Copies of the Report Total Hard copies – 3 nos.
 For Institute – 1 no
 For the company – 1 no.
 For the student – 1 no.
Soft copy: to be pasted in a folder on Mandara ( to be
specified later) with the file name as <your PGDM
no_Name>, for ex., “19064_Akshay S”

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